Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia
With Atrocity
Atrocity was shaking with excitement. It was almost time for his plan to come into full effect. His plan to eliminate both All for One and that eyesore of a quirkless person. If there was a chance he could get his toy back then that would also be good. All for One didn't need to die just yet, Atrocity needed him alive for just one thing, it was the very reason he had Viper working on the device.
"The police and heroes should be starting their assault sometime now," Atrocity sneered. "Why wouldn't they? Especially when they were tipped off about the hideout's location."
Atrocity may have let it slip where All for One's base of operations was. His group were the only one that anyone was focused on these days, the police and heroes were unaware of the League's other branches.
When Tomura's group is captured All for One will save them, he'll use a quirk similar to Kurogiri's to teleport them to where he is. When he does this he'll also send several Nomu to distract the heroes. However, the moment that quirk appears the devices Atrocity planted around the hideout will lock on and follow through. And that's when the real show begins.
As he thought about all of this he laughed to himself. "It's finally time. Get ready boys, because here I come."
With others
Different groups were ready to make their move.
The heroes and police were ready to raid the hideout and take back the kidnapped students, as well as deal with the Nomu warehouse. All Might was prepared to face All for One. He was ready to put an end to the League once and for all. He was ready to save his students. He was ready save Izuku from his dark fate. It was then that they started to move.
Tenya's group was currently at the warehouse where the tracker was emitting its signal. They were all wearing disguises so the villains wouldn't recognise them. Pop's outfit was already a disguise itself. So far they had been fortunate enough not to encounter any trouble, Pop was ready if the moment did arrive. She was a lot more formidable than she was a year ago, she'd even learned how to use the whip she was currently carrying. Training with Knuckleduster did that to her and Koichi.
Utilising her quirk, Leap (which allowed her to jump very high provided there was something to jump off), she jumped taking Kirishima to the top of the wall to gaze into the warehouse using binoculars he purchased earlier. He, and the rest of the group, were shocked to discover that the entire warehouse was stored with Nomu's. That just left one question. Where were Bakugo and Mina?
At the bar
Mina and Izuku were watching the press conference from UA and she didn't like the way it was going. The reporters were making the teachers and school look like the bad guys when it wasn't really their fault that the camp was attacked. Mina was even more surprised that Mr. Aizawa was doing this considering how much he hated the media. Since he was a teacher present during the event it did kind of make sense. The pair were paying no attention to Tomura's conversation with Bakugo. The sound of an explosion brought them back to the people around them. Mina and Deku turned to see Bakugo freed and the hand that usually covered Tomura's face was blown off.
"I tried being quiet for as long as possible but I can't stand it anymore. If I hear one more word out of you I'm gonna throw up," Katsuki snarled before switching to a more menacing grin. "Basically you guys want me to join you right. You gotta be kidding me. I've already been won over by the way All Might looks when he wins. And nothing you say or do will change that."
Mina panicked slightly. It looked like things were about to get violent. Izuku wasn't the least bit surprised by Bakugo's reaction. Despite his personality, he had always deeply admired All Might. The way he looked when he won a battled is what inspired Bakugo to become a hero.
The UA interview continued. One reporter was questioning Aizawa about why he urged the students to fight, which he and Nezu replied honestly (they imagined a scenario where there were deaths). Then came to the part about the kidnapped students. Bakugo was believed to be kidnapped because of the villain like qualities he displayed during the Sports festival. What he said about Mina next stunned her as well as others in the room.
"As for the girl Ashido. Despite not showing any villainous qualities she does possess a dangerous quirk, one that could easily be used to kill others. What if the villains kidnapped her as a potential weapon for them to use," the reporter accused.
Mina flinched. Is that people really thought about her quirk and herself? She was usually quite careful when she used her quirk to avoid causing any harmful damage to anyone. She had to be, otherwise someone would get hurt.
Some of the villains couldn't believe what they had just heard. Mina wasn't kidnapped for any such reason. Where the press were getting these idea's they had no idea.
"Ms. Ashido," Kurogiri spoke up. "I wouldn't let a statement like that bother you. The press are clearly just trying to get to get your teachers to say something negative so it will damage their reputation, nothing more."
Mina glanced at Kurogiri, unsure of how to respond. That was when Deku spoke up.
"What they are saying about your quirk isn't wrong, however, it's the same for every other person with a quirk," he explained. "Take a look at your classmates and teachers. Can you say that none of their quirks could be used to kill?"
Mina considered this for a moment. Deku wasn't wrong. Quirks like Bakugo's and All Might's could be used to take life unless they were exercised with great caution. So she was in the same boat as others.
"I guess you're right. I was just surprised that people would think those sort of things about me," Mina explained. At that exact moment they heard Aizawa's voice.
