Izuku just barely dodged Razor's as her foot brushed by his hair. When she landed she spun her other leg at him but Izuku moved forward and caught it firmly in his arm. He then pulled her back in an effort to catch trip her but Razor jumped and performed a flip kick which hit Izuku square in the chest. He flew back onto the mat.
"Not bad you little shit. You're improving. However you need to work on your reaction speed," Razor explained coldly. "A second is all it takes and then you're dead."
Izuku glared at her and stood back up. "Again," he demanded.
Razor was amused by this. "Well would you look at that, demanding something from me. It seems you've got a pair of balls after all," she said. "Did you grow them while I was training you?"
"I'll leave that to your imagination," Izuku said. He was very annoyed.
He had been training with Razor for months now and he still hadn't managed to hit her. To make matters worse she insulted him at every opportunity by saying things such as 'God you're so weak', 'Try harder you little shit, I swear even Tomura could kick your ass if he wanted to', 'Too scared to stand up, when will you grow a pair of balls'. It went on and on. She was literally like Kacchan, only she wanted him to improve.
"Can we just get back to training?" he asked impatiently.
Razor grinned at Izuku. "As much as I would love to kick the shit out of you again I can't," she explained disappointedly. "Sensei called us for a meeting so we have to suspend training for the rest of today."
Izuku was very annoyed at this.
"Don't give me that face," she snapped. "There's nothing we can do about it." She turned and headed towards the exit. "Now hurry up you little shit, or else that whiny little bitch Tomura will never let us hear the end of it," she said with disgust. With that Izuku promptly followed.
At the bar
Izuku gathered with Kurogiri, Razor and Tomura. They turned to the monitor where Sensei appeared.
"Good afternoon everyone," he announced. "I trust you know why I've gathered you all here." "No clue," Izuku and Razor replied in unison.
And they meant it. The two had been absorbed in his work (Izuku quirk analysis and science development, Razor doing a secret job for Sensei) and training the past weeks that they hadn't been paying attention to anything that happened in or out of the League. Tomura snickered while Kurogiri tilted his head to the side.
"It seems neither of you have been watching the news," Sensei realized.
"Just tell us already," Razor snapped angrily. Sensei sighed and took a deep breath.
"All Might has taken up a teaching position at UA," he informed.
Razor didn't react. Izuku however shifted slightly.
"That's right the entrance exam was just a few days ago," he thought. "That means Kacchan is now a student there."
Despite his hatred toward Bakugo he knew well enough that he was skilled enough to get in, both in quirk and intelligence.
"That means he's going to be taught by All Might," Izuku realized.
Despite having become a villain and given up on being a hero, he couldn't help but feel jealous. The hero he and Kacchan idolised, the one who had rejected him, was now training the very person who had made his life hell to be a pro hero.
"Another good thing gets handed to Kacchan. How the fuck is that fair?" he wondered angrily. "He's a total dick yet he still gets everything."
In Izuku's mind it just wasn't fair how everything went Bakugo's way yet he did nothing wrong and still got screwed over.
Razor interrupted his thoughts. "And why is this important?" she asked uninterested.
"Razor please listen to everything Sensei says before judging," Kurogiri told her politely.
Razor rolled her eyes and said "Go on."
Tomura glared at her and started to say something when Sensei interrupted him.
"It is important Razor because All Might is one of our primary targets for elimination," Sensei explained with a bit more fury. "He is the biggest threat to our organisation, to our plans. Therefore killing him is one of our top priorities."
Izuku was surprised. He had never seen Sensei angry before, he usually acted calm and hardly ever raised his voice. Then he suddenly remembered. Ten months ago when he first met Sensei he had told him about why he tried to kill himself, even about his encounter with All Might. Back then he'd had a negative reaction also. With that time and this time it was clear that they were both related to All Might. "Did something happen between them?" Izuku thought. He could tell that Sensei actually hated the number one hero, it was the same way he felt about Kacchan.
"Your organisation, your plans, not mine," Razor pointed out. "Do I need to remind you of my place here?"
"No Razor you don't. However until that time comes you will do and listen as I tell you," Sensei replied with authority. With that she nodded in understanding.
Izuku was confused. What was Razor talking about? Wasn't she a member of the League?
"I've been working with her months now and I still don't know anything about her," he thought sadly. Despite training with her Izuku knew very little about her, he didn't even know what her quirk was. He had tried asking her about some of these things but she refused to answer. Razor made it clear that this was just training, there was no need for them to get personal with each other.
"Sensei can you just ignore this bitch and get to the good stuff already?" Tomura asked rudely. However Izuku could tell that there was a bit of excitement in his voice.
