Character Creation

"Yes! Finally I find something I can do during retirement!" Yin yells with excitement. Yin Has been working hard for 5 years since she was 18, as her parents died during a rescue mission that involves rescuing a group of important Scientist that are involved in creating things like weapons that helps fighting against Beasts in the world.

Humanity was never really safe from anything in Astoria, the world they stand on. As there are powerful creatures out there that could nearly wipe them out. So They need the people who can save their race from potential dangers that can harm their race.

With the people, their numbers would increase in fighting against the creatures of Astoria. Though there would some problems, it's their Weaponry. Humanity was a only able to create at the time, Advance Technology to travel through space and colonize planets, but they haven't yet put most of their time into evolving their weaponry.

Which they soon later on, with unique materials from Astoria, they would create Trick Weapons, ranging from big to median size weapons, these could transform to become smaller but in the same time in their sheathed form. Scientists who would make these weapons would be called Forgers.

So when the Scientist, or Forgers, were rescued, they helped Yin in providing education and stuff as they kinda made a good relationship with her parents during the Rescue. They were really nice people and they were the very people who went on the last stand on helping the Scientists and the others escape from the Beast Attacks, as those beasts were too strong for the group to handle them together.

So the Scientists decided to try repay Yin's Parents with helping taking care of her as she is going to be a orphan. Yin never let anyone adopt her but let others help her live a life almost normally. She was really stubborn in denying their request in adopting her, they soon gave in and only helped her with financials and stuff, which she didn't deny. All the way to till 18, she decided to stop recieving help from them and wanted to take care of herself now, so the Scientist never persisted anything to her and just gave or tons of money to help her start off her life be herself.

When she tried to deny their money, they really persisted this time and sooner or later got her to accept the money and it somehow was a bit more than the amount they tried to give previously. But she still accepted anyways when noticing it, as they might persist once again in accepting the money. So when she got the money and start off her life.

She first started to work for the Hunter Mercenary Association that her Parents also worked at, as it is most easiest but most dangerous job there is. There were other safe jobs she can do, but she decided to work as a Hunter Mercenary. She used the Money she gained from the Scientist to buy equipments for hunting.

And then went off hunting for almost 5 years and became the most famous Hunter Mercenary there was. As she hunted a few creatures that were very hard to kill to other Hunter Mercenaries, but for her, it was a bit challenging, but pretty easily for her. But soon she retired and tried to live off peacefully, but when the VRMMORPG game came out, she thought she could try the game off and live there peacefully as well live peacefully in real life.

The Game came with Money Conversion, such as using in-game to get real money in real life. So she decided to use the time during her retirement to the game to have fun and such. When the game devices were first being sold, she hurriedly got there, Ordered a High Tier Capsule that gave 100% Immersion and perfect life support that can let her stay in the game more longer than the other Capsules. It even helps her get stronger even if she is in the game, the capsule will stimulate the body to get stronger as she get stronger in the game.

She also bought a few things during her order, she bought High Class Account Module that gives her Chances in rolling certain benefits. And High Class Account Module give her 4 Chances. Med Class Account Module gives 2 Chances and Low Class Account Modules give only 1 Chance. If no one really bought one, they will get no chance in rolling such chance. The Prices were:

High Class Account Module: Million Noic(N)

Med Class Account Module: 100K N

Low Class Account Module: 1K N

(Comparison would be 1 N = $10)

She was millionaire, from the money she got from Hunting, so she needs to somehow spend some of them. So she bought all the benefits she can get.... When her order was done, she was told if she wanted it delivered or get it now and she can bring it with her. Yin went with bringing it with her, so the receptionist told her to bring her vehicle to somewhere to get the capsule and module.

Yin went to the location where the receptionist told her to go, to pick up her Capsule and High Class Account Module. Surprising when she the "Stuff", the High Tier Capsule, it was in different parts and there was a small box containing the High Class Account Module and they gave her the instruction on how to assemble the Capsule together.

So she thanked them and left the place and went to her home which was a large Villa containing beautiful garden and backyard pool. She went inside into her bedroom and started to assemble her Capsule in a open space that was in the corner.

