A Nasty Surprise

Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Izuku woke up early the following morning when his phone started buzzing. It was a message from Dabi.

"Mission was a success. If you want to see who we caught you had better come over now."

Izuku guessed that he must've only sent it now because he didn't want to disturb him while he was sleeping. That aside he was curious as to who this big shot they had kidnapped really was. Quick as he could Izuku got dressed and hurried down to the bar.

He was in for a nasty surprize when he arrived.

At the bar

Upon arriving Izuku was greeted by Dabi and Kurogiri. Kurogiri appeared anxious about something.

"Deku before you see who we've captured," Kurogiri started nervously. "Tomura believed he would be a good addition to our ranks."

Izuku was confused by Kurogiri's behaviour.

"Just who did you kidnap?" he asked concerned.

"A student," Kurogiri exclaimed. "One you know rather well."

Kurogiri really seemed nervous now.

"A student I know well. Who-"

Then it dawned on him. There was only one person that matched his description.

"No," Izuku said horrified. "Not him. Anyone but him."

"See for yourself," Dabi piped in.

Izuku walked into the bar to see that everyone was there. They had all come back from the mission safe. Well, mostly everyone, Mustard and Moonfish weren't present for some reason. What caught his attention was the person at the centre of the bar chained up so that he couldn't escape or speak. A blonde he knew all too well.

"Kacchan was their target. This can't be happening," Izuku mentally screamed.

Bakugo turned to look at the new arrival. The moment he did he stopped squirming to get free and went completely silent. He couldn't believe his eyes. He suspected but he never actually believed.

"What the actual fuck. Deku is with these psycho a-holes," Bakugo thought.

No one said anything. The two just stared at each other in shock. The other villains seemed to have picked up on this.

"This has got to be the first time this kid has stopped making a fuss," Magne stated.

"Yeah it is, but it isn't," Twice piped in.

Snapping back to reality Izuku scanned the room until he came across Tomura who was sitting at the bar area watching TV. Izuku marched over to him angrily.

"Tomura why is he here?" Izuku yelled.

Everyone in the room was taken back at this. They had never seen Deku so angry before. In fact they couldn't remember a time when he was angry, or even raising his voice.

"Well if it wasn't obvious he was what the mission was about," Tomura explained. "He'll be a great addition to our ranks."

Izuku couldn't believe his ears. Was Tomura really that stupid? No he wasn't, he just didn't know Bakugo like he did.

Tomura was amused at the reactions he was getting from Izuku. It was the first time since they had met that he looked so annoyed and angry. Though he really couldn't blame Izuku, this was the kid that ruined his life after all.

"Why couldn't you have picked someone less volatile, less of an asshole, and you know, not him," Izuku demanded. "Getting away from this thing was one of the reasons I joined the League."

Bakugo, who had been listening to them started making noise and struggling again. He wanted to know why the hell Deku was with these villains. What use could he possibly be to them? He was a quirkless loser who was useless at just about everything. What could they possibly hope to gain from having him around? Also, who did he think he was spouting crap like that about him?

The other villains were beginning to pick up on who Bakugo was to Deku. He was the boy from his story, the boy who bullied him to the point of becoming a villain.

Izuku turned to glare at Bakugo. He was so angry he couldn't stand it. The latter gave him a surprized look, most likely because Izuku wasn't acting like he usually did. Izuku didn't seem afraid of Bakugo. He was angry also, that never happened.

"May I have a minute alone to speak with Kacchan?" Izuku asked as politely as he could. "There some things I'd like to get off my chest with him."

"I'll allow it because of your history. However, Kurogiri will be staying to make sure you don't kill him," Tomura replied while getting up and motioning for the others to follow him. "Also Deku, try not to damage him much. My team went through a lot of trouble to retrieve him."

Izuku nodded. It was then just him, Bakugo and Kurogiri. While Kurogiri removed the restraints around Bakugo's mouth. The moment he did the shouting started.

