Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia
Izuku arrived back at the bar only to see Dabi and Toga exiting. Dabi wore the same emotionless expression but Toga was jumping up and down with excitement. They nearly bumped into Izuku.
"Well we've officially joined," Dabi announced. "That Shigaraki is surprising. A world without All Might huh, at least he's got some sort of creed."
"I'm looking forward to working with you," Toga said enthusiastically. "I hope I can try some of your blood sometime also."
Okay Toga was actually starting to scare him. Dabi looked annoyed at this.
"I know, she's crazy. But I'm sure you'll get used to her eventually," he assured Izuku. "And so will I probably."
Toga just giggled at this. So far Izuku was liking Dabi, so far. Nothing more was spoken between them. The duo then moved off down the alley and were gone.
Izuku walked into the bar and was surprized at what he saw. Razor was there drinking some wine while Tomura lounged on the couch and Kurogiri managed the bar. Feeling he'd been patient long enough Izuku spoke up.
"Okay time for answers people," he announced attracting everyone's attention. "Razor and Tomura, you both owe me answers as part of our deals. You both owe me the truth about your pasts. Kurogiri I made no such deal with you but I would still like to know about your past, or rather, why and how you joined the League if that's okay."
Everyone just stared at Izuku. Tomura looked irritated. Razor looked amused. Kurogiri looked surprised and slightly uncomfortable.
"Demanding something from me. You've finally grown a pair of balls Izuku I'm so proud of you," Razor told him.
"They were always there. I just didn't know it," he replied.
Razor laughed at his response. Izuku had transformed into a different person from the one she met a year ago. He'd even learned how to make proper comebacks.
"Oh alright, I suppose you've earned them. Tomura you fucking bastard you'd better own up also," she said.
"I will. You don't have to tell me bitch," he snarled.
"Kurogiri do you want to tell Izuku," Razor asked.
The black mist villain said nothing. Izuku realized that this must be a painful subject for him.
"Um Kurogiri," Izuku started. "You really don't have to do this if you don't want to. I was just curious that's all."
"No it's alright. I'd like to tell you. You'll probably find out someday anyway," he said. "I'd like to go last though if that's alright."
Izuku nodded.
"Okay then ladies first," Izuku said while looking at Razor.
"There's a lady in the room," Tomura joked. "Really where?"
Razor glared at Tomura.
"You know Izuku you're right it should be ladies first," she said. "So go on Tomura you're up first it seems."
This time it was Tomura who glared. Izuku and Kurogiri were both wondering if they would be able to get through this without insulting each other.
"Razor please go first," Izuku politely requested.
Still glaring at Tomura Razor relented and turned to Izuku. It was then that she started telling him about her past.
Her name was Razor, at least that's what she had been told. She didn't have a real name since she did not have parents. She was abandoned by them, or so she had been told, either way it didn't matter. Not where she was. It was a place which would have been known as Hell at the start, but over time it became her home.
Razor was the name given to her when she was four, when she manifested her quirk. That was how it worked for all the children adopted by the organisation. It was called BUTLER. Where they even came up with such a stupid name she did not know or care. However it was kind of appropriate. Hired servants doing their employers bidding, that's what they were. BUTLER was a mercenary organisation that took on any job, be it assassination, protection of someone or something, acquiring information, you name it. Whatever it was they would always take it on (well not always depending on whether or not the available people would accept it or not). They took jobs from anyone, hero, villain or some other individual. It didn't really matter as long as they were paid.
Most who were recruited were orphans, those who'd been abandoned and forsaken, or those who were runaways. She happened to fit into the abandoned category. Each child was usually given a name based off of their quirk. When taken in they were cared for, educated and trained (in the same hellish manner she taught Izuku, though with less swearing). They were also taught to mainly rely on themselves, something she excelled most in. That wasn't to say you couldn't be friends with anyone because it was allowed. Though she preferred to be on her own most of the time (even back then there were few who she could actually stand), even she had managed to make two friends whom she genuinely liked and respected.