Sensei sighed again. "Earlier today I sent Tomura and a few of his 'friends' to UA to do a little investigating," Sensei explained.
"Yeah I destroyed the gate and let the press in. While the heroes were dealing with them I got a hold of a juicy piece of info," he boasted with pride. From the others point of view Tomura seemed very childish.
"That he did," Sensei told them. "And what he learned was that tomorrow Class 1A will be conducting their rescue training in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. From the list Tomura acquired it seems All Might along with Eraserhead and Thirteen will be there."
Izuku recognised the names. Eraserhead was a hero who could stop any quirk just by looking at them, aside from that Izuku had seen videos of him that showed he was highly proficient in hand to hand combat. Thirteen was a hero in a space suit that possessed a quirk known as 'black hole' which sucked any object into it and reduced it to dust, this was mainly used for rescue.
"Get to the point already," Razor said irritated.
"Tomorrow we shall be launching an attack on UA, more specifically the area with All Might and the students, where we will kill the Symbol of Peace," Sensei said all in one go.
Izuku was surprised at this. Kill All Might. He didn't think it was possible. He had watched nearly every video and read ever report about him, he knew more than anyone that he was impossible to beat.
"How exactly do you plan to do that?" Izuku asked nervously. Everyone turned to look at him.
"Is there a problem Deku?" Kurogiri asked. Tomura was more hostile.
"What are you scared that your idol will die? Did you forget what group you're part of now?" he growled. "Villains fight against heroes all the time. They try to catch us, we try to kill them. What did you think we'd be doing?"
Izuku flinched. Though he and Tomura got along most of the time he could still be really hostile from time to time.
"I don't mean anything like that," he said quickly. "I'm just curious. This is All Might we're talking about. Defeating him is practically impossible, killing him even more so."
There was silence. Sensei laughed. "You are mostly right Deku, however you are also wrong. It isn't impossible to do those things. There has simply never been anyone who could match All Might, until now," he explained.
Izuku was baffled. "Do they have someone as strong as All Might?" he wondered.
It didn't seem likely. If they did wouldn't they have used them already? Then a thought struck him. 'Until now'.
"Are you talking about my enhancement drug?" he asked. Sensei nodded in confirmation.
Izuku had spent several months working on the drug as well as other things such as a regeneration drug (for healing) and an intelligence drug (to make other members smarter). So far he had increased the time limit to thirty minutes and decreased the after effects to four and a half hours. It wasn't much but it was better than nothing.
"When you add the drug to the mix it does seem possible," he thought.
"Please continue Sensei," he asked.
"Tomorrow Tomura and Kurogiri will lead a group of villains to the Joint and kill All Might. Razor your job is to guard the place where 'they' are kept," he explained.
Razor nodded in understanding. Tomura was excited while Kurogiri remained silent. Izuku found Razor's behaviour strange, she was usually the type to want to fight someone, yet here she was just accepting guard duty without any argument. He was also slightly curious as to what 'they' were but said nothing.
"Deku you will remain here and continue you're work," Sensei informed him.
Normally Izuku wouldn't raise any opposition, however he was curious about something.
"Sensei do you have a list of the students attending that class?" Izuku asked. "Cause if you do may I see it?"
Sensei looked stared at Izuku.
"Yes there is, but why?" he asked. "Do you think that boy who wronged you will be there?" Izuku nodded in confirmation.
Despite his position in the League Izuku wanted to go with them tomorrow and see if Kacchan was there. There were several reasons for this of course.
Flashback 4 months ago
Izuku landed flat on his back after Razor flipped him. He moaned in pain.
"Seriously is this the best you can do little shit," she sneered. "Cause if it is you will die the second you get dragged into a fight."
Izuku glared at her.
"I swear this is all she ever does, insult me," he thought.
Razor just stood there waiting for him to get up.
"Out of pure curiosity," Izuku started. "This hellish training you're giving me. Did you go through it yourself to be the way you are now?"
Razor stared at him coldly.
"We've already had this discussion. This is training, nothing more. You and I are not friends Deku. So stop trying to get to know me better," she replied icily.
She meant what she was saying. There was absolutely no reason for him to know about her past or her personal life. Though that wasn't to say that she hated Izuku. She didn't. Surprisingly enough he had moved into her list of people she could actually stand, though that was mainly through her teaching him how to fight. She was actually amazed at how quick Izuku was learning, she even admitted to Kurogiri that she had underestimated his observational skills, something she did very rarely.