"Deku you bastard! Why the fuck are you with these guys? Have you been with them since you went missing last year? Do you even realize how much stress you put your mom through?" Bakugo roared.

Izuku remained silent. He was so angry he could barely keep it in. Even after a year, Bakugo still had the nerve to treat him like he always had. He really hadn't changed at all.

"Hey you useless shit I'm talking to you so answer," Bakugo barked.

That did it. Izuku stepped back, raised his right leg, spun it and delivered a kick to Bakugo's face. He then rushed forward and grabbed him by the head where he punched him in the jaw. He was about to punch him again when Kurogiri stopped him with his quirk. Tomura had stated not to damage him much. Izuku didn't look at Kurogiri, he simply stepped back. His face was filled with rage and hatred.

Bakugo stared at Deku with utter disbelief. Deku actually attacked him. What's more it actually hurt. This made no sense. Deku wasn't strong, he never fought, so how was this possible?

"Shut up. Just shut the fuck up," Izuku yelled.

Bakugo froze. For as long as he had known Deku he had never once swore.

"You wanna know how all of this happened. You. Because of you. You, everyone at school and even All Might. You and everyone at school always beat the crap out of me simply for not having a quirk. When I said I wanted to be a hero you all laughed and made fun. If that wasn't enough, you and most of our classmates humiliated me on a daily basis," Izuku told him. "You know the last day you saw me I met All Might. He saved me from the sludge villain and I got the chance to talk to him. When I asked if it was possible to be a hero without a quirk he told me it wasn't. That was the last straw, I couldn't take it anymore. So you know what I did? I went home to say goodbye to my mom and then I came to the top of a building to take your advice. I jumped."

Bakugo just stared at him in shock. He had never seen this much emotion from Deku. It wasn't all his fault. No one ever stopped him, others even joined in. The dork never once defended himself or went for help so there was no problem. Bakugo's mother (having heard from Inko) argued about it with him over it constantly but never more than that. He couldn't believe the last part however.

"You jumped off a roof, yeah right," Bakugo snorted. "Like you would ever have the balls to do that. You can't even take a few insults without bawling your eyes out."

Izuku and Kurogiri stared at him in shock. Why was that so hard for Bakugo to believe? Back then maybe he seemed weak and cowardly enough to not actually try it.

"Believe what you want but that's what happened. As to why I'm with the League. Well, I jumped they, Kurogiri specifically saved me and brought me here. They were impressed with my work and offered me a place among them," Izuku explained.

"What use could they have for a quirkless piece of shit like you?" Bakugo barked. "You can't do anything right."

This time it was Kurogiri who spoke up.

"Deku is far from useless. Those quirk analysis skills surpass those of any professional. He is also quite gifted in scientific areas," Kurogiri stated. "Perhaps you should stop and consider that before jumping to conclusions. Quirks aren't everything in this world."

Bakugo scoffed like he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yeah right. Deku is still Deku. He's always going to be a weak nerd and nothing more," Bakugo stated.

Izuku was about to hit him again when Kurogiri spoke again.

"Weak you say. Well that's funny because the last time I checked, he beat you to a pulp at the USJ," he said softly causing both boys to freeze in surprize. "And he did it without a quirk."

Bakugo looked like he didn't have a counter to that statement. Izuku stared at Kurogiri in surprize. Though he did not show it Kurogiri was actually furious. This boy, he was just like 'that girl' who drove his sister to her death.

It was a good thing Tomura came back in or else things may have escalated. It was clear that this conversation was over.

Izuku, not wanting to be in the same room as Bakugo went to the training room to clear his head. No one followed. Everyone seemed to understand that he needed to be alone.

When he was he sat curled up in a ball in the corner.

"I thought I was over this. When I beat him I thought I had moved on, but I haven't. Kacchan's right, I'm still the same kid I was from back then," Izuku said to himself.

Images of his past flooded his mind. All the times he had been beaten and humiliated were there.

"It doesn't matter what I do. That happened to me, I can never change it," he whispered.

