John's New Technique

  John watches as Laurel joins back up with the boys. She explains to them that John wants them to train together. After a bit of discussion, they pare up. One of the pair attacks while the other does John's technique. Clack, they hit each other's wood weapons, and both sides bounce back.

  "What are you guys doing?" John interrogates.

  Everyone looks at each other with confusion. "Your technique?" Franklin asks uncertainly.

  John's leaves shake in frustration as he lectures, "Since when did the technique I taught you to involve a pointless clash like that? This is a technique meant to defeat stronger opponents. If you try and bash through with strength, then, of course, it'll fail. At this point, you guys should be practicing the motions, not flailing about."

  Louis runs his hand through his blond hair and asks, "Whoever heard of a technique that only works on stronger people?"

  "You'd be surprised at how many there are. People are more afraid of stronger opponents than anything else," John replies with a shrug. "Now, once you lock blades, the attacker should push forward with more strength. You then turn your blade and knock it to the side. They won't be able to stop themselves due to the sudden change. With their weapon in the ground, takes their head," John goes over the movements as the children follow his instructions.

  As they continue, Franklin can't help but question the technique, "What if they don't try and push back and they dodge instead?"

  John laughs, "This is why I say it's best to kill them the first time. Most people have a certain pride in their strength. If they find themselves struggling against someone weaker than them…."

  "They'll want to prove themselves," Franklin finishes.

  "That's right. If you taunt your opponent as well, they'll be even less likely to try and win with fancy techniques. They'll want to prove that they are superior to you no matter what," John says with a condescending tone.

  "Is that true?" Douglas inquires in disbelief. His curly hair bobs about as Laurel does the killing motion.

  "Even though they are so powerful and talented for some reason, powerful cultivators start worrying more about-face more than their own lives. Well, that's not quite right. When you kill them, you will see on their faces that they never considered that you might kill them," John elaborates.

  Franklin shakes his head and says, "I'm not a fan of tricking people. Battles should be fair and upright!"

  John shakes his leaves and scoffs, "What do you know? when you truly face a powerful enemy, you'll wish you practiced ten times harder."

  "Either way, this technique will be there when we need it most, " Laurel points out while remembering her battle in the grand hall.

  "Alright, " Franklin relents as they continue to practice.

  As the matter is settled, John leaves the children to their practice. As he watches them, he contemplates his predicament, 'Unfortunately, I don't have muscles to train.'

  John looks inside himself and sighs. 'This energy is always fighting threatening to explode. If only I could use it to blow up my enemies.'

  A bush's leaves ruffle on the hill even though there is no wind. 'let's try it!' John decides. He gathers up a bit of the sun and earth energy into two little balls.

  John gradually moves the two balls to the tip of a branch. Once there, he releases the dual energies out. As they leave his body, John forces them together.

  A bright streak flies out from John's branch like a sparkler. It snaps and crackles before falling gently to the ground. Joe jumps in shock, causing the ground to shake. The demonic bull snorts at the thorny bush.

  "What?" John asks defensively.

  Joe looks at the dirt where the firecracker fell, then back at John. "Moo, " The demonic Bull replies.

  "I'm testing out a new skill, " John says indignantly.

  Joe raises his eyebrow while responding, "Moo."

  "It was a test! The real thing will be more powerful, " John assures while bobbing up and down.

  "Moo moo moo, " Joe says unconvinced.

  John moves more earth and sun energy to the edge of a branch. 'I'll show that stupid bull!' he thinks.

  This time John smashes the two energies together right at the tip of his leaf. Kaboom! A fireball erupts from the leaf consuming it. The explosion expands out with a five-foot radius. John's whole body is engulfed in flames.

  "Ahh," John cries out as his leaves and bark begin to sear. He wildly flaps his branches around in panic.

  Joe looks at the suicidal bush in shock. "Moo?" The demonic bull questions the fiery bush.

  "No, this isn't what was supposed to happen!"

  "Moo moo moo, " Joe says, turning his head quizzically.

  "Stop critiquing the technique and help put me out, " John cries while continuing to wave his branches frantically.

  Joe snorts, sending a big burst of air sweeping away the fire. The edges of John's leaves are now crispy. His singed bark smokes and flutters in the wind.

  "Ahem, " John squawks in embarrassment. "That could have gone better, " he concedes.

  "Moo, " Joe nods.

  "Well, that's enough testing for today, " John announces.

  Joe snorts at John. "I'm not lazy. This is just a tactical withdrawal!" John explains.

  Joe rolls his eyes, "moo uhp mooio."

  "Don't bring up Donna! I'm not using big words to hide," John retorts. "Look, discretion is the better part of valor! Remember the bitter berries? You should take after me more," John finishes with pride.

  Joe stomps his hoof and puffs out his cheeks. "Moo moooo muuoh!" Joe retorts.

  "No, I'm not telling you to set yourself on fire! Or be insufferably arrogant. Are you even listening to me? This is why you are just a Joe, and I am a John!" John triumphantly states.

  As John goes on his tirade crunching, sounds start coming from Joe's mouth. Almost like a well-cooked piece of lettuce.

  "You! I won't let this injustice stand," John vows, "Take this!" As John speaks, he ignites the small amount of earth and sun energy.

  The leaf ignites in Joe's mouth. Joe chokes on the spicy leaf. His tongue shoots out as he spits out the leaf. Flames spurt out with drool as Joe coughs and chokes.

  John laughs, "Ha, now you understand the immense power of my new technique!"

  "Moohuhubleh," Joe cries.