When it was totally assembled and the Account Module was into the rectangular hole, the Capsule totally gorgeous. It shined bluish silver because of the light shining upon it. "Now to enter the Capsule." She looked at her watch for tiime and saw it was 12:30, 30 mins till the game officially starts and people can enter the game world.

Yin enters the game and hears a voice. [ Scanning Eye For Identification, Scanning Brainwaves, Creating and Registering New Account.... ] It was a creating an account for Yin as she never really made a Virtual Reality Game Account. So it started to create her account first before she can enter into the Virtual World. [ Registration Completed... do You wish to enter into the Game? ] "Yes" Yin confirmed quickly as she wanted to enter the game quickly and get things done.

So when she confirmed to enter the Virtual World, everything turned black and floating mid air. Till a large sentence appeared along with a voice saying it out loud, [ Welcome To Azeria Player! Do You Wish To Start You Character Creation? ] "Yes" A Screen Appeared with a full body 3D image of her. [ Having Detected High Class Account Module Inserted, You gained 4 Chances to Roll For Unknown Benefits. You also can decide whether to Keep or Reroll, but that reroll gave something unsatisfactory, you have to pick that one or previous one. ] Yin was surprised she could reroll something again if the benefit she got she didn't like.

But Yin didn't want to think too much and started to Roll. A Large Screen Appeared with super blurry image constantly changing as it stops within 5 seconds. [ Congratulation You Gained: Double Stat Point Gains, Double Talent Point Gains, 10% Increase Of Rarer Drops, Take A Racial Benefit From Any Race Provided. ]

Yin was dumbfounded of the Rewards she gained from these Rolls, but after few seconds, she regained her senses, "Reroll all of them, I want to see if I get anything better. " She decided to reroll because she can see the if she was able to get anything better as she can choose those one or the other ones. She wanted to try get tons of benefits from these Reward Rolls.

[ Congratulation! You Gained: Triple Stat Point Gains, Double Money Gains, 10% Increase Chance of Success, 10% Increase of Rarer Drops ] Yin Now was conflicted on what to pick on a few of them, she knows what to pick from Triple or Double of Stat Point Gains, but now she has pick on three of the rolls she got.

She can try and get 20% Increase of Rarer Drops, but she won't get the the benefit taking a Racial Benefit from any other Races, and the help of 10% Increase Chance of Success as it'll help her succeed in doing something, so she was conflicted what to pick. As for the Double Money and Double Talent Point Gains, she went with the Double Skill Point Gains to get more Skill Points, as the Double Money Gains she does not need, she already got money and she can easily get money in the game.

It took Yin 10 mins to finally decide so she picked 10% Increase of Rarer Drops and Taking Racial Benefit. She selected on the screen what she wanted and went to Character Creation now. [ Pick A Race You Want To Be ] Images of Different Races appeared all around Yin and the deprived image of these are probably from Yin's actual image but integrated with Race Feature Images. There was even List of Racial Skill Benefits on Them next to them.

There was 10 Races with a Continent Image Behind them, tell Yin where they belonged on what continent with which other races. Dark Elves, Moon Elves, and High Elves were on Elven Continent. Dark Elves Racial Benefits were Dark Elven Night Vision for seeing in the Dark Better, and Dark Elven Stealth let user turn invisible for certain amount of time and have lower amount of Movement Speed Reduction than Normal Stealth Skill on same level.

High Elves have High Elven Cast Reduction Skill which reduces any Cast Time by 10%. High Elven Spell Power Skill increases any Spell Damage by 10%. Which make them great Mages while Dark Elves make them great Assassins. Now For Moon Elves, they have Moon Elven Taming which increases Taming Beasts or Pets by 10%. Moon Elven Debuff Resistance is able to reduce any Debuff Effects like Slow, Poison, Paralysis, Stun, etc. by 10% in Duration, Effects or Damages. Moon Elves are usually for to be Druids.