Part of him felt betrayed by the League for bringing Bakugo here. They knew how he felt about him yet they still brought him. Granted most of them didn't actually know Bakugo was the one from his past. Tomura knew though. Kurogiri and Sensei also knew. Izuku wasn't as angry with them as he was with Tomura though.

All Might

All Might stepped out of the UA Meeting Room to answer his phone. He and the teachers had just been discussing the recent attack on the training camp for the students. During the attack several students and a pro were injured. To make matters worse a pro had gone missing and two students had been kidnapped. It was a complete disaster. The media had also criticizing them heavily, though they weren't wrong to.

How the League of Villains had found the Camp no one knew. The possibility of a traitor was suggested but there was no definite proof.

Young Bakugo had been taken most likely because of the violent behaviour he displayed at the Sports Festival. That was easy to understand. But why was she taken? What use was she to the villains? He heard from the report she had been captured by a villain known as Muscular but nothing more. It didn't matter though, he would get them both back, even if it killed him.

That aside All Might felt shame and guilt for not being there to protect his students. Some hero and symbol of peace he was.

He checked his phone to see that it was Naomasa.

"Sorry what is it Tsukauchi?" All Might asked.

"We just took their statements. There's been an unexpected development. We may just be able to locate the League of Villains hideout," Naomasa explained.

All Might tensed. This was potentially good news.

Naomasa explained about how one of his men had been investigating the area a couple weeks back. A description of someone entering a building that supposedly had no tenants matched up with the description of one of the villains who kidnapped the students. The location of the hideout was a bar instilled within the building. Once enough evidence was collected they were going to raid the place. They also wanted him and several other heroes assist in the operation.

"You truly are a good friend. I promise, when I come face to face with those bastards I will tell them, for I am here to return the favour," he replied while transforming into his heroic form.

"I'm glad but you know, what if Deku's there?" Naomasa asked.

All might hesitated to answer. He knew that they would come face to face eventually. He didn't know if Izuku had any involvement in the attack on the camp, no one saw him. Then there was Inko. All Might had checked up on her from time to time to make sure nothing bad had happened to her. She was still out searching for her son but as usual having no success. She didn't know he was watching her, All Might kept his distance to make sure she was safe. He dreaded the moment when she found out her son was a villain.

"When that time comes I'll treat him as a villain and stop him," All Might finally responded.

It was the best answer he could give. Fortunately, Naomasa didn't argue and simply told him to be ready since 'that man' may be there before cutting contact.

All Might didn't doubt that All for One would be there. Which is why, much to his despair, that he was going to get his old teacher to join in the fight. The mere thought of him terrified him. He then thought about the students that had been captured and Izuku Midoriya.

"Don't worry. I'll be there soon."

The training room an hour later

Izuku had stayed sitting in that position for the past hour without moving. He still had a lot going on. No one had come to see him so he just sat there.

"Wonder what they're all talking about now," he murmured.

He didn't need to move from where he sat to hear them. He had learned from Stain how to channel his senses so they were sharper. He closed his eyes and focused on the sounds around him. He listened carefully for the people that were at the bar.


"What was that?" he thought.

Izuku's attention was drawn away from the bar. He stood up and tried listening again.


There it was again. It sounded like someone was crying. What's more, the voice belonged to a female.

Izuku followed the sound to another corridor. He moved along until he came across the door where the sound was emanating from. Not wanting to be unprepared he took up a fighting stance and kicked the door open. He was shocked at who he saw inside.

She was around his age, wearing dark summer clothes. She was held in place by shackles and her mouth was gagged so she couldn't speak. She possessed pink skin and hair, dark eyes with yellow irises, there was also two horns sticking out from her head.

Izuku knew who she was instantly. He'd seen her at the sports festival. One of Bakugo's classmates.

"Mina Ashido," Izuku said in almost a whisper.

The girl eyed him with both surprize and terror. There were tears in her eyes.

"Is he here to torture me?" Mina thought horrified. "I haven't even done anything. I didn't try to escape."

