False Demigods (3)

Lenia and Nelay came running to stand beside Aleks and they both watched in awe while the beast which had seemed so powerful only a short time ago, faded away into ashes. The flames of Aleks's ability continued to burn in a huge conflagration, but they strangely remained in place and did not spread to the surrounding area. The monster was no longer visible, it had completely become ash and blown away.

"Seems they were lacking in resolve, what fools. They believe themselves safe, but soon they will regret their foolish decision. Lariel, get down here."

Lariel complied with Aleks's order immediately and soon landed next to him.

"There's no need to be so forceful Aleks, I will always come whenever you call me."

Lariel smiled playfully and fluttered her wings before making them disappear somewhere into her body. Or at least that was where it seemed they went, but neither Nelay or Lenia could figure out how she did it. They couldn't imagine that those wings fit inside of her body.