On Demonic Continent, there is the Ogres, Minotaur, Succubus/Incubus, and Goblins. Ogres have the Battle Manics that give 5% increase of Physical Damage and 5% Increase of Health Pool. Ogre's Battle Cry Active Skill that have 25% Chance in dealing Fear into anyone within certain distances. Minotaurs have the Heavy Weapon Wielder that increases Physical Damage by 10% if wielding any Great Weapons. And Minotaur's Horn Charge Active Skill will or must have the user be charging when activated and it'll increase Movement speed by 50%, cannot be stopped, stopped when blocked or just the user stops doing the charge. Also when the user hit someone, they'll knocked flying by a certain distance and if Horn hits someone, they get 25% current damage.

Succubus's/Incubus's have the skill Succubus's/Incubus's Seduction Active Skill and Succubus's/Incubus's Magic. Succubus's/Incubus's Seduction is able to stun the target(s) by a certain time if they do certain action that involves seducing people and they have to be off opposite Gender. Succubus's/Incubus's Magic increases 5% Magic Damage and Reduces Cast Time by 5%.

For Goblins, they got Goblin's Barter Skill which give 10% Discounts and Goblin's Luck increases money gain by 10%. Making them perfect for being Merchants but they are really not much of a fighter for them.

As for the last 3 Races, they are the Humans on the Human Continent that are mostly with any races with them on the continent. As for the Ghoul Race, they are on the Undead Continent and Mermaid Race are in Atlantis. As for the Race Benefits, Human Race got the Learning Skill, that increases Skill Point Gains by 50%, and Weapon Mastery, that increases Proficiency with any Weapon Proficiency.

Ghoul race got the Ghoulish Hunger which increases damage by 10% on any living creature and Ghoulish Poison Immunity decreases Poison Damage, and Duration by 50%. Mermaid Race got Mermaid's Underwater Capabilities which give 10% more Movement Speed if underwater and Underwater Breathing and Mermaid's Underwater Fighting increases Damage by 10% if underwater.

Yin decision on elimination process went with appearance wise first, Goblin, Ogres, and Ghouls as Goblins were little and ugly. Ogres were bit ugly, and too muscular, Ghouls were really pale, drained looking and looked almost like any Ghoul, expect the ones in Tokyo Ghoul Anime.

Succubus was out since they were too revealing and slutty, don't want to become one of them even though they are beautiful a bit more than Elves. Mermaids were out as she'll be stuck mostly in water, even though they can transform their fin into legs, but their capabilities were mostly in water. Humans were out, though Racial Skills were good, but she got that Rewards from the Rolls and she is already Human in real life, she wanted to become something new.

Also Minotaurs were out, though in female form they looked more than males, but she doesn't want to become really oversized big and kinda looked like Cow Girl somehow. And she really wanted to become nimble like how she does thing during in her hunts. High Elves Capabilities were really into too much of being Mages so they were out.

All that was left were Moon Elves or Dark Elves, Races that were into Druids or Assassins.... Yin went into becoming Dark Elves. So she tapped onto her Dark Elf Self which popped up a whether to confirm her choice or not, which she definitely confirmed.

[ You Have Selected The Race Dark Elf ] [ Due to having the Capability to Get a Racial Skill from a Different Race, Please pick a Racial Skill to continue process of Character Creation ] The Dark Elf Self image fused with her and now she looked more different than her original looks. As she was more Tanned, Longer and bit Sharp Ears, smooth and soft looking skin, more beautiful and slender. And her breast and butt seemed to be a bit more bigger.

... Coming back, there was list of Racial Skill in front of her and she is only able to pick only one. And she had only a few in her mind, Ghoulish Poison Immunity, Moon Elven Debuff Resistance, Battle Manics. The First two give resistance to Debuffs while Battle Manic gave boost in Damage and Health Pool... Thinking for another 10 min, she decided to go with Moon Elven Debuff Resistance to give more resistance to Debuffs if there are chances if she get hit by any of them, she can get their effects reduced.

With that done, she goes to the next part. [ You can Now Change Your Appearance, but change little of your appearance, as Creators don't want deformed Characters, and Skin Color cannot change much due to Race ] Yin Looks at the Variety of Silders and Options and started to mess around with her appearance.