They didn't keep in contact most of the time though. An odd thing about BUTLER was that it allowed people to willingly leave it and live a normal life. It was even allowed that you be able to live a normal life while still working for the organisation, something which she found stupid since it was quite dangerous. Razor had never understood why it was allowed but she never questioned it either. One friend of hers lived the first life while the other lived the second. She had always lived the usual though, it had been the only she had ever known, also she didn't really fit in with society because of her personality.
She took on all sorts of jobs which were mainly centred around combat, something she really enjoyed. Along her missions she encountered many individuals, including Stain and All Might, whom she came to befriend or despise. At one point she had a lover, well, really it was only for a few days then she broke it off by disappearing. It was best for both of them.
She had spilled blood, saved lives, tortured and defended all because she was ordered to. The only thing she had not done was take the life of a child. She acknowledged she was a bitch but not that big of one. That was one line even she would never cross, it was one of her few morals.
There was no time limit for how long she worked for her clients. Whenever they declared the mission was completed she would return to BUTLER. Other times being when the employer was arrested or killed.
That was her story. This was her life. It was all she had.
Flashback end
No one said anything. Izuku however was especially surprised.
"Razor's a mercenary," he thought.
Thinking back to the day before he fought Bakugo he remembered what she had said to Sensei.
"Your organisation, your plans, not mine. Do I need to remind you of my place here?"
It made sense now. Razor wasn't actually part of the League. She was just a hired gun. That meant she wouldn't always be here, something which upset him. Despite her personality he genuinely liked her. Razor had completely changed him. When he was a weak scared kid she helped him and made him stronger. When the time for her to leave would come he was going to miss her.
"Seriously, someone actually did it with this thing," Tomura said shocked. "What was he, blind or mentally unstable?"
"He was none of those things. So shut the fuck up or so help me I will slice up every single one of your precious hands," Razor threatened. "And we both know how devastating it would be if you lost your dear father."
Tomura glared murderously at her, which she returned. Kurogiri intervened and calmed them both down however.
Razor didn't know why but she felt happy that she had told Izuku her story. Though she hadn't told him everything. She didn't tell him about that man she was in a relationship with. Because seriously, if he knew she had dated his idol he would go all hero otaku on her, the reaction from the other two wouldn't have been great either. Besides, what happened between her and Toshinori, or more specifically All Might, stays between them.
"Ok now that you're both done threatening each other Tomura it's your turn," Izuku informed him.
Tomura stopped glaring at Razor and turned to face Izuku. He then began talking about his past.
Long before he was Tomura Shigaraki, before he was Sensei's protégé, he was someone else. He was Tenko Shimura. He was a happy child who lived with his parents.
His mother died when he was four leaving him alone with his father. His father was a good man who loved him deeply, he also tried his hardest to look after Tenko. This mainly stemmed from what his father described as his mother leaving him (though he would later realize that his father meant she abandoned him) to foster care after her husband died. He didn't go into much detail about his life in foster care but it was clear that it wasn't nice.
His father was a detective, a pretty good one at that, who had solved a variety of cases. Tenko didn't know much about them though, in his father's own words he described them as something he should only be told about when he was older. He didn't mind though.
The first few years of his life were pretty normal, they were peaceful. But, that was all shattered one day.
Tenko hadn't developed a quirk like most children already had, something which bothered him. His father didn't seem to care though, Tenko was still Tenko in his eyes. It still bothered Tenko though.
While he and his father were out one day Tenko's father went into to a convenience store to buy a few items. Tenko waited outside patiently because there was nothing in the store that interested him.
It was then that someone grabbed him from behind and dragged him into the alleyway while covering his mouth. Tenko couldn't see that person.
"Don't struggle now," said the attacker. "I'm just giving you what you always wanted. Be a good boy and say thanks."
The attacker than injected some thing into Tenko's arm. The boy felt pain and started squirming. The attacker released him. Tenko turned to look at him but he was gone. He couldn't stop gasping from the pain.
"Tenko," his father called.
He had run out of the shop worried when he noticed his son was gone. As soon as Tenko alerted him to where he was the father came rushing immediately. When his son explained what had happened the father immediately decided to take him to the doctor to have him examined. As he was driving along he pulled Tenko closer to him to reassure him that he would be ok and nothing bad would happen to him. The latter felt relieved at this, it was one of the things he liked most about his father. As he rested against his arm he brought his right up to touch his father's left hand.