Mina was terrified. During the training camp while she was at with her classmates and friends several villains attacked. They were completely unprepared for it. Their main target had been Bakugo surprisingly. However, the villain referred to as Muscular had been targeting her specifically. Why? It wasn't to recruit her like Bakugo, oh no it was much worse. It was to be as a new torture toy for his boss 'Atrocity'. Mina was told that the man loved children like her, children with high hopes and dreams. He loved breaking them, ruining them and shattering those thoughts completely until there was nothing left but despair. He especially loved subhuman (people who took on a less human appearance due to their quirks) freaks like her. To put it simply, he was a monster. Muscular then began to explain about how his boss would 'break' her in grand detail. He even went so far as to taunt her by saying that no one come and save her and that she would die all alone in an effort to make her cry, which he succeeded. He hadn't harmed her yet though, he had been given strict instructions not to harm her.

Izuku was stunned that she was here. Why though? Tomura had clearly stated Bakugo was the target. Even Dabi said they were only after one person. But someone brought her here. Who though? What's more why? Mina hadn't displayed any villain like tendencies at the Sports Festival.

Izuku took out his phone and texted Kurogiri to show up at this spot without speaking a word to anyone. He mentioned to use his quirk so people would think he was gone. Thirty seconds later he appeared demanding an explanation. Izuku motioned to Mina who was still chained up.

"What on earth? How and why is she here? She wasn't with the others when I warped them here," Kurogiri exclaimed.

"So she wasn't a target?" Izuku asked.

"No. It was just Bakugo. This girl wasn't with the others when I warped them back to the bar, not that I saw anyway," Kurogiri explained.

Mina who'd been listening was rather surprized. The other villains hadn't been in on her abduction. Izuku moved closer and removed the gag in her mouth.

"I think we should just ask her what happened," Izuku stated. "Ms. Ashido could you please tell us what happened? Don't worry, we won't hurt you. Though that depends on how well you cooperate."

Mina quickly weighed her options. Depending on the answer she gave things may get better or worse for her. Though if she didn't answer they would force it out of her. She decided to tell them since things couldn't get much worse for her.

"I was with everyone when you used your quirk. As to why you didn't see me, if I had to guess, Muscular his me underneath his cloak. I was unconscious when he did though. He came to the cabin I was at while chasing after one of the pros relatives, fortunately he got away," Mina explained. "As to why I'm here. . . ."

Mina explained about her conversation with Muscular. It was because of this that Izuku and Kurogiri realized that Muscular was working for Atrocity.

"Why didn't you try and escape?" Kurogiri asked.

"I couldn't, these shackles prevent me from using my quirk. Also I was told that the room was guarded so there was no point," she responded.

Izuku silently debated over what to do next. Part of him wanted to let Mina go, on the other hand, he knew he couldn't just let her leave. He knew exactly what kind of person Atrocity was since Razor had revealed a bit more to him about the League. Though she probably only did it so that so he would know exactly what he was up against. She told him about the things he usually did to people like him and Mina. Personally he didn't think Mina deserved what Atrocity was going to do to her but at the same time there was nothing he could. Or was there?

"Did Muscular say when he would be back to get you?" Izuku asked.

"Yes actually. He said it would be in about a day or two," Mina replied.

So the man was willing to let her starve and dehydrate. What's more he revealed too much information to his victim and kept her in a place where she could easily have been found. He was clearly an idiot by Izuku's standards. His thoughts were interrupted by Kurogiri intercepting a powered punch aimed at Izuku's head using his quirk.

It was Muscular. He was right next to Izuku. To add to it all he was smiling, sadistically.

"How did he get behind me? I would have heard him," Izuku thought.

"He's incredibly fast," Kurogiri realized.

At the sight of Muscular Mina became terrified. He had come for her.

"You know I did say that. But I couldn't help but check to make sure you were still here," Muscular chuckled before turning his attention to Deku. "You really shouldn't meddle in other people's business. You might attract unwanted attention."

As he pulled his arm back he shoved by Izuku and went straight for Mina.

