A talk with Razor


"So what do you think?" asked Izuku. "If this works the enhancement drug should be more stable and even last longer."

"Let us hope that you are correct," replied S1. "Considering how the last test went."

Izuku said nothing at this, he had seen the state of the unlucky individual who had sampled the drug.

The enhancement drug Izuku created hadn't been completely successful so far. The drug itself, when injected into a quirked individual, gave the user a boost in quirk efficiency and power, as well as an increase in that users physical abilities such as speed, strength, endurance and stamina. However, it also provided a boost in aggression and a big decrease in intelligence. Furthermore, it only lasted for a few minutes, when it wore off the user was left in a weakened state and unable to use their quirk for at least six hours. Izuku had made several attempts to improve it, but with little success. So far he had managed to increase the allotted time for usage to twelve minutes as well as reduced the effects on the mind (well the intelligence part) slightly. Izuku was hoping for a bigger improvement this time but kept his fingers crossed.

"Deku," said S1. "You don't need to worry that much. These things take time. For most scientists it takes years to properly create compounds like these. So take your time."

Izuku looked up at the screen. "You shouldn't give me this much credit," Izuku told the screen. "My idea came from the formulas, from the theories you came up with. All I did was take inspiration from them and make my own."

"Regardless of that you have made progress and for that we are grateful. I'll message you the results later. Good bye," S1 finished and the screen blinked out.

Izuku sighed. It had been 3 months since he joined the League. In that time he had carried out his duties with quirk analysis rather well. Some days he would go out to different cities (with help from Kurogiri) and watch either fights between heroes and villains or heroes saving people from accidents and record their quirks. Other days he worked in his lab (it was a small space provided by the League not too far from his apartment) working on mixtures and formulas he developed. He had mostly adapted to his new life rather well. With members such as Kurogiri and Tomura he was on reasonably good terms with. Sensei and S1 (whom he only knew through voice chat) he worked well with. Razor on the other hand, well, she hated him. Why? Even he didn't know.

Speaking of which, it was time for training with her. Sensei hadn't planned on using Izuku in the field of battle, however, the decision to learn self-defence had been brought on after a few incidents. Most of which occurred when Izuku was out doing his job.

The first was when he was studying a fight between Endeavor (the no. 2 hero) and shapeshifting villain, he almost got caught in the man's fire when the villain dodged. The second was when another villain took him hostage. Fortunately, the media wasn't present and no one there knew him so he was able to stay hidden when freed. Other incidents involved being attacked by thugs and Kurogiri coming to save him. In the end, Sensei ordered that he be taught self-defence. By Razor specifically as it was her specialty.

In a training room next to the bar

Razor spin kicked Izuku hard in the face and he fell to the mat in agony. "Seriously is this the best you can do you shitty brat," Razor complained. "Because if it is then you may as well just quit while you still have the chance. This isn't a place for little boys like you. Hell, even that bastard Tomura is able to put up more of a fight."

Izuku glared at her. "I swear she's just like Kacchan," Izuku thought.

Noticing this Razor kicked him again. "Well you sure are a glutton for pain," she stated. "Unfortunately I'm feeling tired at the moment so take a break you little shit." Razor then left.

Izuku just lay on the floor. He had been trying to work with Razor for two weeks now, but every time he had met with her she swore at him, insulted him and attacked him. It seemed like she really did hate him but Izuku couldn't understand why, he couldn't remember ever doing anything to her.

At the bar

"So why do you hate Deku so much exactly," Kurogiri asked.

For a minute she said nothing. Finally she took a deep breath and said "I don't hate him exactly. It's just, well it's complicated."

Kurogiri frowned. "This isn't like you," he told her.

And it wasn't. Razor had always hated other members for various reasons. There was hardly a person she didn't hate. Kurogiri and Sensei being exceptions.

"Would it be because he is quirkless?" Kurogiri asked.

It was the most likely reason. Razor turned away. "No. I could care less about that. I've never been biased about that sort of thing," Razor admitted. "In my view whether someone has a quirk or not is irrelevant. On the battlefield we are all equal."

Kurogiri was confused. "Then what is it?" he asked. "I've seen how you treat him. You are harder on him than any other member I've seen you with."

Razor sighed. Not seeing a reason to keep it from him she explained why she treated Deku the way she did. Kurogiri remained silent during the entire confession. Whatever he had expected it wasn't this. It was very rare for Razor to show concern for anyone.