"Any lapse in his behaviour is my failing. His behaved that way at the Festival because of his strong convictions and ideals. He pursues the rank of the top hero with everything he's got. If the villains saw this as a weakness to exploit, then they are stupider than they appear. And as for Ms. Ashido, throughout the entire year, and the course of her life, she has displayed a great deal of control over her quirk to the point where she has not caused any serious damage. Why she was kidnapped? We don't know, however, I seriously doubt it's for the reason you are suggesting," Aizawa stated.
"Bakugo's emotions and Ashido's abilities aside, do you have a counter strategy?" the reporter questioned.
"It's not like we're sitting around doing nothing. Currently we are working with the police in their investigation. Make no mistake we will rescue our students," Nezu declared.
Mina was touched by Aizawa's faith in them, even more so by Nezu's declaration to rescue them. It was clear that they hadn't been abandoned.
Bakugo thanked UA for sticking up for them and made more threats to the League.
"Just so you know my combat authorisations haven't been revoked so I can still kick all your asses," he shouted. "That goes for you too Ashido. Stop being nice to these guy's and actually fight back."
While the villains commented on Bakugo's attitude Mina started speaking. "Bakugo use some common sense for once. We are outnumbered. And to top it all off, even if you do attack Mr. Kurogiri will just block it like back at the USJ."
Everyone was seriously surprised at how polite Mina really was being, especially considering the situation. Had she gotten that comfortable around them in such a short span of time? Bakugo glared at her for pointing that out. There was something else on his mind at that second though.
"And you Deku, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you so bad you'll be recovering for months," Bakugo snarled. He had never wanted to hurt Deku more than he did now. He wanted to remind Deku just how weak and pathetic he truly was. He wanted to remind him that he was the best, and he always would be.
"You're welcome to try," Deku challenged. He wasn't the least bit frightened of Bakugo's threats, he had faced much more intimidating opponents, Razor being one.
Kurogiri was worried that Tomura was about to go berserk from what Bakugo just did, considering just how much that hand meant to him. Tomura, however, remained surprisingly calm. He picked up his father's hand and placed it back on his face. He then ordered everyone not to attack since Bakugo was a valuable pawn. Knowing that Bakugo wouldn't agree with him willingly he turned to the monitor.
"Sensei please lend me your strength," he asked his master.
"Excellent decision Tomura Shigaraki," Sensei replied.
"That voice, you're from before," Mina exclaimed recognising the voice. There was no mistaking it, this was the man that appeared on the monitor she was held captive in.
"I'm glad you remember me Ms. Ashido. I do hope you are settling in alright," the voice replied politely. Mina simply nodded as a response. Deku was surprised he was there at all. How long had Sensei been there? Was he just here to observe Tomura's efforts?
"Sensei? You're not the boss, well now that's just pathetic," Bakugo barked.
Tomura ignored Bakugo's outburst and told Kurogiri and Compress to put him to sleep. Bakugo continued to stand there and threaten them. He really want to beat the crap out of them all, Deku especially. He was so close yet he couldn't reach him. At that exact moment there was a knock at the door.
"Hello Kamino Pizza Delivery."
It was then that the wall Spinner was leaning against exploded. Or more correctly, All Might smashed right through it. Kamui Woods (a rising star) closely followed by used his special move, Laquered Chain Prison, to restrain everyone. Bakugo, and surprisingly Mina, weren't caught in it. Dabi tried to use his quirk but was knocked out with a quick kick by an elderly hero Izuku didn't recognise. All Might dubbed him Gran Torino as he announced their presence.
"League of Villains, there's no escape for you. Why you ask? Because we are here!" All Might announced.
It was then that the no. 5 hero Edgeshot entered through the door along with the police.
"It must've been terrifying for you young Bakugo, you did well to hold out. I am sorry I was not here sooner but you're ok now," All Might said causing the boy to make an embarrassed expression. "Speaking of which, where is young Ashido?"
"I'm here," Mina called out.
All Might looked to see where she was. Mina was unharmed much to his relief, however, it was who she was standing next to that had his complete attention. His hair was shorter and was now black instead of green. His face was the same though, and his eyes, he recognised them from the USJ Incident.
"Izuku Midoriya," All Might murmured. "I knew you were Deku but I didn't want to believe it."
Izuku was stunned that All Might knew who he was.
"How could you have possibly known?" Izuku questioned. "We've only ever met twice, and the second time my face was covered."
It didn't matter whether he confirmed it or not. He had already been exposed as a villain. Now people would know exactly who to look out for.
"I'll explain that later after we've finished this ordeal," All Might replied. "There's a lot I'd like to talk about with you."
"What could you possibly want from me?" Izuku coldly retorted.
He didn't see why he should tell this man anything. He owed him absolutely nothing. Mina and Bakugo on the other hand were surprised at what they had just heard. Deku and All Might knew each other. The way Deku was being hostile towards the man suggested their relationship was negative. All Might on the other hand gave no reaction to Izuku's response, he just kept staring at him intently.
"No way around it then, Kurogiri bring them all over," Tomura shouted.
"I'm sorry Tomura Shigaraki, but the Nomu set for us are gone," Kurogiri pointed out.