He didn't know. How could be? Nothing had been explained when that man told him he was getting something he had always wanted.
The moment all of his fingers touched his father's wrist it disintegrated. His fathered yelped out in pain and lost control of the car. Tenko was shocked at what had just happened. Even more so when he grabbed his seat belt and it disintegrated. This caused him to fly out of his seat. His father caught him with his arm however.
"How is this possible? Tenko's quirkless," he thought.
Then he remembered. Tenko had been injected with something before this, and he had a very good idea of what it was. Just last week he had completed a case where people were losing their quirks. It was all due to the work of group of villains who were using this device to transfer quirks. The villains were thankfully caught, and the devices safely retrieved. The person who had orchestrated it all however remained a mystery.
"That person did this to Tenko," he realised horrified. "This was all a case of revenge."
Due to having lost control of the car they went off the main road and crashed into a street below. Tenko's father instinctively shielded his son by taking most of the fatal blows. When the crash had stopped Tenko's father was bleeding from both his head and the loss of his hand. He didn't care about that though. He checked to make sure his son was alright, he had a scrape or two on his lip but otherwise he was ok. He was crying also.
"Daddy I'm sorry," Tenko sobbed. "I didn't mean to. I didn't know."
The father smiled at his son while also crying. He then placed his hand to his face.
"It's alright Tenko. It wasn't you're fault," he said.
He had lost a lot of blood and his vision was fading so he knew what was going to happen. He stared down at his son and spoke to him for the last time.
"Tenko I can't be with you anymore," he said causing the boy to flinch. "What happened here wasn't your fault. No matter what happens from now on I will always love you."
Tenko was too shocked to speak. He realized what was happening to his beloved father.
"Promise me you'll be strong from now on," his father begged. "Promise me."
"I promise," he said though he wasn't sure why.
"Good that's good," he said tears streaming down his face. "I love you."
His head collapsed on Tenko. He was dead.
After registering what had happened he started screaming for help. People passed by but made no move to help him. They all believed some hero would do it for them. He couldn't believe it. It was then that he showed up. That man, feeling pity for him, rescued him from his accident and took him to an alleyway. It was there where they conversed about what had just happened. That man revealed himself as All for One.
"It isn't your fault. You did nothing wrong. If anyone is to blame it's the society we live in for its hypocritical and false way of living," the older man told him.
Tenko wanted to believe him but deep down he knew it was his fault. He was also angry at the people who left him and his father to die.
All for One offered to help him control his quirk and even offered guidance for living in this world. Tenko, despite not fully trusting the man decided to go with him, mostly because he felt indebted to him. He retrieved the hand of his father he had destroyed so it would serve as a reminder for why he was here. It was only later that he would take on the name Tomura Shigaraki and set down the path to where he was now.
Flashback end
Tomura just stared at the ground. He hadn't told anyone about this in so long. Everyone had gone silent with each having different thoughts on the matter.
Razor, despite how much she hated this brat, actually felt sorry for him. Kurogiri who had heard this story before looked away sadly. Izuku was feeling sympathy for Tomura.
"People think quirks are so great. But they aren't. That's why I hated you starting off. I wish I was still quirkless. It would've been better than what I have," Tomura exclaimed. "I'm surprised Sensei didn't even offer you one."
"Oh he did. I said no however. Wanting a quirk was actually me wanting to be accepted by society, which will never happen," Izuku replied.
Still though he was surprised as to why Tomura had hated him. He'd never heard of someone wishing to be quirkless before. It appeared as though Tomura believed the world of quirks was a very dangerous place.
"Sensei doesn't favour me you know," Izuku stated. "He likes the work I do but that's it. Other than that there's nothing else, so you don't need to feel threatened by my presence."
Tomura glanced at him with an unreadable expression. He then sighed.
"Whatever," he said. "Anyway it's Kurogiri's turn."
All eyes were now on Kurogiri who was somewhat nervous. Aside from Razor and All for One, no one knew about his past or about Laura. Taking a deep breath he began to speak.
