The Weight of Leadership

Even as dawn broke out, the smoke from the burning ships and defences laid thickly around the border like a storm cloud. Other than the thick oily smoke in the air, there was nothing in the air, not even the curious feathered wyverns could be seen.

Survivors from the attack crawled out from the rubble and all they could see was smoke and ruins. Broken airships dotted the landscape and from the amount of smoke around the location of the border towns, the survivors were certain that those towns were attacked as well.

The surviving Iron Kingdom soldiers cast looks towards their homeland before the more sensible ones started rallying everyone up and started looking for more survivors in the rumble. As they put their backs to work, rumbling echoes of thunder in the distance rolled over.


The Old World, Iron Kingdom, Rashard Military Outpost

The Old Ugly landed amidst a field of chaos. Soldiers, crew and tenders were running all over the place as the Iron Kingdom airships were being mobilised to join the growing fleet forming in the air. A field marshal came running over and screaming at the crew of the Old Ugly when the side ramps came down.

"What are you doing landing on my field? This is a military field!" The overly flustered field marshal who directed the air traffic, came storming up the ramp with a couple of soldiers. "Take your ship and leave this place at on-!"

"P- Prince Herod?" The marshal in charge of the airfield stammered when he recognized the Third Prince in the party before him. He quickly saluted and made way for the Prince. "I- It is good you are released!"

"Where is the base commandant?" Prince Herod asked as he walked down the ramp. He could see only a few ships still docked on the field, the majority of the warships here had already made steam and was in the air. "What are those ships still on the ground?"

"The commandant is in the war chamber with his staff," The field marshal replied before he gestured to the four ships still on the ground. "Those ships were undergoing maintenance when news of the Protectorate invasion came... the crew and the tenders are rushing to bring those ships into action!"

The Prince nodded and he paused at the foot of the ramp. He turned and faced Captain Blake and gave a grave salute, "Captain, as always you will always have my eternal gratitude for your help."

"I would really like to offer the finest of what the Iron Kingdom could offer to you and your crew," Prince Herod said while gesturing around. "But regretfully, the Kingdom is in a dire situation now..."

"I understand, Your Highness," Blake replied with a nod. "I just have a small request, I would like to make use of the facilities here."

"Of course!" Prince Herod turned to the field marshal next to him and ordered. "They are to be given the finest treatment as royal guests of the Kingdom! Understand?"

"Y- Yes your highness!" The field marshal quickly saluted.

Prince Herod gave a bow to Blake before he was rushed off by his retinue to the fort. He paused briefly and turned back to look up to the top deck of the ship and gave one last bow to the figure watching him depart before he turned away with a determined stride.


Dr. Sharon watched the Prince walked away towards the fort and she shook her head sadly, wondering if he would be able to survive the war. From the reports she could access as a senior officer, she knew the situation was a lot worse than what the locals' were reporting.

What a pity! Dr. Sharon thought to herself. The Third was such a hunk!


Blake returned to the ship but instead of heading to the bridge or his cabin, he entered deep into the bowels of the vessel. Coming to an unmarked hatch, he waved off the salute of the two Marines on duty before he entered.

Inside, he found Magister Thorn leaning over a large table in the middle of the spacious cabin and surprisingly Professor Hamlot, who he thought has returned back to the Kingdom. Instead, here he was still with them. He greeted the two academics as he came up to the table that was covered in scrolls, parchments and paper, all filled with strange words and drawings. "Magister, Professor."

"Ahh, Captain!" Magister Thorn absentminded replied when he finally noticed his presence. "Hmmm.... this circle here I think is wrong... This link should be connected to that..."

"How is the progress of the tracking spell?" Blake asked as he tried to make sense of all the notes and drawings on the table.

"It's almost ready," Professor Hamlot replied in place of the Magister as the Magister was too focused on his work. "We are now finalizing the spell's construct, once it is done, we can start crafting the magic circle."

Blake nodded and he watched the Magister work for a while silently before he spoke again, "Professor Hamlot... A moment of your time please."

"Yes, Captain?" Professor Hamlot halted his work and he followed the Captain to a quiet corner of the cabin.