Izuku didn't know what had happened to the Nomu but he didn't care either. After his last encounter with one he personally never wanted to see them again. He didn't look at Mina, he wasn't going to beg for help in this situation. Besides, she was safer now that she was being returned to UA.
He didn't really care what happened to him anymore, this was his fate since he joined the League after all. He was still sad about it though, and for his comrades as well. Prison, he had never even thought about what that was like, though he probably should have. Up until now he had felt safe with the League, well safer than he had ever been in his life. But now that had come to an end, it was deeply unsettling for him.
"You have a lot to learn Shigaraki," All informed him, much to the latter's confusion. "There seem to be a few things that you and your little League have underestimated. Like this boy's indomitable spirit, this girl's incredible perseverance and the relentless police investigation. And most of all our rage. Your pranks have gone on long enough. It ends here, Tomura Shigaraki."
Tomura didn't appear to accept this and went on a rant. Izuku didn't pay attention though, he honestly didn't care anymore. He found himself struggling to breathe as Kamui Woods tightened his grip. Mina who was still looking at Deku noticed this.
"Hey be careful," Mina said to Kamui. "You're suffocating him."
"What?" Kamui replied confused. Then he noticed the way Deku was breathing and slightly loosened his grip. "Sorry about that."
Mina moved closer to check on Deku, not caring about the situation. He hadn't known her but when the time came to it Deku protected her from even greater danger, twice. The least she could do was make sure he was okay.
"Deku are you alright?" Mina asked concerned.
"I'm . . . . . I'm fine," Deku panted. "Believe me I've been through much worse."
"What's going on here?" Gran Torino asked curiously.
He wasn't the only one. The heroes and the police were curious about what was going on also. The way Mina was behaving towards Deku, towards the villain, it was odd. She wasn't scared of him in the slightest, on the contrary she appeared to be quite comfortable around him. She had to be if she was more concerned about his well-being than her own.
"Deku isn't a bad person. He actually saved me," Mina reasoned with them.
Her statement received surprised looks from everyone (with the exception of the villains) in the room. They couldn't comprehend why a villain would save Mina. She had already been kidnapped, what could he have possibly saved her from that was worse? All Might was more relieved than surprised. He didn't know what Izuku had done to aid Mina but it did better his situation. While the heroes were distracted Tomura called out to Kurogiri to get them out of here, he never got the chance though. At that exact second something pierced through Kurogiri's side and rendered him unconscious. Magne believed him to be dead. Izuku knew what had really happened though.
"He isn't dead, just unconscious," he explained. "It's Edgeshots quirk. He can make his body super thin and stretch his limbs. He's even capable of transforming at the speed of sound, just like what he did now."
"Very impressive," the pro applauded. "There aren't many who know what my quirk is capable of. Since this guy was the biggest threat I just meddled around with his insides. We realized that despite being made up of mist even he must have a physical type of body to keep his form. Don't worry, he's just going to be taking a little nap."
With Kurogiri out of the picture they really had no way to escape now. Their capture was all but assured. It was then that Gran Torino started listing off all of their names (with the exception of Dabi).
"There's nowhere left for you to run, so tell us. Where's that boss of yours?" Gran Torino demanded.
"You gotta be kidding me," Tomura replied with a voice that held a mixture of rage and disbelief. "Beaten just like that. No freaking way. Disappear . . . . Go to hell." Everyone (and even Bakugo) present were disturbed by Tomura's behaviour. Mina felt uncomfortable. Was this man having a nervous breakdown? It seemed that way. However, she couldn't help but feel there was something more to it. Izuku understood where it was coming from though. He knew Tomura's story, he knew what had happened to his father, and how no one helped him. All Might asked the same question but the latter screamed about how he hated him.
"It's alright now. I'm here."
At that exact moment, several Nomu appeared through a black liquid substance. It was similar to Kurogiri's quirk. The Nomu's began fighting against the heroes while the liquid absorbed every League member and the two students (Mina was caught by accident when she reached for Deku). As it did the devices Atrocity planted locked on and followed through flying straight past the heroes. All Might screamed out as the children were taken from him again. He was about to dash for Tomura but switched to Izuku at the last second. Like the others he disappeared also, much to his frustration.
"Oklahoma Smash," he shouted as he shook off the Nomu by twirling around at major speed.
He didn't have any time to waste. He needed to go after them. The way Izuku spoke and looked at him, it bothered him but there was no time to think about that. He promised his mother he would find him and bring him back. That was all there was to it.
Destroyed warehouse where the Nomu were stored.
Everyone arrived gasping for air. That black liquid was awful, it reeked of death. All for One stood there to greet them.
"My apologies Bakugo. And to you Ms. Ashido I hadn't planned to bring you along," he addressed the two students. He then turned to his apprentice. "It appears you've failed again Tomura. But that's okay. You just need to keep trying. That's why I brought your team. And this boy, because you deemed him an important pawn. So try again. That's what I'm here to help you do." He then held out his hand to Tomura. "It's all for you."