Which soon made her Appearance pretty astonishing beautiful. Yin's Dark Elf Appearance has Black Hair with Darkish Purple Strips, mole near lips, Darkish Purple Irises, Darkish Purple Nails, Black Tattoo covering her entire left Shoulder as Dark Elves have Birth Tattoos somewhere. Bigger Chest and Butt and such. and many more as I am not going to describe, as I am bad at describing someone.

When she confirmed once again but for the Appearance Change. [ Now Type In Your In-Game Name ] Yin thought about it and decided to just go with Yin which surprisingly not taken yet. [ Now Distribute Your Stat Points, Reminder Your Stats Shown is related to Player's Actual Body ] But it doesn't end there [ Congratulation! Due to Having 10 Points in Agility, Strength, Endurance, and Perception, you gained following: Hermes Speed, Hercules Strength, Fortress Skin, and Hunter's Senses ] [ Due To Triple Stat Points Gain Gift, you have 15 Stat Points to spend ] Then her status Screen Appeared.

[ Strength ] - 11

[ Vitality ] - 9

[ Endurance ] - 10

[ Agility ] - 13

[ Perception ] - 13

[ Intelligence ] - 7

[ Wisdom ] - 6

[ Stat Points ] - 15

(Average Player Stats are 4-8)

Yin was pretty surprised of the sudden gains of skills, she wanted to see what they can do, but she wasn't able to see what they can do and maybe till she can see her entire Status Screen. But anyways, she decided to what the Stats can do.

Strength was able to Increase Physical Damage by each point

Vitality increases Health Pool by 1 point = 10 HP

Endurance increases Defense by each point

Agility increases movement speed, evasion and such by unknown amount.

Perception increases ones senses and detection of something.

Intelligence increases Mana Pool by 1 point = 10 MP

Wisdom increases Magical Damage by each point

So Yin knows instantly placed 5 points into Strength, 3 into both Perception and Agility, 2 into Intelligence and 2 into Vitality. making her stats now like this:

[ Strength ] - 16

[ Vitality ] - 11

[ Endurance ] - 10

[ Agility ] - 16

[ Perception ] - 16

[ Intelligence ] - 9

[ Wisdom ] - 6

[ Stat Points ] - 0

Then she pressed confirm and the now leads her to the last section. [ Now select the weapon you wish to start with? ] A list of weapons with their image and stats appeared all around her. [ Rusty Sword ] [ Rusty Saber ] [ Rusty Rapier ] [ Rusty Dagger ] [ Rusty Spear ] [ Rusty War Axe ] [ Rusty Mace ] [ Rusty Hammer ] [ Rusty Great-Sword ] [ Rusty Great-Hammer ] [ Rusty Great-Axe ] [ Bow and Quiver(20 Arrows) ] They Deal all the same damage, same durability and are nothing special, unless knowing how to wield them.

Yin tried out a few of them as Players are able to try them out to feel what weapon was right for them. Yin tried out the Spear, War-Axe, and Great-Axe, Yin loved the Great-axe but felt it could be a burden for her, so she went for War-axe, it was one-handed and did not feel like a burden to her and the Spear was a bit weightless for her so discarded it. She confirmed her decision is using the War-Axe and was now waiting for the official release to start and she had to wait for about 6 mins.

[ Player During This Wait, You're able to Open And See your Status Screen and Review the Talent Tree ] Yin went into the Talent Tree Interface, looking at the various talents she could unlock. There wasn't any classes, it's free rein over on what players want themselves to become. There are various Talent Trees: Warrior Tree, Mage Tree, Craftsman Tree, Rogue Tree, Marksman Tree, Guardian Tree, Harvester Tree, Priest Tree, Shaman Tree.

There were also Sub-Trees for each trees:

Warrior Tree: Berserker Tree, Brawler Tree, and Gladiator Tree

Mage Tree: Inferno Tree, Frost Tree, Storm Tree, Control Tree, and Summoning Tree

Craftsman Tree: Blacksmith Tree, Alchemy Tree, Tailor Tree, and Refining Tree

Rogue Tree: Assassin Tree, Thief Tree, Blade Dancer Tree, and Bandit Tree

Marksman Tree: Hunter Tree, Archer Tree, Tamer Tree, Gunner Tree

Guardian Tree: Juggernaut Tree, Druid Tree, and Templar Tree

Harvester Tree: Miner Tree, Herbalist Tree, Fisherman Tree, Lumberjack Tree, and Farmer Tree