"I've known you for a few months now but I still know nothing about you, I don't even know what your quirk is. I tried asking Kurogiri and Sensei but they told me to ask you," he explained.
Razor rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"Look you little bastard," she growled murderously. "There is nothing you need to know about me. There is nothing you will ever need to know about me so give it a rest."
Izuku felt intimidated by this but decided not to back down.
"Isn't there anything I can do to change your mind?" he asked seriously.
Razor groaned in annoyance.
"He really isn't gonna let this go is he?" she thought. "What would change my mind?"
Razor didn't have any real reason to tell Izuku about her life. There wasn't much to tell, and most of it wasn't pleasant. However, no one had ever pushed to know as much as Izuku (usually people didn't like her enough to ask). Razor didn't feel like just telling him though, she believed he should earn the right first. But how? Then a thought came to her mind, making her smile sadistically.
"Okay, there is one thing you can do," she informed him. "You can show me the results of your training."
Izuku looked slightly confused at this. He knew what she wanted him to do but he couldn't figure out how to do it.
"I want you to fight someone of course. However, it's who I want you to fight," she explained. "The one I want you to fight is that bastard, you know the one who turned you into the weak little shit you are now."
Izuku froze.
"Fight Kacchan, she wants me to fight Kacchan," he thought.
He had trained well enough that he could hold his own against most quirked individuals, but Kacchan, he was on another level. He just wasn't sure.
As if noticing the uncertainty in his eyes Razor spoke up.
"Don't get the wrong idea. This is also for your sake," she told him.
This confused Izuku.
"He was your primary tormentor right?" she asked.
Izuku nodded in confirmation.
"Then facing him should be good for you. If you defeat him then you will have overcome him, he will no longer be someone you should fear," she said. "If you can do that then I'll tell you whatever you want to know."
Izuku said nothing, he was still trying to process what Razor said.
"Alright that's all for today," she said before turning to leave.
Flashback end
Wanting to know more about Razor was one of his reasons for going. Another was that he wanted to face Bakugo, he needed to know if he could actually defeat him.
He also had a third reason, it was revenge. Over the course of his time with the League, mostly with Razor, Izuku had actually built up a desire to get back at his former bully. He had started to want to give Bakugo a taste of his own medicine, repay him for all the years of torment he gave him. This was the perfect opportunity to do it.
"I don't know if he will be there or not but I would like to know. Facing him is something I need to do. If he isn't on the list I'll stay here, if he is I would like to go with Tomura and Kurogiri if that's alright," he told Sensei.
Sensei stared at him for a moment before ordering Kurogiri to show him the list. The shadow man used his quirk to send it to Izuku. Izuku read through it quickly until he came across Bakugo's name.
"He's there," Izuku said. "So can I go?"
All for One remained silent for a minute.
"I suppose," he said simply. "However, you will need a costume, or at least a mask to disguise yourself. No one knows about your association with us. If your identity gets compromised then it will be impossible for to walk around freely like normal."
Izuku nodded in understanding.
"Um sir shouldn't you discuss this with 'them' first?" Kurogiri asked.
"Yeah. If Atrocity finds out he'll flip," Tomura added.
Izuku had an idea of what they were talking about. He knew fully well that All for One wasn't the only leader in the League, however up until now he hadn't received any information about them. Sensei apparently didn't think it was necessary.
"Don't worry about it. If Deku wishes to go let him, but be sure to bring him back," Sensei said. "You will all leave tomorrow at 10AM sharp so I suggest you get some rest."
With that the meeting ended.
Izuku's apartment
Izuku lay on his bed. He was exhausted from the day.
Razor had guessed why he was going and told Kurogiri to give her the details on his fight with Bakugo. Her only words of advice to him were "Give him hell", though that was all he needed.
He got up and went to the bathroom where he gazed at his reflection in the mirror. His appearance had changed slightly in recent months. In addition to cutting his hair short he had also dyed it black to make himself less recognisable. His body was more muscular and had quite a bit of scars, courtesy of Razor. He also wore darker clothes as well.
Throughout his life with the League he had done many things. He had analysed quirks and marked out weaknesses and ways they could be greatly improved. He had developed many types of enhancement drugs and (from what he could tell) toxins with S1.
Izuku had also been working on a secret formula by himself. This was something none of the League knew about. They were willing to keep many things from him so he didn't see why he couldn't keep one secret from them. They may not have fully trusted him but he didn't fully trust them either.
"All right time for bed," he said to himself.
As he lay in bed Izuku made a silent promise to himself. "I will see you tomorrow Kacchan. And when I do I will break you the same way you broke me. That's a promise." Izuku then drifted into a deep sleep.