He wasn't lying either. He genuinely did care about Tomura. Ever since he had saved him from his accident he had grown to care about him, although he was surprised at who he was related to. That didn't matter though. All for One wasn't prejudiced against anyone, whether they were related to an enemy of his, had a weak quirk, a quirk that altered their appearance, or even quirkless. He had been born in the age where quirks first appeared so he knew better than judge someone. It wasn't just Tomura he was concerned about, there was Kurogiri and Deku also. Kurogiri had faithfully and loyally served the League since his sister's suicide, All for One wasn't about to let him be captured. Then there was Deku. Despite having gifted abilities All for One couldn't help but see a little bit of his brother in him. They were alike in so many ways: both originally quirkless (Deku still), both highly intelligent, both aspired to be the kind of hero people looked up to despite whatever odds were stacked against them. Deku had also done so much for the League, so there was plenty of reason to be concerned about him.
All for One detected All Might coming at him and blocked his attack with equal strength. It caused a shockwave that sent everyone flying. Izuku, Bakugo and Mina were in awe of Sensei's strength. Izuku especially, he had heard Tomura brag about it every now and then but this was the first time he was actually seeing it.
"I knew Sensei was powerful but I didn't think he was this powerful," Izuku thought stunned. "He's definitely as strong as All Might."
Meanwhile, the two rivals began to utter insults to each other about being weak while everyone watched.
"I'm not going to make the same mistakes I made five years ago All for One. I'm going to take back Bakugo, Ashido and Midoriya. Then I'm going to throw you and the rest of your League into prison where they belong," All Might shouted as he charged towards Sensei.
The part in that statement about Izuku confused everyone present. Just what did All Might want with him? Did he think he had been brainwashed into joining the League? All for One, not caring about All Might's statement in the slightest, unleashed a combination of quirks from his arm that blasted the Symbol of Peace across the city, destroying several buildings in the process.
"Air propulsion, musculoskeletal coiling, four instantaneous impact quirks, and three physical strength amplification quirks. This is a fun combination, I think I'll add a few amplifier quirks to it next time," Sensei mused.
"Multiple quirks," Mina whispered. "That's not possible. No one can have that many quirks."
Izuku wasn't surprised at Mina's reaction, having more than two quirks would been abnormal in this society. It didn't kill All Might but it stalled him long enough for All for One to forcefully activate Kurogiri's (who was still unconscious) quirk so the others could escape. Tomura wasn't happy about this however, at the same time All Might had recovered and was charging towards them.
"Tomura remember, there's still plenty of time for you to grow," Sensei urged his apprentice as he faced his arch-nemesis.
At Compress' urging Tomura ordered everyone to capture Bakugo while Sensei held off All Might. Izuku offered to look after Dabi, who Compress had transformed into a marble for being unconscious, since he had absolutely no intention of helping capture Bakugo. If anything he was hoping they wouldn't succeed since he didn't want Bakugo in the League. Compress seemed to understand this so he gave Dabi to Deku without question. The League members then began trying to desperately capture Bakugo, of course he wasn't making it easy for them. Even Muscular was taking part, though only out of fear of Sensei. With everyone's attention focused elsewhere, now was as good a time as any to do it. It was time to free Mina.
"Mina," he addressed the girl next to him. "You need to run, and you need to do it now. Go left here and by the buildings where no one will see you. Then head to the city centre where there's lots of people. It'll be easier for you to escape."
"What about you?" Mina responded fearfully. "If you stay her you'll-"
"I won't betray my comrades. I owe them everything. But you need to escape, you won't get another chance like this," Deku insisted.
Realising he was right Mina did as she was told. However she called out to him just before disappearing.
"Thank you De-, Izuku, for everything really. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. Whatever happens from now on I hope it works out for you. Goodbye. And good luck," she said to him. And she was gone.
Tenya, who was hiding behind a wall with his friends noticed this and felt a great wave of relief. Mina was safe. That meant they only had to rescue Bakugo now.
All Might, who had been battling Sensei rushed to help his student. Sensei pulled him back however to stop his interference.
"It seems Ms. Ashido has escaped," Sensei murmured. "No matter. She was never part of our plans."
Sensei wasn't not particularly bothered by Mina's escape. He knew very well that Deku had freed her, he figured he would. The reason he allowed Deku to keep her was because he rarely, if ever, asked for anything in the League. Also, Mina never did anything against his plans so there was no reason for her to suffer any unnecessary cruelty, especially from Atrocity. That was another reason he did it. In part it was just to piss Atrocity off, he was the one person who he hated about as much as All Might, for so many reasons.
All Might was silently happy that the girl escaped. That just left Bakugo. As he stood up again he noticed Izuku just standing at the side watching as the other villains tried to capture Bakugo. It appeared he had no desire to join, though from Inko told him about their relationship it made sense. That was a big mistake. Once he noticed his enemy distracted Sensei launched himself at him to deliver a full powered punch to All Might's face that sent the Symbol of Peace flying.
