Chapter 6: Dead or Alive

A single firebomb detonates Throw a firebomb sets off a huge explosion which opens a shortcut back to the Cardinal Tower bonfire. Equipt with a Chloranthy Ring, Life Ring and his Fire Longsword Drake has picked up most of the items in the Forest of Fallent Giants. Having even met Cale the Cartographer he is even in the possession of the [House Key] for the abandoned house in Majula. Running through the now newly created hole in the tower wall I use the quickly trigger the bonfire.

Coming out of the new shortcut bomb-hole, I'm again attacked by the two Hollow Royal Soldiers awaiting me from my left. Fast disposing them I take the ladder leading me down to a short stone staircase.

Moving forward I see a hole in wall to my right which opens to a room where I know are ballistas that fire arrows when triggered by proximity to the room. To my left I can see a small courtyard filled with explosive barrels and two hollow soldiers. Sneaking arround said hole I see a soldier sitting relaxed on a pile of rubble. Looking at me smiling he greats me.

''Hello there. Travelling all alone in these treacherous times?''

''Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It allways depends.''

''Well, I hope you have a very good reason. Oh, hogwash, who am I to judge? Hah... My name is Pate. I journey hither and thither... On a sort of... treasure hunt, you might call it.''

''Sounds interesting. Any advice for me?'' I ask him knowing that he will leade me right into an ambush.

''Hahaha. Be careful out there. There's talk of unsavoury bandits who prey upon travellers like yourself.''

''May be something more specific?''

''Oh yes, you be cautious if you go any farther. There's treasure in there, for certain, but the entrance locks from behind. I saw the same design earlier, and it's the same contraption, I'm sure.''

''Then lets fight together!''

''I was with this warrior, you see, and he insisted that he go inside first.

The rather brusque fellow tried to swipe the loot for himself, but it trapped him inside. I still have the gent's ring. I do hope he wasn't harmed. I'll leave this one to you. I'm worried about what might be inside.'' Tells me Pate looking at me intently.

''Ok. Then I will try it.'' I tell him but don't walk through the near by archway.

Instead I intend to kill the Hollows one by one with backstab attacks. To do so I backtrack to the small courtyard filled with explosive barrels. By using one firebomb skillfully I dettonate all barrels in the courtyard killing both Hollows instantly. After that I turn right directly afteralking into the yard. Through a long open corridor I see two Hollows praying to a tree and a ledder leading to a walkway above the walls surrounding me. Again sneaking arround I don't pull the hollows and clime up the ladder. On the walkway I see door to my left. Going through said door I find my self in a small bairly lid room full of Hollows facing away from me. Quick backstabs with my fire longsword kill every hollow almost by the first contact of my blade. After whipping the corridor clean I begin hitting the left side wall with my sword only to find an illusionary wall with a massiv wooden chest behind it. In the chest I finde a beginners wand. Taking the item i walk to the end of the corridor. There the space opens up to a whide open courtyard full of sleeping hollows. By just stabbing them lying down I kill them all. In the ende I approach the open archway that suddenly closes shut. Looking through the bars I see a smiling Pate still sitting on his rubble.

''Well, I see you managed to still be alive. I hope that brave warrior didn't come a cropper either. Be careful out there. There's talk of unsavoury bandits who prey upon travellers like yourself. Oh, but you should take this...'' Through the bars the smiling bastard gives me a [White Sign Soapstone]. ''... It allows travelers to call out for help to one another, across the fissures between worlds. With luck, somebody will lend you a hand.'' After saying that Paid stands up and vanishes out of side by going into the courtyard with the exploded barrels. Fast I sprint back to said courtyard. In the left corner I now see a big doorway. Going through the doorway I walk into a large room. To my right there is a locked door that I could open thanks to my [Soldiers Key]. I ignore the door and turn to the left. As I had entered, two hollow soldiers straight down the room spotted me instantly. I kill the two and head through the mist on my left. Hoing into a large open room with a torch. Lightening it I see to my right a broken wall which leads into a room with a seated Hollow Royal Soldier. I head straight across the room and turn right. On the right is a corpse with items. Taking them I see just beyond and to the right an the elevator that should leade to the Last Giant boss. But, first I open the door just ahead which creates a shortcut to the ladder from the [Cardinal Tower] Bonfire. Returning to said bonfire I take a little break and return to the [Hunter's dream].

Arriving in my hub I'm suddenly greeted by a familiar face. The therapist had returned... ''Hello again Mr Bell. Nice to meet you again.'' Greace Pearce greats me smiling. Wearing an expensiv and elegant looking Equipment Set with golden embroidery along the edges of the garb, a pure white tie with a large gemstone broche, a cape over her left sholder with chains that hold it in place, frills on the openings of the sleeves and stiff grey trousers commenly worn by travellers. Dispite her exquisit closing choice her most striking feature is her beautifully mature womanly face and radiant golden hair. ''Miss Pearce. Would you please excuse me for a moment I had a long day and would like to refresh my self.'' I tell her and go into the workshop, special the storage where I mean to finde a new pair of clothes. Luck is good to me and I finde a Black Hood, Foreign Garb, Sullied Bandage and Foreign Trousers. Taking on the garb and trousers I return to Greace who is relaxed sitting in the garden behind the workshop.

''There you are. Looking quite nice in civilised clothing.'' The therapist compliments me befor sipping a tea the doll must have made for her.

''Thank you but I must say that you to look quite seductive and elegant. Something I wouldn't have guest under the [Imported Set].'' I compliment back.

''Ok. Niceness aside what do you whant to achieve by remaining in this gameing world?'' Grace asks me charging a head.

''You ask a straight question that deserves an equal answer... I want to again judge over the three first flames and end what ever kinde of dream this here is. I want to finish it all.''

''What do you mean by finish?'' ''Nonono. Now I ask a question. Will you Miss Pearce stop or help me in my endeavour to achieve my goal?''

''As your therapist I have to help you.'' ''That makes me happy to hear.'' ''Now I have one last question for today. I have seen you kill in this word. Does it matter to you that your victims are dead even before you kill them?'' ''Dead or Alive it doesn't matter. They attack I kill. Now you should have a good rest. You will help me to kill the Last Giant tomorrow. But before that you will have to exuse me until tomorrow. I have to turn [Estus Shards] into [Estus Flasks].''