"Then you should tell him this yourself," Kurogiri explained. Razor stared at him. "If you ever hope to work with him properly then you should both have an understanding of each other," he explained.

Razor growled in annoyance. She knew he was right, and she hated it. She got up and headed back to the room.

"I'd better do this before I change my mind," she thought.

However, she stopped before exiting. She turned to face Kurogiri with a solemn expression.

"Mind if I ask you something Kurogiri?" she asked.

Curious, he nodded in response. "The reason you've been so good to Deku, would it be because of Laura?" she asked.

Kurogiri didn't move, he just stared at her. The silence was enough of an answer for Razor. She then turned to leave.

One of the things about her and Kurogiri's relationship, they both knew heavily personal things about each other, and they neither judged each other by them or went around telling other members.

At the training room

Razor walked in to see Izuku still lying on the floor.

"God he really is pathetic," she thought.

Hearing someone entering Izuku sat up to see Razor leaning against the wall staring at him. He groaned in annoyance. He hadn't recovered from her last assault.

"Listen up you little shit," Razor growled. "We need to talk."

Razor moved to sit down in front of Izuku.

"I was told that," she started but then stopped.

When it came to expressing her feelings (in a non-violent manner) she wasn't very good at it. Izuku just stared at her.

Noticing this she collected her thoughts.

"Just be honest with him, tell him what you think," she thought.

Staring into Izuku's eyes she took a deep breath and said "I want to tell you, to explain to you," she corrected, "why I treat you the way I do."

Izuku was quite surprised. Razor wasn't acting like herself.

"The reason I do is because I heard about your past from Kurogiri," she said. "Honestly …. I thought it was pathetic, and I mean you."

Now Izuku was just confused.

"Don't get me wrong I understand that you had it very rough, but at the same it's your own fault since you let it happen," Razor explained.

This made Izuku even more confused. "What do yo-," he started but was cut off by Razor.

"Deku during the time you were bullied did ever once stand up for yourself or even try to fight back?" she asked him.

Izuku considered this for a moment and said "Not really no."

"Then how about this. Did you ever report what was going on or even go to someone for help?" she asked. "Like your mother." Izuku looked at the floor and said nothing. Razor put her hand to her head and sighed. "So basically, if I'm understanding this right, you allowed yourself to suffer, to be kicked around like a punching bag so much that when your 'idol' said you couldn't be a hero you tried to throw yourself off the roof," she stated. Izuku still said nothing.

Having said her piece Razor got up and headed toward the door. "Wait," Izuku said.

"Go home for today and think about what I've told you," Razor ordered. She then turned and faced him with a sincere look.

"Izuku I will train you, but I want something in return," she said. "The next time you face the one who hurt you, the one who drove you to suicide. Stand your ground. Fight. Let him know that you won't allow him to hurt you anymore. You have to. People like him break people like you on daily basis. And he will continue to break you unless you take a stand and fight back." Izuku could do nothing but stare at her.

Razor turned to exit and said "Not taking any action is basically the same as inviting him to hurt you, because he knows you won't fight back." She then left.

At Izuku's apartment

Izuku collapsed onto his bed. He lay there for over an hour thinking about what Razor said. As he took it all into consideration, he realized that she was right.

Over the years, whenever Kacchan or someone else had bullied him he had never fought back, he always let them beat him down. It was also true that he had never told someone about what he was going through, not even his mother. He always told her he had fallen over, though it didn't look like she believed him.

"God I'm an idiot," he said to himself, and he meant it. When his life was going to hell what did he do, nothing. He allowed himself to be pushed around.

Well not anymore.

Razor was right he needed to change, he couldn't afford to be weak, not anymore. That person he used to be needed to die. If he was going to survive being in the League he needed to be stronger. He had to be stronger.

As he thought about all of this he got up from bed and took a scissors. He headed to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. "This will be my starting point," he declared.

At the training room the next day

Razor walked in and saw Izuku waiting for her. He was all geared up for training, his hair had been cut short as well. But, that wasn't what caught Razor's attention. What caught her attention was the look in his eyes, one she knew all too well. It was the look of a warrior, a look of determination.

Izuku approached her and bowed. "I'm ready," he said. "And willing."

Razor gave a look of admiration. "Good," she replied. "Let's get started, you shitty brat."