"Now don't ignore me All Might. I'm your opponent, not them," Sensei mocked. "Why do you care about Deku anyway? Last time I checked you were the one who told him he couldn't become a hero. Were you feeling guilty about it and trying to make things better?"
All Might gritted his teeth. So All for One knew about that. Of course he did. All for One had many methods of getting information. However, All Might had something he had been wanting to know for a long time now.
"Why?" All Might asked much to All for One's confusion. "Why is he with you? What did you do to get him to join your organisation?"
A few seconds after hearing what his nemesis said All for One began laughing.
"Why? You want to know why?" All for One taunted. "Alright I'll tell you. He's with us because of you, that boy you're so desperately trying to save, and most people that ever knew him."
All Might froze.
"Though Deku did tell us about his past I couldn't help but look at his memories to learn a bit more about him," All for One explained. "I must say I was surprised when I saw it was much worse than he described. The things those children, and even his teachers put him through for being quirkless, they are all worthy of being called villains themselves. Take Bakugo for example, he abused Deku quite a bit back then. In fact, the day he met you, an hour or so earlier Bakugo told him to kill himself by jumping off the roof so he could be reborn with a quirk in another life."
All for One didn't attack All Might, he wanted to see his reaction first. His eyes widened in shock and horror, much to his satisfaction. All Might on the other hand literally couldn't believe what he had just heard. He knew Bakugo hadn't been a nice person when he entered UA but he never believed he could be that cruel.
"And you told him he couldn't become a hero, well, that was the last straw for him. After that he went home to say goodbye to his mother before returning to the same building he met you. Tell me All Might, just what do you think happened then?" All for One gloated.
All Might was frozen with shock. For a few seconds he couldn't even breathe.
"No," he thought horrified. "He couldn't have. I didn't mean to, I never thought he'd."
While it may not have been the best time to gloat, the sight of his mortal enemy suffering was too good to resist. As the old saying went 'Revenge is sweet', and it most certainly was in this case.
"He jumped of course, hoping to put an end to it all. Kurogiri saved him at my orders and brought him here. I, politely, asked him to join us and he accepted, albeit with some conditions," All for One continued. "Just things such as accommodation, work control, and not having to kill, well directly."
The last part of that sentence caught All Might's attention.
"What do mean directly?" he asked nervously. "And why did you want him?"
All for One grinned.
"Deku is responsible for the deaths of several heroes, though he isn't aware of it," All for One informed him. "He has pushed the League even farther than it was a year ago and he doesn't even know it. Why I wanted him is related to that. While you and the rest of this society looked down on him for being quirkless I actually noticed his talents and put them to good use. That boy is highly intelligent, he was even smart enough to realise that I wouldn't take no for an answer when I asked him to join. How no one could see that is beyond me."
All Might didn't respond. He didn't know how to. He was still trying to process everything he had just heard. Just what did Midoriya do for the League that made it so powerful? It was clear he wasn't an active field agent (he had only made two live appearances. Yet, he was indirectly responsible for the deaths of others. At the same time it did appear that he never wanted to kill anyone, nor had he intended to.
"Enough chat," All for One declared. "Let's get down to business."
All Might snapped back to reality. He decided to think about all this later. Now he needed to deal with All for One. No words were spoken, the two enemies simply charged at each other and clashed once again.
Meanwhile, Tomura and his group were having a lot of trouble trying to capture Bakugo, who was shooting explosions at anyone who came near him, especially Compress. Muscular successfully grabbed him at one point. That is until Bakugo unleashed a massive full powered explosion (similar to the one he used against Uraraka at the festival) in his face. This blinded and deafened Muscular for a minute before he tried to capture him again. Izuku just stayed on the side lines watching it all while at the same time keeping Dabi safe in his pocket.
"Not to be fussy guys but we need to rescue him now. It doesn't look like All Might's fighting at full strength since explosion boy is there," Pop announced. "And since the villains, and even their boss, haven't noticed us yet it's the perfect time to do it."
The students pondered over her words and knew she was right. The only question was how to do it? Tenya surveyed the situation very quickly. From the looks of things Bakugo wasn't too far from them. In fact if he and Pop used their quirks right they could leap up with someone and beckon him towards them. Bakugo would be able to use his quirk to propel himself towards them. However, there was only one person who he would accept help from, someone he considered an equal. Kirishima. He was someone who Bakugo held respect for
"I have an idea that might work," Tenya started drawing everyone's attention.
Tenya explained his idea quickly. Everyone, especially Kirishima, agreed with it. And so Tenya and Pop, holding Kirishima by the legs, they used their quirks to leap up into the sky.
"Bakugo," Kirishima shouted catching everyone by surprise. The latter of which even put on stunned look. "Take my hand."