"My rise to villainy is somewhat similar to Izuku's. The only difference is that it involves a quirkless person in my life who went through what he did. Her name was Laura, my younger sister."
Kuro Shisa used to be his name. He lived with his sister Laura who was four years younger than him. Their parents passed away when he was fifteen, leaving him to raise his sister all on his own. It wasn't entirely difficult. The money their parents left them enabled them to both go to school. His part-time job payed remarkably well also, so they could afford to pay rent.
Back then his body wasn't completely covered by black mist. That was something that was optional for him. He could turn his body into dark mist at will. It was because of this that his sister gave him the nickname Kurogiri, which was the kanji for black mist. Like his sister he had red hair and green eyes. His was also tall and muscular (perk of doing his job).
Laura was such sweet girl. She was always good to others and always looked out for the well-being of others rather than her own. She had this dream of being a singer too. She didn't even care that she was quirkless. Kuro loved her deeply. When he was with her he felt like his life had a purpose, a reason to live. Things were happy between them, or so he thought.
When Laura was in high school she changed. He didn't notice it at first but after a while he could tell something was wrong. She wasn't socialising as much as she used to. Most days when she came home she would head over to her room and stay there until dinner. Usually when they talked it was about school and work. When the topic of her friends came up Laura always said that they were busy with study like she was. She was always smiling during these conversations so he never questioned her.
As the years went on Kuro began to notice certain changes in sister, most notably physical ones. When she came back from school some days Kuro could see faint outlines of bruises on her wrists. Also, there were times when he noticed some from her neck. She covered them both up but he still noticed them. Whenever questioned about it Laura would make up some excuse about how she fell or hit into something when she wasn't looking. Though he knew otherwise. He came to the conclusion that she was being bullied at school and confronted her about it. Laura denied it, but she was a poor liar so he saw right through her. When she realised this she pleaded that nothing was wrong and everything that happened to her was just an accident. Not wanting to upset her he did nothing. It was the biggest mistake of his life, one that would forever haunt him.
There came a day when she returned home more exhausted than usual. Her eyes, they had the look of a dead person. That did it. Kuro couldn't take this anymore so he was going to go to her school tomorrow and speak with the principal and teachers about this.
Laura suddenly announced she was going out for a walk despite that it was late. She told him she had her keys so she would let herself back in, he could go to bed. She then said something that he would never forget even if he tried.
She hugged him tightly and said, "Thanks for everything Kuro. Thanks for being my big brother. Thanks for always being there for me. I really love you for it."
He was slightly taken back by this. However, he returned the hug and told her he loved her also. It was then she went for a walk. That was the last moment they shared with each other.
The following day when he noticed she wasn't at home he figured she must be at school. Of course when he arrived at the school he discovered that she hadn't been there all morning. It was then he remembered what she said to him last night, the way she said it, and state she had been in. Fearing the worst he called the police only discover they were about to call him.
Approximately an hour before he called, Laura's body had been found in a local river. She had drowned. The moment Kuro heard that he froze, he couldn't breathe. The nausea he felt at that exact moment was overwhelming, so much that he actually collapsed.
When he woke up he was in hospital. There were two police officers outside talking. Apparently he had been asleep for total day. What's more they were talking about Laura.
"Have the school been questioned yet?"
"Yes but no one is saying anything, or rather they're denying it. Despite what Ms. Shisa's diary says no one is confirming anything."
They stopped talking when a man came up to the room and entered. He wore a black coat and hat. He possessed blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes and was quite tall.
"Hello Mr. Shisa. My name is Reo Yagami, Detective Yagami," the man informed him. "I know this is sudden but I'm here to ask you a couple of questions about your sisters passing."
Passing. What a small way of putting it.
"You mean her suicide," Kuro retorted. "You don't have to sugarcoat it. I realised when I heard, the way she acted last night made that possible."
The detective frowned.
"And just what do you think made her fall to that point?" he asked.
And so he explained to the detective about Laura's behaviour and her injuries. When he finished the detective was silent. Kuro knew from the way he was acting that he knew something he didn't and so he demanded answers. Detective Yagami, feeling the man had a right to know what happened to his sister decided to tell him.
