To mine or not to mine?

  Later that day, everyone gathers again. Franklin explains that they want to go to the mine and get more moon iron to create spears. Laurel and Louis back up the older boy explaining that the damage done to the armor made everyone excited.

  After hearing out the children, Martha is the first to disagree, stepping forward with stern eyes, "No, we are planning to hide in those caves. If we show them the location, they may betray our location."

  Mellisa glances over at Anna and her family and smirks, "aren't we already in trouble then? Some people are so selfish they'd sacrifice everyone for their own benefit."

  "MOM!" Laurel exclaims with a shocked face. 'Mom never had such a snake tongue before.'

  Anna looks at Mellisa with a sickly smile of superiority, "there is no need to push your weakness onto others. Unlike you, who spend most of your days hiding in your home, my family has toiled daily and bled for our home. It's clear who would betray to save themselves."

  Laurel looks with teary eyes towards Anna, "Anna, please."

  Anna looks Laurel in the eye. Her eyes are calm but filled with a hidden hardness, "Do not worry, Laurel. I don't link you two in this matter. You've proven that you are prepared to risk all for our future."

  "I don't wish for us to be broken apart by this," Laurel mumbles while looking away, unable to look into those far-reaching eyes.

  Gregory steps in, "fighting among ourselves will get us nowhere. We've already decided that each side will go their own way. No one will betray the other."

  John also adds, "there are no guarantees in this world. However, this is not a good situation for anyone. We should not condemn those who have yet to do anything. I've seen those who I thought were beyond reproach flip sides instantly. While I've seen those who I considered despicable stand against all odds. In the end, what we will do can't be known until push comes to shove."

  Anna turns toward the hill and gently bows. "Thank you for giving us your wisdom. In this case, we mustn't suspect our new allies. We should move to make ready for the onslaught. If those that stay win, there is no need to worry about the Red River army chasing after you."

  Wilbur looks over everyone while holding Donna in his hands. It's too late for the young girl, and she is sleeping through the noise. "I believe the difference in equipment will be important. I can make many spearheads and even arrowheads before the battle. If these men wanted to, they could have already killed us."

  Arron shakes his head, "it's too early to believe they won't betray us later. It could just be that they are afraid of our guardian spirit. If we arm them, they may feel bold enough to attack us."

  Anna glances at her husband and rolls her eyes, "John, do you believe that these men can best our guardian spirit?"

  John shakes up on the hill, "well, it may hurt more than everyday steal. It's impossible for them to do any severe damage. Of course, they may be foolish enough to try."

  Anna nods in contemplation, "can you convince our great guardian spirit to show a demonstration of strength?"

  "Well, what do you think, Joe? Willing to go on a rampage to show these soldiers who rules these lands?" John asks with a mocking voice.

  "Moo?" Joe looks up. He'd just been eating, and now the bush is mocking him?"

  "Can't you pay attention? If an army comes, the land will be all trampled! Your food will be gone, and who will bring you tasty fruit?" John explains, exasperated.

  The demonic bull continues to chew his grass while looking down at the village. He then looks at the bush and finally the men. "Moo moum mosh."

  John pauses and contemplates what Joe said, "why don't you escort them to the mine? There will be plenty of chances to show your might."

  Joe's mouth falls open, and the mostly chewed food falls in a slime to the ground. He angrily bellows at this bush, "snort moo uem snof mouo!"

  John waves his branches to dissuade his hill mates' anger. "Now now, it's not bad to get exercise every once in a while. Also, it will give more time for things to grow back. The grass will be more delicious then," John appeases the angry beast.

  "moo moo mooooo," Joe complains.

  "Gaining power always means taking on more responsibility. It's just the way of the world."

  "Moo," Joe gives in.

  "Perfect! Everyone Joe has agreed to escort everyone to the mine. As a benefit, this means if we lose here, Joe can help you escape."

  Anna looks over with a smug face at those who stood against her, "I don't think anyone would go against the will of our guardian spirit. He's proven to be a rock in a storm."

  With Joe's decision, everything is set. No one feels they can speak up now. Ernest is soon informed, and they quickly prepare for the exhibition.

  In the darkest moment of the night, a figure climbs the opposite side of the hill from the village. As this person reaches the top of the hill, they offer Joe a bag of berries. They pat the head of the beast as it eats and sighs.

  John sends his voice to this figure, "what brings you here in secret?"

  Laurel looks at the bush and quietly asks, "am I doing the right thing? My eyes tell me that this is the path. But is there another way? My mom is in so much distress."

  John's branches sag as he says, "there is no way of knowing what is right or wrong. However, you should not betray yourself to appease your mother. A parent is important, but we all have our own path. I think in the end your mother will be proud of you. She just doesn't see it yet."

  "Alright…" Laurel says uncertainly.

  "Why don't you stay here tonight to calm your mind."

  Laurel nods and sits down, leaning against Joe. John sends his voice to a woman who is pacing back and forth between the homes, "see, she just came here. This is the safest place in the unbroken region. Go rest. Perhaps it will be good for you both to have a night apart."

  Mellisa shudders but sadly nods and returns home.