A Pervert?!

Huan Meirong furrowed her little nose with the strong smell of wine as she felt a well-built male constitution and his high point of view; she mustn't even reach his shoulders. This wasn't good, he had technically saved her from a major embarrassment but… he was a male and from what she felt he couldn't be that old; moreover, he reeked of alcohol so much that… could have been on purpose? A pervert?! However, before her flame of wrath could ignite because all the possibilities she thought in less than a split second, she felt the frozen state of the man; it was as though he was shocked and wasn't what he wanted.

Therefore, she took a deep breath in her heart while swiftly stepping back, making her already hanging veiled hat fell. She didn't care about it and said with suppressed anger, "This miss gave her thanks to the Sir."

Zhi'er who was white like a sheet of paper because of the sudden occurrence was about to apologize as he usually does but he noticed the tall black-robed young man to whom his miss had just said thanks, staring fixedly at her without blinking.

He jolted and sprang forward with wariness in his face to pick up the dropped veiled hat that was on the ground between his miss and the young man.

His noisy movement made Huan Meirong break her wonder, 'Why is he saying anything… uh?' She lowered her raised head and looked at where she heard Zhi'er was.

Following her motion, the black-robed man looked down too. He saw the little kid take the veiled hat and about to reach for a blue coloured hairpin that was under the veil of the hat when it was on the ground.

'Is that the hairpin they were talking in the pawn shop?' He thought before taking the hairpin before the child could.

'Eh?' Zhi'er was astounded when the hairpin suddenly disappeared and his hand grabbed nothing; he was confused, he didn't know what had happened. He glanced around looking for the hairpin but he didn't see it within his line of sight until he propped himself up and saw that the young man had it and was observing it.


"Zhi'er?" Huan Meirong finally asked with inquiry; Zhi'er was taking quite the time to just grab a pair of things.

"Ah… It's…"


Before Zhi'er could give an answer, the young man in black robes threw something at him and he, by instinct, reached one of his hands for it.

"Huh?" Zhi'er uttered when he saw a palm-sized and circular golden bag, "What is…" He looked up as he said but he could only half-ask because the young man that had been just in front of him an instant ago was now nowhere to be seen. He had gone without having said a word, he didn't even make a light sound.

Huan Meirong was becoming really impatient and angry by now, though her semblance didn't show it. She closed her eyes that had been opened all this time and called again after heaving a sigh, "Zhi'er, What is it?" She had to ask, she had no clue of what was going on; aside from hearing something being thrown and that thing being caught by Zhi'er, she was only aware of several inquiring eyes looking on their direction. They had attracted quite the attention.

"That… Zhi'er doesn't know." Zhi'er was so confused that he didn't enter into panic and explained, "When Zhi'er was going to pick up eldest miss hairpin, the young master that eldest miss had bumped with grabbed it and then threw to me a little golden bag before suddenly vanishing with eldest miss hairpin."

'Uh? He is already gone?!' She exclaimed in her mind; she hadn't heard his steps going away. 'Hmm… now that I think, I don't seem to have heard them before… Nevermind, I tripped and wasn't paying too much attention so… huh? Hold on…'

"Zhi'er, did you say he took the hairpin away and gave you a little golden bag?"

"Aye," Zhi'er nodded, adding, "A very beautiful little golden bag."

Huan Meirong had an expressionless face with Zhi'ers confirmation, but not before long she gave herself a negative answer in her head to her silent thoughts.

"Give it to me," she raised her hand and said.

Zhi'er did as told and she received the golden bag.

Just as she touched the little bag with her fair fingers, her body froze, 'An ownerless golden qiankun bag!' Her thoughts about that possibility were right; she couldn't believe it.