Not hesitating in the slightest, Bakugo propelled himself into the air and grabbed his hand. Magne tried to use his quirk (Magnetism) to send Compress after them but Mt. Lady got up to block him before falling down again. That didn't stop Muscular though. He launched himself after the students. And he was definitely pissed with Bakugo after being blasted in the face.
"That little bastard, I'm gonna kill him," he swore.
"I don't think so," Pop retorted. Pop released herself from Kirishima. Using her whip she caught Muscular by the neck and pulled herself in to deliver a drill kick to the face. Muscular fell back to his allies.
The rest of the villains were quickly knocked out by the arrival of Gran Torino. With that, the students finally escaped, much to Tomura's fury. Izuku on the other hand was delighted that he wouldn't have to put up with Bakugo.
"Foiled by a single move," Sensei mused. "No way round it then."
It was then he forcefully activated Magne's quirk to pull Tomura and his allies through the warp gate. As an extra precaution he had set Kurogiri's quirk to send Muscular to a different area since he did not trust him.
"Wait Sensei. You can't, with that body you'll, you can't," Tomura screamed frantically. "I'm still-"
Izuku didn't know what Tomura meant but he knew he should be concerned. Was Sensei injured? Before they were dragged through the warp gate Sensei called out to them.
"Tomura. Continue the fight. Deku. Help him," Sensei said. His attention came back to All Might who was heading towards him.
With Atrocity
Atrocity who had been watching the events up until now had other plans. He wasn't about to let Deku slip away from him, oh no, he was going to kill him right here and now. It was then that he activated the devices around the area.
Deku who was being sucked into the warp gate was shot from behind by a laser beam. It sent him flying away just in time for the warp gate to close. It didn't kill him, it was just a test shot. These devices were mini-pods, small flying devices that that shot laser beams at their target. Normally they were invisible but appeared when they used energy to fire. There was a special one just lying around for All for One as well, but now wasn't the time to use it.
Atrocity watched as Deku stood up, confused as to what had hit him. Atrocity sent out his six mini-pods to deal with Deku.
"You quirkless scum. You took my toy from me, and then you let it escape," he growled before switching to a more psychotic grin. "A knight rescuing the princess, my how awfully 'heroic' of you. If you want to play hero so much then fine let's play hero. You be the hero, and I'll be the villain."
It was then that Atrocity began to violently shoot lasers at Deku.
Back at the Warehouse
"What the hell?" Izuku muttered bewildered as he stood up slowly. The blast hurt but not that much.
He noticed six small, thin figures flying towards him. They began shooting beams of light at him. Izuku immediately dodged them by cartwheeling to the side. Sensei and All Might stopped fighting for a moment to look at this.
"What on earth?" All for One said. "You brought mini-pods with you. Are you that desperate to capture him?"
"No, I came here on my own," All Might retorted. He then noticed the kind of damage those devices were causing. "Wait. I don't think those things are for capturing him. Look at the power of their beams."
It was true. The beams were burning the very earth around them.
"Sensei don't worry about me," Izuku shouted. "Just focus on defeating All Might. I can handle this."
"Very well, I'll leave it to you," Sensei replied.
All might however, couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You're just going to leave him to fend for himself," he yelled.
"I, unlike you, have faith in his abilities," All for One declared. "I know he can handle this and he will. So please, stop pretending to care about him when all you're really trying to do is correct a mistake, probably the biggest of your life, you made."
The two rivals began exchanging blows of strength with each other. They caused shockwaves but none of them were affecting Izuku, Gran Torino, or the heroes All for One defeated earlier.
"You destroyed all my comrades so you could become the magnificent Symbol of Peace. How's view from standing over a bunch of defeated bodies? Its nice right," All for One taunted.
He prepared to use the quirk combination from before. All Might was ready for it this time though. He cancelled it with a 'Detroit Smash', the impact of which forced them both back.
"I'm not going to let you fight as freely as you want. Heroes like you always have something that needs protecting," All for One stated.
"Just shut up!" All Might shouted. "That's how you always toy with others. You break them, steal from them, use them and rule them! All while you mock them from your throne."
All Might then dashed forward with immense speed. So much that his enemy couldn't react.
"I will never allow such evil to continue existing," he said as he smashed through All for One's mask, revealing the scarred, faceless man inside.
"Such beautiful words All Might. Unfortunately, I've heard them all before, from your predecessor, Nana Shimura," All for One replied weakly.
Upon hearing his masters name All Might became enraged. He tried to attack his enemy again but he was blasted by a weaker version of that quirk combination. He was caught by Gran Torino who berated him for losing his temper and reasoned that he needed to stay calm in order to win. Helicopters arrived to broadcast the entire ordeal. They even caught Izuku dodging back and forth from the mini-pods. So all of Japan was watching, all of it.
Kamino City Centre
Tenya's group had successfully escaped from the area and were now watching battle on a large screen TV.
"Hey you guys," Mina shouted as she rushed towards them. Yaoyorozu immediately embraced her while the others (except Bakugo) expressed their concerns.
