What Fun?

Huan Meirong and Zhi'er were already at quite the distance from the bustling part of the streets; hence it didn't take long for them to reach the area where there weren't buildings anymore.

Even though they had arrived to a point where people will think twice before putting a foot in as it was part of the City Lord's House despite being an empty land, Huan Meirong still kept her alertness up; some people had already followed her and it could happen again, after all.

And she was so right, she had been followed again but she couldn't notice it.

Not far from her, keeping a certain distance, there was a pair of handsome young men tracing her from behind; both had joined her route just when she had put a step out from the alley where she was waiting for the four people who never showed themselves again.

The man with a cold beauty clad in black hadn't taken his eyes back from her figure since his sight had landed on her again. Even so, his gaze was all over her body, unfocused as there was a pondering light in them.

"Is that girl part of the City Lord's House, brother Xingtian?" Qinghai, who was the other handsome man, suddenly asked when Huan Meirong's destination was evident to him.

'… part of… her? Hmm…' Most of Xingtian´s thoughts were silent ones, only he knew what was going through his head.

*Sigh* Qinghai sighed as he raised his closed fan to tap his forehead, he knew he wasn't going to get a reply. Then, he retrieved his fan and opened it to wave it before him, 'Whatever, this king will come to know it in a while,' he thought but to his surprise, after twenty minutes or so of being walking with silent steps, Xingtian stopped from following her when she entered the City Lord's House.

"Huh?" He stopped at this sight. His eyes struggled; he looked between the City Lord's House entrance and the new direction Xingtian had taken which was to his left. He didn't want to leave yet.

He hadn't got a clear conjecture about what was going on with Xingtian, neither did he knew who that girl was. Though he more or less had confirmed she was part of the City Lord's House as the gatekeepers had let her pass, he didn't know what position she held. Even if the little servant child had called her eldest miss, he didn't think she could be one of the daughters of the City Lord as the guards hadn't given her any kind of courtesy.

'Hmm…' As he trying to dig upon his unanswered doubts, he remembered, 'Hold on, she addressed herself as Meirong and if this king's superb memory works fine, this Huan City's Lord daughters are called Meiqi, Meili… she also has the Mei character so… could she really be one of his daughters? Is my information incomplete?' Now, he was getting quite angry; though he hadn't particularly investigated Huan City's Lord, just as all the Imperial families involved in the peace treaties, he was aware of the family trees' of the Generals and important Ministers of the nations involved in them.

"Tsk," he shrugged his shoulders, 'Anyway, it is not my business but still… this king has now a reason to care.' He didn't want to be left in the dark, Xingtian was really acting out of himself and he couldn't keep his curiosity to himself so as he had made his decision to inquire about his guess of the girl's identity, he moved to walk forward to the City Lord's House but just as his first step was about to land on the ground, he was almost scared witless.

"Why aren't you following me?" Xingtian asked coldly.

"Ah… you… wait, since when did you want me to follow you?" Qinghai replied with a question after his initial shock of suddenly seeing Xingtian in front of him passed.

Xingtian stared at him deeply before turning around to go, saying, "If you want to lose the fun, you can stay here as much as you want."

'Fun?' Qinghai thought before asking, "What fun?"

But he was left with no answer; Xingtian had vanished.

Qinghai hesitated briefly as he tapped his free hand with his closed fan. Then, he shrugged his shoulders, 'All right, he caught me.' Whatever Xingtian called fun, it must be something really fun so after giving a last glance to the City Lord's House, he disappeared in Xingtian's direction.