"I was going to take you away later but now's as good a time as any I guess," Muscular said to the girl who was shaking with terror.

"Please," Mina whimpered.

That only made Muscular laugh and look at her with pure sadism and malice.

"Yes, yes, make that face, make those sounds. Atrocity loves it when his toy's do those things. Make sure to do those things when he starts playing with you," Muscular gloated. "Oh. Make sure to scream and cry as well. He loves those things as well."

Izuku felt sorry for the girl in front of him. He wanted to help her, he really did. But could he? Could he do so without getting into trouble with the League?

Mina closed her eyes and cried. Her thoughts wavered back to her friends she had made growing up, her family, the dreams she'd had of being a hero, and most of all her friends from UA. They were all precious to her.

"Goodbye everyone. I'm glad I got to know you all. I wish could become a hero along with the rest of you but sadly it isn't meant to be," she thought sadly. "All the times we shared, I will always treasure them just like I treasure all of you."

As Muscular reached for Mina Izuku, in the split second, made a choice.

"I'm afraid you can't do that," he said. "Ms. Ashido is not your responsibility. She's mine."

Everyone had different reactions. Kurogiri gave him a worried glance. Muscular turned gave him a look that said 'what the fuck'. Mina looked up at him in shock.

"Hah. Very funny kid," Muscular snorted. "You're a real comedian ya know. You shouldn't make jokes like that though, you'll end up dead."

"Do I look like I'm kidding," Izuku retorted seriously. "This girl is my responsibility. All for One's orders."

Izuku was lying of course. All for One hadn't given him any such orders. He was making a risky bet in the face of a man who could kill him quite easily.

"What do you mean All for One's orders?" Muscular demanded, he was beginning to get irritated.

"It's exactly what I say it is. All for One gave me orders to handle any students that weren't targets for the mission," Izuku lied.

Dabi hadn't known Izuku was unaware of the mission's details so it was highly likely the others didn't know either. Muscular still looked like he didn't believe him.

"Tell me Muscular how exactly do you think I found her in the first place?" Izuku asked. "I spend most of my time in the bar, training room and out on the streets. I don't go wandering around the building because there's absolutely nothing to see. The majority of these rooms are void of objects."

For once the bulky villain didn't look like he had a response. He checked the rooms beforehand so he knew Deku was telling the truth.

"There are cameras all around the building that only Sensei has access to. Last night when you all returned Sensei captured footage of you bringing someone here. Granted he didn't know it was Mina but he knew it was someone. As such he sent me here to collect this person," Izuku explained.

Izuku didn't know if the building had cameras or not but it must've had some ways of notifying the League of intruders.

Muscular didn't seem to accept this however. He grabbed Deku by the throat and held him up while suffocating him.

"Don't screw with me," Muscular snarled. "That can't be true."

"Shall we test that?" Izuku challenged. "I could call Sensei right now if you like and confirm it for you. I'll also be sure to mention that you are currently choking me, but I don't think he'll be happy with that."

Kurogiri was getting nervous. Deku was playing a very dangerous game. He wasn't the only one. Mina was nervous also. This villain, it almost sounded like he was trying to help her. Why? He was villain, he wasn't supposed to do things like that? Still though, she actually would've preferred him over Atrocity.

"Listen you quirkless bastard. I could snap your neck right now if I wanted to," Muscular snarled.

Izuku wasn't even remotely phased. There was no fear in his eyes.

"Oh I know you could. However, are you prepared for what happens afterward?" Izuku asked politely.

Muscular was confused at what he meant. Kurogiri understood though.

"Let me tell you what will happen. Sensei will hunt you and your boss down and kill you both in whatever way he pleases. Why you ask. It's because I happen to be an important member of the League, unlike you. I have done more for them in a year than you probably have in your whole life. Imagine how he'll react when he discovers you killed me. And don't think he couldn't do it, because we both know he damn well could. I'm sure that even someone as stupid you knows that Sensei is a lot more powerful than Atrocity. So I suggest that you let go of me and forget about this girl. Otherwise, you'll be the one that ends up dead," Izuku threatened with more authority than he had ever used in his life.