"It was lucky you escaped when you did," Yaoyorozu said. "Things are pretty crazy over there."
"It was Deku who freed me. While the other villains were distracted he told me where to run," Mina explained.
"Deku," Tenya said. "Was he the boy you were standing next to?" Mina nodded in confirmation.
"So that's who he is," Tenya thought. "Wait then that means."
His attention drifted back to the screen, Mina's gaze also followed. They looked just in time to see Deku's shoulder grazed by a laser beam. They didn't know why, but for some reason that got the feeling that Deku was in more danger than anyone here. Whatever those things were, they certainly didn't belong to a hero. They weren't the only ones who were staring at Deku. There were others.
Stain, who was watching via phone, quickly recognised what was really happening. They way those devices were attacking, they were aiming to kill. Which meant someone was actually trying to kill Deku. He cursed as all he could do was watch. He didn't actually want him to die. "Kid you had better not die," he snarled.
Razor had a similar reaction when she saw it on TV. However, she was more composed than Stain. "So someone's actually trying to kill him. Good luck with that. With the training he's received from me and Stain there's no way he'll die," she stated. "Also, Toshinori, stay focused on your enemy. Otherwise you'll end up dead."
Nezu, who was watching with his colleagues quickly got to a computer. He might not have been able to help All Might but he could at least stop those mini-pods from trying to kill that boy. "Alright here we go."
Inko who had been watching over at Mitsuki's (she was worried her son) had the strongest reaction. The moment she saw him on TV she felt her heart stop. Though his appearance had changed she knew her son when she saw him. "I-I-I-Izuku, my baby," she whispered with tears forming in her eyes.
She stood up ready to leave but Mitsuki stopped her. "Don't go Inko," she warned. "The area is a war ground right now. Even if you did go there's no way anyone would let you near it."
"So you're saying I should do nothing. My son, my baby, is there, and what's more he's in danger. I finally know where he is, and you, you're saying I should do nothing," Inko nearly yelled.
Mitsuki remained calm and composed. "I'm not saying that at all. But the way things are now, you would just be getting in the way. You need to leave this to the pros, have faith that Izuku will survive this ordeal," she replied.
Inko gritted her teeth. She knew her friend was right. Grudgingly, she sat back down and focused on the screen. "The second this is over I'm heading down to the police station," she stated. Nothing more was said.
Back at the warehouse
All Might and All for One continued to exchange fists, neither one letting up. All for One formed a whip made of light and attempted to hit All Might with it. The latter of which caught it (though it did sting) and used it to pull All for One close enough to deliver a powered kick to his gut that sent flying in the air.
"Using your feet huh, aren't punches normally your forte," All for One spat.
All Might was a puncher, not a kicker. The latter gave no response. If he wanted to beat his arch-nemesis he needed to think outside the box.
All for One decided to do the same thing. He sent a blast of fire at All Might. He then strengthened it with air to increase the power. All Might held it back with another 'Detroit Smash'. All Might then leaped into the air, only to be caught and kicked back down. All for One then unleashed the quirk combination from before, only this time he added a few more amplifier quirks. All Might tried a 'Detroit Smash' in mid-air but it only lessened the power slightly. All Might crashed on the ground taking on the full force of the attack. The impact from that attack had damaged the surrounding area but Izuku was still safe as far as he could see. All Might stood up slowly. His body was damaged from that attack, with blood running from his head and mouth. Strangely enough he hadn't reached his limit yet. All for One was in no position to brag, he was extremely exhausted. His body was in bad condition, and been ever since All Might defeated him all those years ago.
"No matter what you put me through, no matter how beaten my body is, my heart will continue burning bright as the Symbol of Peace," All Might declared.
"How wonderful. I forgot how strong your pride was. However, I wonder if it will remain that way after you hear this. You see," All for One said. "Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson."
The second those words left his mouth All Might froze entirely. His smile vanished and was replaced by an expression of complete and utter shock. All for One laughing inside at the way his nemesis looked right now. He had gotten the reaction he was hoping for.
"I've been waiting a long time to tell you that. It's funny, isn't it? You and Nana, you both fought against me, you tried to stop me, and yet you're both responsible for giving two wonderful things. Because she abandoned her son it led to me getting Tomura. And because you shattered Deku's dream I received him," All for One jeered. "That attack on the USJ was just to get you two to meet. And you beat him into submission with a smile completely unaware. Oh and this isn't a lie, you know I wouldn't lie about something like this."
All Might said nothing. At that exact moment, he was screaming internally. This couldn't be possible. He was related to Master. Him.
"Those two, what have I done?" All Might thought horrified.
His face had changed to one of complete despair. All for One had never been as happy as he was right now. His enemy was broken, it was all he could have hoped for.
"Don't give up. All Might," came a ragged voice that belonged to woman. She was trapped beneath some debris and she was crying. "Please, save me."
All over Japan
All over Japan people were cheering for All Might. Encouraging him not to give up, encouraging him to win.
