Chu Feng

The old man who was staring at Ragna, couldn't gauge his strength. He looked at Ragna cautiously, "Are you the one, messing around with my Heavenly Sword sect?" Ragna didn't bother to look at the old man, and restarted his kicking of the four bullies. Seeing this, the old man was even more furious. "How dare a brat like you disregard me!" The old man turned into a streak of light heading towards Ragna, but before he got close a heavy pressure, fell upon him.

The pressure made movement hard, but the old man simply shrugged it off. This was the time Ragna looked at the old man a bit shocked, but that shock was only for a moment, before he returned to kicking the four bullies.

The old man brought out his sword and slashed downward at Ragna, the downward slash was so powerful the shockwave blew away everyone within the vicinity, the four bullies, Reki, the disciplinary Elder, and the students who were watching.

The disciplinary Elder was unprepared by the sudden burst, but once he got his bearings back, he saved the scattered disciples, before they became pancakes. Everyone who witnessed this scene, and were blown away imagined what would happen if they were the one to receive that attack. If it was them, they would be disintegrated into nothingness.

The old man who made the strike was surprised, as well as everyone who was watching. Ragna whose back was facing the old man when he struck, was undamaged. The scene they imagined never happened, Ragna stood there unperturbed.

As if I the sword stuck on his shoulder was dust, Ragna wiped it off with his hand. Knowing the old man was stronger than him, he timed his telekinesis to match his motion. So the moment Ragna did the wiping motion the old man's sword got shoved away.

The old man was truly dumbfounded at the scene, even though that wasn't his full strength, that move could easily killed a 1st level Transcending Mortality realm expert. While everyone was in a daze, Ragna finally faced the old man.

"Are you the sect leader of those psycho perverts?" Ragna pointed at the four bullies who were limp sitting beside the disciplinary Elder.

Hearing what Ragna said, the sect leader was finally able to cool down, there must be something more to this he thought... But the dignity of the sect must be held, if he the sect leader was to say that he misunderstood the situation, and attacked an innocent, he would be shamed by the whole cultivation world.

"I don't know what happened, but you have no right to administer punishment to the disciples of my sect. If they have done something wrong, the sect will handle it, outsiders need not interfere."

When Ragna heard what the old man had to say, he laughed and laughed. Everyone who saw him thought he had gone crazy. The old man was insulted and got angrier "Why are you laughing?! are you mocking me?! You dare mock me Chu Feng!"

Ragna then stopped laughing and looked at the old man with disdain, "How truly laughable, you dare say your sect will handle it, but the reason I acted was clearly because your sect doesn't want to act. Is this how your Heavenly Sword sect handles things? How disappointing..." Ragna started walking towards the four bullies, the Elder who was beside them step aside from fear. The four seeing the devil coming towards them started screaming.

"Sect Leader save us! Save us! Please save us from this devil!"

"You boy what are you trying to do?!" Chu Feng screamed.

Ragna with a sideward slash beheaded the four bullies. Chu Feng didn't expect Ragna to actually do it, so he was late to react.

"What am I doing? Why I'm administering punishment... This death was me being kind to them, if I wanted to, I could've continued torturing them. Aren't you happy I did your sect a favor, by killing the trash."

Chu Feng, burst out in anger, he lifted his sword upright, and a beam of light shot out piercing the heavens. The beam of light then condensed and surrounded his sword like an aura. Once this was done he moved in front of Ragna and pierced him, but nothing happened, seeing this Chu Feng continued slashing, but this time he was blocked by a wall of sand, but he still cleaved through it, yet still he was unable to do anything to Ragna.

"You really want to do this?" Ragna asked Chu Feng but before he could answer, Chu Feng backed away, a frightening amount of killing intent could be felt from Ragna. When Chu Feng felt this, he thought that he was in front of Death himself.

With all the events that transpired, and with an ample audience, Ragna gained a significant amount of O.P points, and by killing the four bullies he also gained a bit of exp, but was unable to level up. Currently the only skill in his arsenal that could harm Chu Feng was Dragon slave, but using that with his current MP would make him faint. So Ragna decided to buy a new skill, that could kill the Sect leader of the Heavenly Sword sect.

Chu Feng since the start tried to kill Ragna, without the Invincible Barrier, Ragna would've died ten times over. Also even if he wanted to let bygones be bygones, the prideful Sect leader would never let this down, he would just try to kill him anyway. Seeing as there was no other choice, Ragna decided it was either kill or be killed.

"Do not blame me, for what happens next. I didn't want to kill you, but you forced my hand." Ragna then purchased a skill with his current O.P points, and readied himself to attack.

Sensing the large amount of Qi gathering, Chu Feng started to sweat, his whole body felt a chill. Whatever the youth was trying to do can actually kill him. Chu Feng was faced with a dilemma, he was either to flee or fight. If he fled, the honor he accumulated over the years as the sect leader would vanish instantly, if he fought there was a chance, that he would either be grievously injured, or dead.