Year 2030. Technology had already exceeded Moore's Law by far, bringing about a new age of advancement. Self-driving cars, drones with recognition sensors, cure to cancer, and even robots had already been invented.
Although they brought about many benefits, there were also many consequences. It was still a difficulty trying to put all of these new technology under control as having different systems usually resulted in many unforeseen accidents. It was especially hard with the capitalists preventing the government from interfering with each coporate's products.
Tensions between the government and coporates raged, almost into a full blown war, but all of this was resolved when it was announced that the government had worked with top company Soogle to bring into being the one who would control it all, the AI god.
The AI god was the first complete artificial intelligence as it boasted that it had unlimited capabilities with the ability to evolve. It was designed so it could hack into any system connected to its network in order to put a leash on all the products of corporates.
Of course, the corporates were very unhappy, but they were placated when they learned that they will be in part of the community in control of the AI God.
Today, is a very special day because it is the actual day in which the AI God shall be "born" into this world. Soogle will officially activate the AI God, connecting it to its network, while being broadcasted live throughout the world. From henceforth, all networks will be controlled by the AI God, who will be under the control of the corporates and governments of the world. It was met with the support of public opinion due to the fact that the AI God will help reduce the accidents, tragedies, and atrocities caused by new technologies.
Although there was some dissent amongst the general population, it was declared that it was not of importance for the bigger picture because the many accidents caused by new technologies must be resolved, before it's too late. Hence any opposition were crushed under the forces of the world government, no matter where they are as they were easily targeted by armed drones.
As for me, I'm Steve Sukerbork, a normal salary-man in this conflicted world. I am also one of the many lucky citizens who would be able to witness the birth of God, so to say, but the stifled feeling of no longer having a freedom of speech made me decide to take a final stroll before the dawn of the new era.
I walked through the enormous city of New York City. Due to the expanding city size through industrialization, multiple cities eventually collided with each other due to living space, hence cities were combined into one, with New York City being one such city. Although it was large, the city was still filled with skyscrapers throughout, as even restaurants are now all sorted into floors of tall buildings.
This was due to the frantic population boom while death rate declined exponentially due to advancements in the medical field. Being able to replace organs printed through 3-D printers using bio-cell plastic was a major factor contributing to this aspect. Of course, population control laws were eventually put in place, but only caused crime rates to explode as men could not hold back their desires of contributing to the process of creating life especially when their life spans are much longer, hence eventually the laws were abolished.
I strolled over to my favorite sightseeing skyscraper, and went up to the 20th floor as usual. The high-tech speedy elevator brought me to my floor within seconds and the elevator doors opened up to an indoor park that was no different from outdoors. There was an artificial sky box along with a forest of small trees. The "park" had paths, benches, and little critters, just like any park in stories would have. I strolled through the park as usual, sitting on a bench to enjoy the peace of life that may no longer be a thing once God exists.
As I pondered on my future, I could not help but worry about if I will still be able to keep my job. As technology advanced, many fields of employment no longer required man power, causing billions to be unemployed. One exception was the field I work in, Computer Science and Engineering, which was still a prominent field; however, with the release of the AI God that was promised to be able to do all the complicated programming for us and better than us, I'm not sure I will still be able to keep my job.
As I sadly gloated about my future, planning on how to make a living, an old man with sparse white hair and a walking cane came and sat next to me on the bench. I greeted him with a nod before going back to my brainstorming as it was a common sight to see old fellows from the past era.
Unfortunately, my thoughts were interrupted by the old man.
"Young one, what seems to be bothering you? You seemed to be very worried about something," the old man questioned.
Although confiding with others was not something I usually do, but since I believed it would be the last day before the new era, I decided to do it once for a change.
"Ah, nothing much. I'm just trying to plan my future as I would need to find a new job after the AI god is born," I replied.
"Oh? Are you dissatisfied with this AI God?" the old man asked.
"Ah!? No! No! I can't be! That's a dangerous thing to say-" I replied while my eyes shifted around, in hopes that none of the tiny drones that patrol the city are monitoring our conversation.
"Ohoho! No worries, there are no drones here to monitor us. Feel free to speak your opions young man," the old man said with a chuckle.
Although a little doubtful, but I really could not see any, hence I decided to vent my frustrations to this old man about my dissatisfaction towards the release of the AI God along with my fears of the future.
After I vented while the old man patiently listened to me like a grandpa would in stories, I felt much better. As I was about to leave, the old man asked me something that stopped me in my tracks.
"Oh? Then, young man, if you had the chance to change the future by abolishing the AI God, would you do it?" the old man asked in a solemn tone.
Although I thought it was a queer question, but I knew I had nothing to lose answering it truthfully as I was safe so far, hence I replied, "Of course I would, I would do all I can to crush that machine to liberate us humans."
"Good, then take this," the old man said with a smile while handing me what seemed to be a small microchip.
As I took the chip with no suspicions, I could not help but ask, "Huh? What's this-"
Unfortunately, when the chip landed in my hands, a high voltage shock traversed through my body as my vision faded out.
My last thoughts in this era was, "This old man ... he couldn't be sent to kill me could he?"
Then, I woke up to a whole new era.