Laura had been bullied at school. The primary reason, she was quirkless. It wasn't a major issue at first, but after a while it got worse. From what the police got from her diary (they had to search the apartment for evidence) she was mainly tormented by a girl called Nen Riki. In her own words the girl used her telekinesis to trip her up, steal from her, shove her around and abuse her in a variety of other ways. She also called her a variety of names such as quirkless bitch, and some far worse ones. It wasn't long before others joined in and things got worse. Her friends stopped talking to her as well, apparently Nen (whose father was a lawyer) had threatened them to stay away from her or else their parents would lose their jobs. Nen always made fun of Laura's dreams saying she would never be anything more than what she already was, the girl even bragged about how she was going to be a hero admired by everyone, more famous and rich than any other. To put it simply, she was a self-absorbed bitch. The only reason she hadn't been arrested was because her father defended her, and no one was willing to speak against her (mostly out of fear).
The detective didn't tell him everything but he told him enough. There were certain details that he left out for specific reasons.
Kuro shook with rage. He was angry at the school and Laura's friends for what they had done to her. But most of all he was angry at that girl for making her life hellish for no real reason other than the fact that she was quirkless.
He thanked the detective for his information and said it made him feel more understanding of why his sister died. When the detective exited the room he began to sob hysterically. He apologised to Laura for failing as her big brother and not protecting her when he should have.
At that moment he made silent dark promise to himself. To get revenge.
This was achieved a couple of weeks later. It wasn't hard for Kuro to get details about the girl, he had gone to one of Laura's friends who (out of guilt for not helping Laura) gave him information about Nen and picture of what she looked like. Then using his quirk (people at the time thought it was transporting something as far as his mist could go at the time) he stalked her to learn everything about her daily routine.
Eventually he decided that he'd waited long enough. When she was alone he struck. First he sliced off her hands with a large knife to render her quirk useless. She was caught totally surprised by the assault. She started screaming in agony and then for help. She tried to run but Kuro wouldn't let her. He used his quirk to get in front of her and stab her repeatedly. As she coughed up blood she pleaded for mercy. He coldly refused and informed her why she was about to die, much to her surprise. He then icily told her that no threat she used, or even her quirk would save her, she was going to die and nothing could change that. She stared at him in fear.
Furious at what was happening Nen began gloating at how she tormented Laura. She referred to her as a quirkless whore and admitted to advising her on drowning herself. Enraged, Kurogiri stabbed her in the neck to silence her. Watching her die satisfied him in ways he couldn't describe.
After this he went into hiding, or rather he disappeared from the world. He didn't want to be part of a society that didn't have Laura.
Sometime after this he met Sensei and joined the League. His villain name became the cute nickname his sister gave him. While to others it was just a name that matched his quirk but to him it had a deep meaning.
Flashback end
Everyone (barring Razor) was shocked.
Tomura remembered how Kurogiri reacted to quirkless people before, now it made sense. He felt an odd amount of sympathy for the man.
Izuku felt sad and sympathy for Kurogiri. He was also disturbed at how similar Laura's situation had been to his.
"If I had actually died, my mom, would she have, to Kacchan?" he thought horrified. "No she wouldn't, she would never."
Izuku didn't want to think that his mother was capable of such action. He wouldn't have been alive to know it but he couldn't bear the thought. He had been so selfish, he never even considered what might happen if he had committed suicide.
"Well that's all of us. Are you satisfied Izuku?" Razor asked.
Izuku nodded as a response. He felt somewhat closer to them now that he knew their stories.
Tomura and Razor started to leave but he called out to them.
"Thanks for telling me. I'm quite grateful. You too Kurogiri," he informed them.
They all turned to look at him.
"We aren't good Izuku but we aren't totally evil either," Razor told him.
"We all have something that defines us for who we are, much like heroes," Tomura added.
It was Kurogiri's message that affected him the most.
"There's something you should know Izuku. Good and Evil, they aren't born they are made,"he informed the boy.
It was then that they all took off. Izuku returned to his apartment overwhelmed from the day he had just had. He collapsed on his bed and fell into a deep sleep.