Strolling The City

"Little Ying!" Grandpa Wei shouted from afar, whilst Xue Xin still enjoying his time with her.

"Ah. Grandpa" As Tang Ying noticed her grandfather she stops the story she's been telling me.

"Little Ying do you want to accompany Grandpa looking for materials in the City?" Grandpa Wei asked her.

"I want, Umm..." answer Tang Ying happily, but she immediately holding her head down while mumbling something.

"What is it Little Ying" asked Grandpa Wei, actually he knows what his granddaughter said in her before, even if Grandpa Wei cultivation is not very high, but his sense already heightened to some extent so he can hear a soft mumbling his daughter said, he only want to tease her.

"Could Brother Xin follow us?" Tang Ying braving herself and talk to Grandpa Wei a bit louder.

"Please..." Tang Ying pleaded seeing there is no reaction from her grandfather, she knows that buying material in the city is something that related to their clan's business, but she still wants brother Xin joining them as she a bit reluctant to part at the moment.

"How can Grandpa did not agree with Little Ying request, Little Xin can join us" Grandpa Wei smiling complying with his granddaughter.

"Actually I'm fine not going" I said to both of them smiled wryly, I can see the item Grandpa Wei gonna bought is an ingredient for his alchemist job, Xue Xin also someone that had experience on making something, and he did not want anyone know the ingredient, as it may lead to the recipe.

"You don't want to accompany me?" asked Tang Ying with her moist eyes before Grandpa Wei could open his mouth.

"Err... It's not that I did not want to accompany you..." I said a little bit stunned, my eyes wandering to Grandpa Wei asking for his help.

Sadly Grandpa Wei averting his eyes as though this is not his business.

'Hey I'm being considerate here okay, at least you need to help me out' I thought in my mind exasperated at Grandpa Wei action.

"Okay, then I'll be going with you" I let a dry cough before said that, since Grandpa Wei really did not mind it, I also don't have any reason to reject them.

Besides he also wants to see how is the city here look like, he comes to a different world after all, and want to explore this world.

"Un, let's go" she grabs my sleeve and dragging me away from here.

"Grandpa comes here hurry" she shouted and waving her hand to Grandpa Wei after we covered quite a distance from the garden as Grandpa Wei still stood in the garden smiling at our direction.

Grandpa Wei walking in our direction shaking his head, he really never thought that her granddaughter would be so excited from this boy.

Three of them walking from the house gate and going in the direction of the market.

I and Tang Ying following behind Grandpa Wei as we did not know Grandpa Wei is going to.

Along the way, I saw many stalls, there is also much building that look's like the one from Old Era in my world. the floor of these building only one to nine floor at most, in the new era almost all of the building reaching the sky, some even already leaving the atmosphere.

My house is 5 story building, it was one of the most precious building as the entire building was mine, it was given to me by the government when I can cast a Level 8 Magic Spell.

If the one these houses here sold in my world, it would cost a mountain money just to buy one.

There is some stall that opened here, they sell many things here, such as herb, bone, meat, food, wine, and some crystal ball, inside these balls is a miniature of a beast inside of them.

"Those are Beast Soul that comes from Spirit Beast when they are dying, the chance of these Spirit Beast forming Beast Soul is varied from each different Spirit Beast" explain Tang Ying as she saw me staring at these crystal balls curiously.

"I see, what is these Beast Souls used for?" I ask Tang Ying looking at her, she really is well learned, along the way to here she introduces me many things that were on the stall or shop.

"Eh, you don't know" ask Grandpa Wei a bit surprised, he listening to Tang Ying introducing several items to Xue Xin, seeing Xue Xin absorbed in Tang Ying explanation it did not intrigue Grandpa Wei as those items Tang Ying introduce is only can be found at this City and their surrounding.

But as for Beast Soul, it almost existed in every Beast Soul Market in every City, it was considered common knowledge for a cultivator, but after listening to Xue Xin as if he was just heard it today, it was really inconceivable, there is no way that old friend of his did not teach him that.

"Your Grandfather did not teach you?" asked Grandpa Wei doubtfully.

"Ah... Grandpa never told me about Beast Soul" I answer hurriedly, but indeed there is no memory about Beast Soul on this kid memories.

"I see" as if understanding something Grandpa Wei sighed looked at me.

Grandpa Wei remember that the boy in front of him only get Spirit Soul Grade 10, and with his cultivation level that still at first layer Origin Realm even after several years, it makes sense that old friend did not continue teaching the boy anything, as the boy already give up on cultivation, so there is no point in teaching him more.

But that old friend of his really is doted on his grandson, he left the boy do as he pleases and does nothing to him when he makes fault

'Well it's not that I cannot understand though' Grandpa Wei thought as he shifts his gaze to her beloved granddaughter.

'The boy mild manner is really surprising me.

seems like he changes his attitude with this incident.

well, the boy only has a breath left when we found him.

near death experience really can change people indeed' Grandpa Wei thought about the boy in front of him.

Grandpa Wei walking slowly to his destination, Tang Ying also resuming introducing all around us in the way.