"Don't give up All Might."
"You can do it."
"He'll save the day. He always does."
"All Might win the day."
Everyone believed in him.
With Nezu
Nezu was hacking as fast as his paws could go. These mini-pods, they weren't easy to override. He had seen the state All Might was in but wasn't particularly worried. All Might would win, he just knew it. At the moment he needed to help that boy. So far that boy had been lucky enough to dodge all the beams fired at him (he was obviously quite athletic), but he wouldn't last much longer.
"Ugh," the boy howled in pain. He had finally been hit from behind and hit the ground. The pods then shot at him repeatedly.
"Hold on just one more," Nezu said as he finally took control. "And there we go. Now let's stop this shall we." And just like that the mini-pods deactivated and fell to the ground.
The boy who had been attacked stood up slowly. He was injured but alive which was a relief. Just then Nezu saw a video chat link with the pods. Curious as to who was behind it he connected to it. A new image appeared. One he, unfortunately, knew rather well. The image also knew him and was quite surprised to see him. Nevertheless, he switched to a malicious grin.
"Well, well, if it isn't my little mascot," Atrocity greeted. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Likewise," Nezu murmured. He didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't him.
"Ah, how I've missed you," Atrocity said.
"I can't say I feel the same way," Nezu retorted.
"Don't be like that we used to have a lot of fun together," Atrocity said. "I was sad when you ran away. So much that I slaughtered anyone in my view at the time."
Nezu said nothing. He felt sorry for the poor souls that were dead because of his escape but at the same time there was nothing he could do about it. There was something he was curious about.
"Why are you trying to kill this boy?" Nezu asked. His question made Atrocity angry.
"You mean Deku?" Atrocity spat.
Nezu raised an eyebrow. He knew all about this boy from All Might.
"That quirkless bastard took my new toy from me. Then he let it go," Atrocity raged. "He deserves to die as painfully as possible for stealing from me."
"Toy? You mean Ms. Ashido?" Nezu asked barely keeping the rage he was feeling back. The reason for Mina's kidnapping was finally revealed.
He knew exactly what sort of person Atrocity was. He had been a toy for him once. He had been experimented on by him, tortured by him. It was how he received the scar over his right eye. Knowing he was going to do that to one of his students just made him angrier.
"The pink subhuman? Yeah her," Atrocity stated. "Listen mascot as much as I'd like to catch up I have an important errand I need to run so, see ya."
And just like that the screen blinked out, and it was just Nezu and his colleagues. Nezu turned his attention back to All Might. Regardless of how angry he was at seeing Atrocity again he needed to give his friend his support.
Back at the warehouse
Though All Might could not see them, he could feel the chants and hopes of the people cheering him on telling him to win. That alone gave him the strength he needed to push forward. He stood up and stared at All for One who was hovering in the air. He only had one option left, one attack that would finish this. His ultimate special move. All Might poured every ounce of power he had into his right arm and stood up.
"Never fear," he said, his voice filled with strength. "You know you're right All for One, heroes do have many things, so many people they need to protect. It's for that very reason why they can't lose."
"Use every bit of strength you have. Wounded heroes are always the most fearsome," All for One mused. He then began preparing to use his quirk combo again. "Since you're going all out it would impolite of me not to do the same."
At that moment the other heroes (Endeavour, Edgeshot, Kamui) arrived. Endeavour cancelled out All for Ones attack with his flames. Edgeshot followed up with a quick attack to his face. Kamui focused on rescuing the defeated heroes (Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist, Gang Orca). All for One, however, having had enough of these interruptions exerted a force from his body that sent everyone (except All Might) flying. Izuku was pushed back also, but he managed to remain standing since he wasn't as close. He looked up at Sensei and say he had put an amalgamation of quirks on his right arm.
"This is it," Izuku realised. "This will be the deciding factor."
"In order to kill you I'll need thee best and most suitable quirks I have, and strike you with them," All for One declared.
The two enemies charged at each other once more in an effort to end this.
With Atrocity
"Well now this is a glorious battle All for One. Truly inspirational. Unfortunately, I can't take the chance that you might win," Atrocity declared. "That's why I saved a very special mini-pod just for you."
Atrocity aimed the pod from where All for One was charging. He locked on and fired.
At the warehouse
All for One felt something hot pierce through him. It was on the left side of his chest. It wasn't critical but it made him lose his focus, which was more than enough for All Might. The Symbol Peace flew full force at All for One and delivered a powerful blow to his face.
"UNITED STATES OF SMASH," All Might shouted.
The impact blasted All for One halfway across the city. When he did crash he didn't get up. It was over. All Might had won. The citizens who had been watching were cheering like crazy.
Despite his victory, All Might quickly looked to where Izuku was. He saw that the boy was lying against a pile of debris unconscious. He must have been forced back from the impact of his attack. It didn't matter though, he had found him, and that was what that mattered. Defeating All for One was an added bonus.
"I did it Inko. I kept my promise," All Might said.