Everyone was silent. Kurogiri had never once heard Deku speak like that to someone. Mina thought this boy was extremely brave. Muscular was shocked and slightly terrified. This boy, he wasn't screwing around. He meant what he was saying.

"Well said Deku," applauded a voice coming from the corner via monitor.

It was All for One. Had he been listening to everything?

"You see Muscular everything is as Deku says. I did ask him to take on this task of dealing with people who weren't targets. Please give my apologies to Atrocity but he will have to get himself a new toy," Sensei stated calmly, he then switched to a more sinister tone. "Also, get your filthy hands off of Deku. He is a valued member after all. If dies due to a tantrum from you, then your entire group burns from a tantrum from me."

Muscular released Deku instantly. He knew this man wasn't joking, if he didn't do as he was told he would most certainly end up dead. He glared at Mina for escaping from him. He then glared at Izuku with burning hatred. This boy, he was the reason he would be in trouble with Atrocity now. Quickly he left to go and report the situation.

For a minute no one said anything.

"Sensei I" Izuku started.

"There's no need for that Deku. I'm sure you have your reasons for doing this. Besides, with Bakugo here I'm sure you're having a hard time dealing with it," Sensei interjected before motioning to Mina. "However, because you started this Ms. Ashido is now your responsibility. Ms. Ashido I am sure you are already aware of this but we cannot simply let you leave."

"Um yeah," she replied uncertainly.

She was still scared of what was to come, but, not as much as before. In fact she was relieved. She no longer had to go with that man to become an object of torture for someone's pleasure. This villain, Deku, had saved her. She wanted to know why.

"Sensei how did you know we were here?" Izuku asked.

Despite being grateful, it was still strange that All for One had showed up when he needed him. How did he even know what room they were in?

"Kurogiri informed me when you texted him. I would've spoken up sooner but I wanted to watch and listen first. I must say you put on quite a show," Sensei complimented. "I never knew were so commanding."

"I'm not normally," Izuku replied sheepishly. "But thanks all the same."

The screen in the room went blank and he was gone.

"Kurogiri please take us to a room where we can talk and where she can get some rest," Izuku requested as he undid the shackles.

Izuku picked Mina up in a sort of princess carry like fashion as Kurogiri's surrounded them. The next thing they knew they were in another room. It was a sort of living room with two large couches, a coffee table, an area to make tea and coffee. Izuku placed Mina on a couch and sat opposite to her. Kurogiri made tea for the two and stood in the corner. Mina didn't drink it though, she just stared at the cup.

"It's not poisoned if that's what you're thinking," Izuku said.

Mina looked up at him. She seemed unsure.

"I don't doubt that," she replied. "It's just there's a lot going through my head right now."

"Understandable considering the situation," Kurogiri piped in. "Listen Deku I need to go and check on Shigaraki. So I'll leave it to you to explain the situation to her."

It was just the two of them. Noticing how uncomfortable she was Izuku decided to speak up.

"Ms. Ashido do you have any questions you'd like me to answer?" Izuku asked.

Mina stared at the floor and then at him.

"Yes, a couple actually," she replied. "To start why, just why did you help me? You're a villain, so, just why?"

Mina hoped she hadn't offended him anyway. Deku remained calm however. Of course she would ask that.

"To be honest I'm not sure myself. You just seemed like you needed help," he said much to her surprize. "I suppose the best description I can give would be that I didn't want you to suffer since you hadn't actually done anything wrong. I know what sort of things Atrocity does to people (though I haven't seen them) and I didn't really want you to go through that. Furthermore, my status as a villain is irrelevant. I might be a villain but I am not evil, the same goes for a lot of villains. Heroes and Villains are not the same as Good and Evil."

Mina was shocked at his answer. She had never even considered that. Certainly he had a point, they weren't the same. She drank some of her tea which she found sweet and refreshing.

"What's your relationship with Bakugo? That man from before mentioned something about it," she asked.

