Chapter 1: World of the Souls

... Choose Hublocation...

[Firelink Shrine/Majula/Hunters Dream]

I recognise the places available exept for the Hunters dream. Out of curiosity I select the Hunters dream and I am pushed onto a stony path way. I look up to a really big moon a notification poping up:

... The Hunter's Dream is your character's home base, where items are purchased, leveling up is conducted, and weapons are fortified and repaired. Your character can be transported back to the Hunter's Dream by speaking with Gatekeeper Messengers in the field...

I look arround my self finding nothing behind me exept white fluffy clouds. I'm clothed into nothin but a linen cloth covering up my genitals. After checking my manhood I follow the path way up a smal hill where I see a small house and stairs leading up to it.

... The Hunter's Workshop is the only building in the Hunters Dream and gives the Chosen a place to store items, repair/fortify weapons, and replace Caryll Runes. Gehrman resides in the Workshop and will give helpful advice. The workshop also has a Storage where exceed items and trinkets are held...

Pops again a notification into my head. Right below I see a small child reminding me of the cut child emerald herold form DS2 sitting lifeles below the stairs.

... An ordinary doll, but as you progresses, something might change...

Tells me the next notification popping up in my brain. Opposite the lifeles Body I find three small ritual altars.

... Ritual Altars can be used to travel to the distant kingdomes of Lordran, Drangleic, Lothric and the city of Yharnam...

I ignore the note and walk up the stairs to an old man sitting in a wheelchair in front of the Workshop mansion. He has shoulder-length, grey hair, wears a black hat along with a brown leather jacket and trousers, a tattered mantle and a scarf. His right foot is missing and replaced by what appears to be a peg leg. Awakening and looking straight at me he says: '' Ah-hah, you must be the new Traveler. Welcome to the Hunter's Dream. This will be your home, for now. I am... Gehrman, friend to you hunters. You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts or undead. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what Travelers do! You'll get used to it...'' Ignoring I try to open the mansions door but it seams to be stuck. A little bit pissed I walk away from the mansion back o the rital altars and the puppet herold.

''This was once a safe haven for hunters. A workshop where Travelers used blood and souls to enhance their weapons and flesh. We don't have as many tools as we once did, but... You're welcome to use whatever you find. ... Even the doll, should it please you...'' I hear Gehrman say when reaching the second altar with [Drangleic] engraved on it above a row of blank columns. I look at it when my hand is suddenly grabbed by the former lifeless herold puppet. With a silfer knife she slashes at my hand, forcing a black bloodlike substance out of me, smearing it all over the altars first blank column. Now having [Things in Betwixt] engraved into the first column. Looking at my blood seeping into the letters I again lose concisness...

I see the old Intocutscene of DS2 before feelling my body falling down. I awaken in the place 'Thinks Betwixt'. As a small dimensional rift that exists between Drangleic and the outside world, this seemingly peaceful limbo serves as a gateway between the two realms. It lies deep within a shadowy cavern and traverses an ancient forest rising from subterranean lake. Hearing the faint noises of a waterfall I walk in the direction of the only source of light a giant white blue crake in the distand horizon. Walking over an old wooden suspension bridge I find the old Firekeepers hut.

...Three former Firekeepers reside here with their caretaker, offering guidance to Travelers who pass through on their quest. The forest serves as a proving ground for visitors and hides a great many secrets for those willing to seek them out, but beware - while the main road is relatively safe, straying from the beaten path can lead to a terrifying end before your journey has even begun...

I open the door but to my own shock no character creation system is triggert. I just stand there still frozen in place clothed in my linen cloth. ''Get your self something to wear. In the boxes upstais should be something for you.'' Tells me Housekeeper Milbeth the old womans caretaker pointing to the staircase. In a massive wooden chest I finde the [Imported Set]. Putting all parts of the set on I get a new note.

... Hemp hood that fully covers the face. Provides protection from the elements, and little more...

... Traveler's tunic/manchettes/trousers. Won't provide much in the way of protection. The traveler's who wander the lands have a strange way of ending up here, as if drawn from afar by some force...

Without weapon I skip the familiar starting area introducting the Player to the games mechanics and leave this place through the rift at the end of the cave. There I am greeted to an not so familiar vew over Majula. In contrast to the game where this place is a warm sunny and homey place I find a frozen land devoid of any inhabit. No herold at the bonfire, no nameless knight at the cliff, no talkative money grabbing merchant, no talking cat and no little piggies. What I find are snow, the familiar structures, the company of champions altar and the familiar Items like the binoculars at the cliff close to the rift leading back into the starting area or the estus shard on the dead body in the fountain near the locked mansion. Sitting down at the extinct bonfire with the coiled sword I think about what do do next, when a new note pops up.

... This sword once lit can transport you back to the Hunter's Dream. Upon death, you will awaken at this sword. Looking into the flames you can vew your self and your stuff...

Promted by this discretion I push the sword into the ash to lit the fire. I stair into the flames to finde my player inventorys from DS 1-3 crampt into one.

... Inventory...


-[Dragonslayer Set (30D; 32,8W)]

-[Wolf Knight Set (25D; 21,4W)]

-[Havel's Set (35D; 56,9W)]


- [Dragonslayer Spear (113+70D; 9,5W)]

- [Wolf Knight's Greatsword (139D; 11,5W)]

- [Valorheart (120D; 5,5W)]

I'm shockt to remember that this is exactly all my loadouts from my last saves from DS 1-3 because in DS1 in the end I had cosplayed as Knight Artorias the Abysswalker wirh the cursed greatsword, in DS2 I cosplayed as Havel the Rock with the Spear of Ornstein and in DS3 I was closed in Ornsteins Armor with the swordshild combo of Valorheart.