That Silhouette

"Eldest miss, the west part of the city is where all kinds of restaurants and selling stores are located. They are the most luxurious in the city because the Imperial Treasure Hall is also located in that area. The place we are going is at the northwest, pretty close from here; it is not as luxurious but is still pretty good and the prices of the stores there are affordable," Zhi'er explained.

Huan Meirong nodded in reply as she adjusted her other senses. It was strange to see all dark and not being familiar with the place; she even felt a little apprehension.

The City Lord's House was located in the north most part of Huan City and because the City Lord liked his privacy, the house which was more like a huge estate had no buildings but rough ground surrounding it inside the city.

It took them half an hour to reach a bustling store street.

As soon as they put a foot in, Zhi'er led her into an alley and said, "Eldest miss, wait here. Zhi'er will be back quickly."

She was left with her cherry mouth half-opened; he had already run away.

Soon, Zhi'er came back, saying with agitated breath, "Eldest… miss, Zhi'er is s-orry… made the eld-est miss wait… and…"

"Catch your breath back first, Zhi'er," she said patiently, thinking, 'This little guy has lots to learn.'

Zhi'er did as told; then, he said, "Zhi'er bought a veiled hat, many misses use them and this has beautiful…"

"Alright," she didn't let him finish and she lowered her head. Zhi'er understood her motion and put the veiled hat on her head. The hat was made of common bamboo, its veil was white with funnily, little blue orchids embroidered at the end of the veil's length that reached her willowy waist; it didn't cover much but was more than enough to hide her beautiful face.

Zhi'er nodded and they began to walk while he introduced the stores and buildings he was familiar with.


Meanwhile, on the third floor of a low-key restaurant…

"What has brought you here?" A handsome young man asked coldly as he sat opposite to the one he talked; his dark robe with wide sleeves gave him a domineering and icy air that was attenuated by simple silver patterns, giving him a more noble-like aura.

The young man before him was clad in a dark green robe with purple feathers embroidered and a yellow belt securing it. He turned his sight from the boisterous street outside the big windows and looked at the deadly and impatient glare that the black-robed young man threw to him; strangely, he wasn't angry at such hostility. He just smiled and waved a bamboo fan with plumb blossoms carved, saying mildly, "As irreverent as always. Aren't you happy? Your eldest apprentice brother has taken the pain and come to visit you, third junior apprentice brother.

Tsk, but you seem to have had fun without me," he added with a joking tone when he smelled the rich fragrance of wine coming from the young man in dark robes.

The impatience of the young man clad in black increased when he saw that his question wasn't answered, he adjusted to leave.

Seeing that, the green-robed young man hastily said, "Alright. Let's drop any kind of formalities that could be between us, just like friends… because we are friends, right?" He looked up to the young man in black who was already standing, hoping for an affirmative reply.

He didn't answer him but took his seat again with the same cold semblance.

That action was more than enough reply to the young man in green, he sighed in relief; this friend of his could be amiable from time to time but it seemed he hadn't arrived in that rare occasion. Then, he closed his fan and put it on the table, saying, "Brother Xingtian, the Old Man wants you to go back. He was waiting for you patiently, but when the year after your coming-of-age ceremony passed, he ordered me to bring you back. So…"

"It had only been a couple of months since I turned twenty-one and he already wants me back. Is he that impatient for someone to take on his position?" He interjected with a smirk while reclining his back on the chair, adding, "I already told the Old Man that I don't want it. Hence, me going back is pointless."

The young man in green chuckled and shrugged his shoulders as he took back his fan, saying, "You know how the Old Man is. I was amazed that he let you come back to your country knowing that the -I will return after a year- was a lie." He paused and also leaned back, continuing, "Tsk, tsk, he must truly be helpless. The Old Man has good luck and eyes for talent but not for manners. I told him that he mustn't lose his time this time again and go out to find a fourth junior apprentice brother to succeed him. But he just doesn't listen."

He stopped briefly to open his fan and added with a devious laugh, "Nor brother Shandong, neither do I and now you too, want his position. All his attempts had been futile. Even so… Hey, where are you going?" he asked when he saw the young man called Xingtian suddenly getting up and about to jump out of the window.

"I have something to do. Brother Qinghai, these ladies will entertain you, do as you please," he said when his body was already out in the air.

The man addressed as Qinghai was flabbergasted because of his action. But before he could dig into his brother's action, his nose was assaulted by a fragrant aroma; he got goosebumps as he remembered Xingtian last phrase. 'That bastard…' he cursed in his mind as he gulped some saliva trying to maintain his cool to say as he deviated his sight from Xingtian's black robes to face the enchanting females, "Beautiful ladies, this king would like to enjoy your company. But this king has to go." He gulped the untouched wine that was served to him when he came here.

*Thud* He placed the empty cup on the table and said, "It's on this king." He left several pieces of gold and beautiful jade pendants on the table before going out of the window too. The charming girls were stunned, there were even seen some Martial Energy Pills rolling on the table. They wanted to refuse but they only saw his green shadow dissipating; they were left helpless.

Xingtian had mingled with the bustling crowd on the street by now. He was seeing ahead as he walked through the people while thinking, 'That kid is… Then, that silhouette…' His fast steps slowed down when he was sure who the owner of that figure was; his cold eyes turned bright and a delightful smile slowly blossomed, his steps never stopped and continued to chase after it with a relaxed pace but without losing sight of the figure he had seen countless times at night.