Izuku's face soured slightly.

"He and I knew each other when were children and up through school. He bullied me relentlessly simply for being quirkless," he responded.

Mina was a little, but not entirely shocked. She knew Bakugo was a violent person with anger issues. He had shown some signs of being a bully from his former school but this was the first actual confirmation. Mina despised bullying so she sympathised with Deku a bit.

"I kinda understand what that's like," Mina said. "Growing up pink wasn't always easy for me. People made fun of it at first but I eventually made friends and things worked out well for me."

Izuku was slightly surprized at this. Discrimination against people with quirks that altered their appearance this days wasn't as common as when quirks first showed up. Back then, and even now they were cruelly referred to as subhuman by some people.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do with me?" she asked.

This had been the question she had been the most scared to ask.

"Are you going to make me fight against people or use my quirk to harm others?" she asked nervously.

"Not if you don't want to," Izuku replied. "And I won't force you either. But you will be working for me. I guess you could be my assistant and help sort out my work."

Mina didn't respond. This boy, he clearly wasn't a bad person, however she couldn't trust him, not yet anyway. At the very least she was relieved that she wouldn't have to hurt others. But there was still something bothering her.

"What sort of work do you do exactly?" Mina asked. "I'm just curious as to what I'll be doing."

"I do quirk analysis for the League and am part of their science division in developing things. I'm not really a field agent. The only time I did something like that was the USJ Incident," Izuku explained. "I was there to fight Kacchan (Bakugo) in an attempt to get even with him, which I did."

To his surprize Mina laughed.

"So you're the one he was ranting on about. Before and after the Sports Festival he was swearing 'When I find that bastard in black I'm gonna kill him'. He really wasn't happy about losing to you," she informed him.

"He never did like it. That's the first time I think he's ever lost anything," he replied.

It was true. Bakugo had never lost at anything before. Whatever was thrown at him he would always find a way to win and come out on top. Back when they were children he took on kids bigger than him and still won. The way he was so perfect was the reason why Izuku had looked up to him. Had. He didn't look up to him anymore, not since he finally opened up his eyes and saw him for what he truly was.

"How is Bakugo exactly?" Mina asked since she was concerned about what happened to him.

"Shigaraki is trying to convince him to join the League. However, he is tied because of his volatile nature," he explained.

Mina said nothing. She kinda had to agree with that statement, given the guy's personality. She doubted the villains would hurt him since they needed Bakugo.

"Let's leave it at that for now," Izuku declared. "You look very tired so you may want to get some sleep."

He wasn't wrong. Mina had been up early the day before and hadn't gotten much sleep the night before as part of her punishment for failing the exam. She hadn't gotten any sleep last night either. Muscular woke her up to explain her horrific situation and she cried for most of the night. Being chained up made it less comfortable. To point it simply, she was exhausted. A few hours wouldn't hurt.

Izuku took out a blanket and handed to her. Lying on the couch with the blanket over her she fell asleep quickly. Izuku, who was still tired drifted off shortly after.

Though Mina didn't fully trust him, she felt safer with him around.

At an unknown location


He was pissed. More than he had been in a long time. He wanted to break something, or someone. Unfortunately his last toy just died and none of his henchmen were around so couldn't take his anger out on them.

He wasn't angry at Muscular. He had done his job like he was told. He wasn't wrong to walk away when All for One got involved, if anything it was a smart decision. He even ordered him to remain with the League not to arouse suspicion. There was still a chance he could get his toy back.

Then there was Deku. He was pissed when that quirkless piece of shit evaded him the first time but now he loathed him. That boy had stolen from him, no one did that, no one. Especially not when it came to his toys. He didn't like him before, but now, now he hated him with passion.

"That does it he's dead," Atrocity declared. "Whatever future he had is now gone."

He would see to it that Deku was given a slow torturous death, and he would do it tomorrow when the plan went forward. Hell, he may even take him as an extra toy to play with.

"Enjoy today while you can Deku and All for One. For it will be your last," Atrocity swore.