Using Connections

It turned out I didn't need to ask Julian to call any of the agencies. I received offers for interviews from all three a day after I had submitted my portfolio. The reason for this immediate response was abundantly clear when I arrived, and all the interviewers greeted me in the same way: "It's a delight to meet you, Mrs. Leonhart."

Julian didn't need to make any calls — his name was more than enough presence.

The Leonhart name's influence extended into far too many places. When I was offered opportunities at all three agencies, I didn't know whether to feel guilt or relief. So much for attaining the position myself...

"Which agency were you hired on at?" Lynn answered my call without even giving me a greeting, cutting straight to the matter.

"They all offered me a contract."

I could hear Lynn let out a bark of laughter. "Damn, I shouldn't be surprised. Go with the Venus Models agency. They've produced the biggest names out of the three."

"Alright. Thank you, Lynn!"

"Don't thank me, thank your husband." I heard the click of her disconnecting the call before I could say my goodbyes.

This woman didn't waste any time. I didn't know quite how to handle her, but I didn't hate her attitude.

I was about to call the agency Lynn had recommended when a man's hand took up the business card with their information.

"Venus Models, huh?" Julian pulled out his own phone and started to dial in their number.

"What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He knew I'd already received an offer from them.

"Making sure they give my wife the best contract they possibly can."

"Julian!" I reached out to grab his phone from his hand, but he was already placing it up to his ear with a laugh.

I scrambled to get up from my chair. That man! Didn't he know we were doing all this to try to corner his mother, not give his mother a reason to suspect our relationship? He was already heading out of the master bedroom suite and into the hallway by the time I managed to stand up.

"Julian!" I repeated in exasperation. I could hear him talking with someone on the other end of his phone. I made it to his side and gave him a fierce glare. "Don't you dare ask for an increase in salary," I hissed.

He didn't respond to me but there was a smile at the corner of his mouth as he continued his conversation.

"Yes, she's very excited to accept your offer… Mm… Ah no, that won't be necessary… Mm… I expect only the best for her debut… Mm, goodbye."

He ended the call and raised his eyebrows at me in feigned innocence.


I glared at him for a moment before shaking my head. "I give up. We're trying to be discreet here!"

"I don't know what you think of my mother, but even she has limits to what she can learn." Julian leaned down and brushed his lips against my cheek. "You start work on Monday."

Before I could respond, he headed down the hall towards his office.


My first few weeks as a model went by in a flash. I learned more than I thought possible — which facial positions would show my cheekbones at their best, which expressions were the most sultry, how to stand to create the most interest in my body angles… it went on and on. My debut opportunity came faster than I thought possible.

As Lynn promised, my shoot with Teen Rouge arrived. I didn't realize it would be my debut shoot, but that's just the way it turned out.

"It's a standard fashion spread," Lynn had said. "Don't be too nervous. If this goes well, expect a cover shoot next."

I arrived at the shooting location and, after getting changed into my styling robe, went to greet the other models. There were three of us for the shoot, myself, Skylar, and Aubrey. Though Lynn had told me not to be nervous, I couldn't help it.

Skylar was a vetran model for Teen Rouge and a regularly recurring face for the magazine. She had done work for them since she was 16 and now she was already 21. Aubrey was a new face for Teen Rouge, but unlike me, she had been in the modeling industry for almost a year since she was 17. Not only was I new to Teen Rouge, this was my first official shoot as a model.

Both Skylar and Aubrey were sitting in the waiting area, already prepped for styling. I told myself to be confident as I approached them. No matter what they thought of me, we were colleagues for this shoot at the very least. Even if they did look down on me for using connections to get here, it was the truth. I would be fine with any assumption, as long as they didn't think I had slept my way here.

Before I could offer up a greeting, Skylar met my eyes and smiled at me.

"So you're the new model debuting, huh?"

I returned her smile and nodded. "I'm Alice. It's nice to meet you." I stuck out my hand and both Skylar and Aubrey gave me a polite shake, saying their names in turn.

We chatted for a moment about mundane things, such as the nice shoot location or how we felt about some of the outfits lined up for today. Eventually the conversation lead to my own experience — or lack thereof.

"Are you nervous?" Skylar asked.

I shook my head. "I was much more nervous to meet you both."

"Why?" Aubrey leaned forward a bit, her curiosity apparent on her face.

"You both have much more experience than me, yet I'm the center of today's shoot. I was worried you might dislike me for that."

"There would be no need to dislike you for something like that, unless…" Skylar shrugged.


"Unless you got here only through connections." Aubrey was smiling, but her eyes were cold. I wasn't surprised by the coldness in her eyes, but the abruptness of her statement reminded me of Lynn. Was everyone in this industry so direct?

I returned Aubrey's smile, but with the maximum amount of warmth I could muster. I met both Aubrey and Skylar's gaze.

I could understand their feelings. Who would like it when someone waltzed into an occupation without any effort when they had worked extremely hard to get there? But this was a matter of survival for me. I was not going to be ashamed for doing what I needed to do.

"You could say I used connections. My husband is Julian Leonhart."

I had previously decided not to hide anything. The less I hid, the less baseless assumptions people would be able to make. I didn't want any unfounded rumors to spread about me and potentially harm Julian's reputation. I was trying to shield myself against my mother-in-law, and I needed that shield to be invincible.

Aubrey blinked in surprise, whether from my warm smile or my statement, I wasn't sure. Maybe both?

Skylar let out a sharp laugh. "That explains everything."

"Pardon me?" I feigned ignorance.

"We were curious how you managed to land a fashion spread with such a large magazine as your debut. Were you using your body? Was the photographer your family?"

"Ah, no, Julian just knows a few people."

Aubrey gave me an incredulous look. "Are you trying to be coy?"

I laughed lightly. "Maybe a little."

"You were right to be nervous. I hate people like you. You don't take modeling seriously at all." Aubrey's smile had entirely vanished.

"You're wrong." I let the smile drop from my face as well. "I may have used connections to get here, but I am deadly serious."

Meeting Aubrey's eyes once more, I saw a flicker of doubt go across her gaze. I may not have chosen modeling because it was my dream, but I chose it because I needed to be a model.

"Huuh… no need to be so serious, girl," Skylar broke the silence that followed my statement. "It's okay to enjoy things casually. Aubrey might not like it, but that's because she's too stiff."

"You're just too blasé," Aubrey huffed.

"Maybe." Skylar winked at me. "There's all sorts of types in this industry, but if you really enjoy it, you won't have any problems at all."

"I hope I can enjoy it with both of you." I directed my smile at Aubrey. "Truly."

She let out a huff while rolling her eyes. "Don't get ahead of yourself."

Before either Skylar or I could reply, the stylists came in to get us properly ready for the shoot.

Though Aubrey was prickly, I felt she was justified in her feelings. I honestly liked her. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind, and she didn't seem like the type to talk behind someone's back. Skylar had clearly been around girl drama so long, she had decided to seek the humor in situations rather than take things seriously.

Maybe I could make them my friends?