Priest Tree: Paladin Tree, Healer Tree, Support Tree

Shaman Tree: Totem Tree, Necromancy Tree, Curse Tree, and Cultist Tree

Yin paid more attention towards the Rogue, Warrior, Marksman, and Maybe the Mage Tree. These Talent Trees, from what she knows, don't give skills, only boons. Boons that would boost damage, decrease cost, reduce Cooldown, or increase duration. There was all sorts of boons there were on every tree, though they were small boons, but they would help a lot, they even increase Stats.

To find or use Skills, they are usually from gems called Skill Crystals that holds skills anyone could use. Ranging from Empowered Strikes, to Firestorm, or Revive. And to use the Skills from the Skill Crystals, are to Imbed them into players equipments, it could be Weapon, Armor, or accessory. Embed them into any equipment, and you can use the skill the Skill Crystal Gives.

There is even types of Skill Crystals, and what type of equipments that could hold certain amount of Skill Crystals. The Label used is Quality, and going from Lowest to Highest: Grey, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Orange, Silver, and Gold.

Skill Crystals Quality also means the Skill Level, Grey Being it Level 1, Green Level 2, Blue Level 3, and so on. As for Item Quality, it would build up from Grey holding the limit of 1-3 Skill Crystals, Adding 1 more for limit, so 2-4 Skill Crystal Limit, and it would repeat until Gold.


So what all that said and done, we'll start looking with Yin into her Status Screen along with Information those Skills she got. Reminder, Talent or Racial Skill/Talent have Level Limit of 5 levels.

[ Name ] - Yin

[ Race ] - Dark Elf

[ Title ] - None

[ Level ] - 0

[ HP ] - 110

[ MP ] - 90

[ Physical Damage ] - 16

[ Magical Damage ] - 6

[ Defense ] - 10

[ Strength ] - 16

[ Vitality ] - 11

[ Endurance ] - 10

[ Agility ] - 16

[ Perception ] - 16

[ Intelligence ] - 9

[ Wisdom ] - 6

[ Stat Points ] - 0

[ Talent Points ] - 2

[ Boon ] - [ Moon Elven Debuff Resistance ] [ Dark Elven Night Vision ] [ Dark Elven Stealth ] [ Hermes Speed ] [ Hercules Strength ] [Fortress Skin ] [ Hunter's Senses ]

[ Special Boon ] - Triple Stat Point Gains | Double Skill Point Gains | 10% Increase Of Rarer Drops

[ Moon Elven Debuff Resistance: Lv1/5 ] - Passive Skill. Any Debuff On User, Duration, Effects and Damage are decreased by 10%. Next Upgrade Increases by 10%.

[ Dark Elven Night Vision ] - Passive Skill. Able to See in the Dark Like it was in Day Light and Increases Perception by 5 in the Dark. Any Night Vision Skills are unobtainable unless they are better than current one.

[ Dark Elven Stealth: Lv1/5 ] - Active Skill. Able to Turn Invisible and Movement Speed reduction by 50%. Can be activated within enemies sight, unless user in the Darkness or Shadows. Cost: 50 Mana, Duration: 5 Mins, Cooldown: 10 Mins. Next Upgrade: Decreases Movement Speed Reduction by 5%, Cost by 5 Mana, Cooldown by 1 min and Increases Duration by 1 min.

[ Hermes Speed: Lv1/5 ] - Increases Agility by 10%

[ Hercules Strength: Lv1/5 ] - Increases Strength By 10%

[ Fortress Skin: Lv1/5 ] - Endurance by 10%

[ Hunter's Senses: Lv1/5 ] - Increases Perception By 10%


Author: Sorry For those who waited and liked this novel. To motivate myself to continue writing, I had to revise this novel, make it simpler for me to remember and how to continue this novel. Without having to remember all the complicate systems and many other things. Well though I gotta write them down, which I would soon. Also do not worry about the changes that might happen, it won't change the plot, or the MC, just changing the System of things and I might have to change some things a bit more, as I might add more things to chapters.