Broken Idly Days

The following day, Huan Meirong woke up at noon. The first thing she did was to tell Zhi'er not to come to disturb her. She then took out the immortal cultivation technique that had been launched at her, she was already familiar with martial cultivation and wasn't in a rush.

She spread her soul force and directed it to the book. High-level cultivation books were written using special materials and top cultivators tended to use their energy our soul force to write their techniques down. Either way, she won't have a problem to read its contents with her soul force.

The book was supposed to be old but the materials weren't worn out; she didn't recognize with what the book cover was made of but she could see through her soul a lively seven-coloured metallic glitter in it, it was beautiful. There was no other material mixed on the cover, it didn't have a word written on it. She opened the book and gave a swift flip to the pages; with her touch, she noticed they were as thin as a cicada wing, it would have been difficult to flip them if it weren't for her soul force.

The page's material was unknown to her as well as the fancy black ink it had on it. It was so dark and cold that gave her goosebumps.

When she shook it off such a feeling, she went back to read the introductory part, she discovered that this immortal cultivation technique had its own singularity and was pretty difficult to cultivate; the reason being that it needed the aid of soul force and the person having a high degree of comprehension, the stronger your soul force and control were, the easier and faster it would be to advance. And it could also help to strengthen the soul, thus she didn't think twice and began to flip the pages to put it in practice later.

She finished the first part that talked about how to absorb and circulate spirit energy just before the afternoon meal. She ate porridge once again with Zhi'er and then started practising the immortal cultivation technique until late at night.

This technique was not easy and she failed many times; she had to take and circulate the spirit energy of the world encompassing it with her soul force, she almost hurt herself a few times.

In the end, she was only able to absorb a sliver of spirit energy. And after having lost her patience, she took a rest and went to her backyard; she commanded Zhi'er to go to sleep again before doing the same as yesterday.

This time, she felt the same pair of eyes but she didn't stop until she got tired; she had to strengthen this body physique as soon as possible. Moreover, those eyes weren't as cold as before and she didn't felt malice from them; she still was uncomfortable, though.

In the past, she had only ever danced in front of her Emperor; she didn't like the feeling of being watched as she danced but she couldn't let whoever was observing to disturb her mood. Besides, it will be better for her to pretend there was no one there.

This night faded and time went by.

Two weeks passed in no time, her body grew healthier and she got quite lazy. She had been waking up at noon and practising immortal cultivation until the afternoon meal and martial cultivation after that. From six to nine she would read the information recorded on the first white jade from the fourth floor of the nine-layered pagoda and ponder on it, having a break only to have dinner; and from nine to midnight she would dance to almost her heart content, as those eyes had yet to disappear from her night time. That person seemed to have noted her performance schedule, always arriving at nine and going at midnight.

Even though it sounded like she had been pretty busy, it was a great leisure for her as she slept for half a day and the other half was only cultivating and light training but after just these two weeks, her idly time was broke.

Afternoon had come and the meal had been sent but Zhi'er was nowhere in sight. She pondered a bit while tapping the wooden table, 'Ah! Now that I think, today is fifteen. He must have gone to collect the ten silver coins at that little artefact store. But he always arrived at meal time with delicious food to eat every time she went out before, according to the previous host memories.'

She furrowed her brows and then she spread out her soul force over the City Lord's House for the first time. She wasn't afraid of someone finding her out. This Huan City was a bordering city of the Gao Dynasty and was ruled by the Huan family which was now considered a big family, after the Old City Lord had passed away, the most powerful member left in the family was the new City Lord whose strength was just a nine star Martial King; the City Lord needed to break through to the Martial Emperor level, if he wanted the Huan family to be back to the top. She had the soul force of a six-ringed Alchemist and unless he became a Martial Saint or above, which was the dream of every martial artist, he wouldn't be able to detect her.

"Huh! It isn't as big as I thought it to be." The City Lord House was five square kilometres wide; her courtyard was located at the north most part of the house, far away from the inner courtyards where her half-sisters lived. She just glimpsed at the structures and didn't try to watch inside the chambers.

A few seconds later, she spotted a little kid at the west outer yards. She hadn't used her soul force to survey the surroundings before, thus she didn't know how the body frame of Zhi'er was. But that little kid was being whipped by a young girl; with furrowed brows, she fixed her soul force on that place and deepened her sense to be able to hear what was going on.

"…irty thing, you dare to walk where this lady walks, you really know how to foul my mood."

She recognised the voice, it was Huan Meiqi's; therefore, she was even more certain that the little kid was Zhi'er.

Huan Meiqi lashed her whip a few more times with increased strength. She hadn't got any response from this kid, not even a groan; but it was the same, no sound came out from his mouth. She got angrier and was about to make use of her inner energy but her eyes saw some pastries beside the little kid. She lashed at them and said with scorn, "A blind master with a dumb servant, such a fitting pair. Let's go!"

"Is that so?" Huan Meirong opened her blind eyes and coldly smirked to Huan Meiqi's retiring back.

She retrieved her soul force when Zhi'er proper himself up to walk back to her courtyard. She could have interfered but she didn't do it for different reasons. Even high and mighty cultivators suffer and fall, don't even mention a little servant in a big house.