Prestige High School Ceremony In Modern World

My Name is Albert, Albert Neslete. I used to be a monster

Born in Neslete Family, I have never been outside without guardian, I rather not go outside if possible but...

yesterday I had a dream, about my past... I rather not talk about it

Today is my debut to the outside world or just high school maybe? I will be joining the high school as Senior

My Exam Result was something like this ( High School )

freshman year = passed with 100% marks

sophomore year = passed with 100% marks

junior year = passed with 100% marks

senior year = failed, 5% marks

I had to take the entrance exam of this so-called prestige high school for joining Senior year class

Prestige High School is the name of High School...

And I passed flawlessly and I received a letter from high school, it was rather long I will shorten it for you

Dear Albert Leslete

blah blah blah

blah blah


You Have Passed Entrance Exam

Please Make sure to come At the Entrance Ceremony

blah blah blah

So, Now I have to attend this high school ceremony.. I read about it before I have a good idea what's this ceremony about...

New students enter a hall

Sing a national anthem

Read the names of new students

A principal makes a speech

A representative for the new students take an oath

Sing a school song

and that's all this ceremony suppose to be.. at least I hope

My mother came into my room saying

" Dear Albert, we will be late for your entrance ceremony! hurry up "

Thank god, my father is on a trip right now so, he will not able annoy me this time but my mother I can't ditch her.. therefore I allowed my mother to accompany me

' yes, I know... I am coming '

So, now we are headed to my high school... in a car ( Albert explained what it is a car but I am lazy ! )

Cars are used for transportation here and there many more vehicles for transportation like bus, car, bike, train, airplane

but I only saw a car, bus, and bike in my life

" my cu... "

' don't you dare mother say it! '

I have only heard words like an ugly monster from humans, so for me sweet words naah ( To be honest Whenever someone calls him cute and stuff he feels like they are making fun of him )

" We have arrived at your high school "

' yes, I can see mother.. '

Albert - I never have seen so many humans gathering at one place expect in a war

"my, There are a lot of students here "

' yes there are it is a school for students after all '

we both directly went to the Entrance Ceremony Hall

The School Principal was already talking at the stage...

when we entered inside... The Principal Suddenly Stopped and said

" Oh, Our Main Guests Are here! I will stop boring you everyone now and now let Representative of New Students Speak! "

Albert - main guest huh? someone important must have come here too

' Mother, Why Are you smiling like a maniac? '

" Oh, it's nothing "

I didn't know that, there was a huge surprise waiting for me at the entrance ceremony

" Dear Albert Neslete, Come to the stage and say a few words! "

Albert - Me?

I pointed at myself and asked principal indirectly, I was not sure, he might have mistaken me for someone else

" Yes, Albert Neslete "

well, I can't say no now.. so, I started walking towards stage and while I was walking towards the stage I heard rather uncomfortable words from crowds of students, they were talking about me

" Is he the one who never been in any school and skipped all the grades? "

" he is the heir of Neslete family...scary "

" He is Representative of new students, now way "

"I will act as friendly as I possibly towards him... I don't wanna die "

" he is the son of that... "

" don't say it.. if someone heard you, you will be killed "

Am I not a mons.... oh yea I was a monster.. so, I should be used to this kind of treatment but to know that a human could be this afraid from another human and why they are scared of me in the first place?

suddenly I heard someone saying

" Welcome Albert, Now we have two students from... "

I looked around to see who said it but I wasn't able to find him...

I went to stage,

and now

I am not sure what I should say.... to all of these stupid looking students and teacher

I don't want to get along with these humans

I only came here to see what humans are...

but to know them I will have to act friendly towards them... I don't want to.... what I should do



" Hello Everyone one.... my name is Albert Neslete "

Get friendly with them, no way

Why I should care in the first place? I came here only because I want to prove that no human would care about anyone but himself.. there is not a single human who could be described as innocent

"let's not get along... "

Every single human has done something that caused to harm other race

" Please don't approach me unnecessary "

this world is no different

" if you do, you will have a really bad day! "

in this world,

" That's All, Thank you for listening "

Humans, They Are nothing more than a disease to this world

I came down after my speech and no one said a word to me but everyone sure was looking at me with cold eyes expect teacher, my mother was still smiling like a maniac, I still don't know why, my speech should have made her mad but

I stood in Senior Class line and principal, on the microphone he said

" As Albert Neslete said, you don't have to get friendly with each other in this school, Prestige High School is only for students who aim to study and study alone, learn from Albert Neslete and make him your idol or follow his idols, Students who came here for making friends may leave school right now or you will be kicked out if your marks fell to a certain level, Thank you. now Parents may leave school ground and all students follow your Homeroom Teacher and head towards your classes "

That's not what I mean principal!

; End of Chapter...

in Prestige high school making friends is allowed but if you let your mark fell at a certain level you will be kicked out...

In friendship and Fun Being Ignorant about marks is a common mistake student make

Name of Albert's parents are

Father - Bertie Neslete

Mother - Lillie Neslete

From now on you might see little change in Writing Style...