"Professor," Captain Blake studied the greying Professor before him for a moment before he frankly. "There is no obligation for you to join us from this moment onwards. There is a high chance that one could die and now you have returned to your home."

"I understand the risks, Captain," The Professor smiled. "But I have encountered more dangers than I ever have for my entire life in these few years already!"

"And... I have no family," The Professor's smile dropped. "And after away for two years, so many things have changed..."

"Besides, I made good friends here and it's an adventure I always wanted!" Professor Hamlot laughed as he gestured to Magister Thorn still pouring over his notes. "And who else can read ancient Suugon as well as me?"

"I thank you for your service," Blake said simply before he left the cabin.

"Don't worry, Captain!" Professor Hamlot called out after Blake. "We will find the Princess back for you!"


Prince Herod stared at the numerous reports on the desk and the frantic expressions of the officers around him. A large table covered in the map of the border region was currently filled with red markers and unsurprisingly little silver markers.

The Rashard Outpost was filled with soldiers loyal to him and was the seat of his military power. It was also the location where he had previously given out orders to all those who followed him to rally at. But with him being outplayed by the Second Prince and the Royal Uncle, his followers were blocked or hindered in many ways, thus the forces gathered here was barely enough to form a single fleet.

"The Protectorate has pushed seventy kilometres through the border!" An aide reported. "The border towns have all been overrun..."

"The 19th Scout Squadron has reported sightings of the Protectorate forces headed to Hasta county!" Another aide came reporting.

"Where are Iron Lord Hasta's forces?" Prince Herod asked. "And where is the border militia's rallying point?"

"Eh..." One of the officers' faces turned pale as he reported. "L- Lord Hasta has abandoned all his fortresses! He has pulled back all his forces to his castle!"

"What?" Prince Herod was shocked. "He is hiding like some rock turtle?"

Administration of border regions was held the Iron Throne with each Iron Lord providing either troops or materials in support. The lands of Hasta were right next to the Protectorate Iron Kingdom Border and under tradition, the people and Iron Lords of Hasta have always risen up to aid the border defences when required.

Yet now, the current Iron Lord of Hasta has tucked in his head like a coward! Prince Herod cursed inwardly. "What about the militia?"

"W- We have no word about the militia, your highness..." The officer replied nervously.

"Keep trying! And keep calling for reinforcements!" Prince Herod commanded. "Is my ship ready?"

"Your highness," The fort commandant stood up and said. "It will be wise for you to remain here to take command of the entire situation! We can't lose you to the Protectorate!"

"It takes too long for orders to get passed down to the front," Prince Herod waved away the concerns of the general. "And our communication mages can not keep up with the heavy demands of the spells."

"But your Highness, we barely even gathered a fleet!" The general protested. "The Protectorate forces outnumber us by at least fifteen to one!"

"We don't have time!" Prince Herod growled. "If that spineless piece of meat had held his forces in place... It would buy us more time to gather more troops!"

"Then let me go in your place!" The general saluted. "I will buy your Highness as much as time as I could!"

The rest of the officers in the war chamber stood up and saluted, "We will be willing to go in your place!"

"Y- Your Highness!" An aide from the communication mages came rushing into the chamber and halted in surprise, feeling like he had interrupted something important. "An urgent missive from the Iron Palace!"

Prince Herod gestured for everyone to return to their duties and he took the note from the aide. He frowned as he read the message and handed it over to the commandant. "It would appear that my Second Brother has managed to assemble two fleets and is calling for all soldiers... loyal to the Iron Kingdom to rally to his flag..."

"This..." The general frowned as he read the message. "What do we do now, Your Highness? Do we join up with the Second Prince?"

"His forces have departed from the Capital and is making for a straight line to the border," Prince Herod took back the note and reread the message. He stood over the map table and took two large silver markers, each indicating a fleet sized force and placed it down on the map. "The message said to rally here."

Prince Herod tapped at another spot on the map which was at the Hasta Castle and an aide placed a small flag there. "It would take us at least six turns of the glass to reach the rally point."

"Your Highness, are you thinking of joining the Second Prince?" The general and the other officers were unsettled. "The Second Prince will surely place your Highness in the riskiest positions!"

"What would you have me do?" Prince Herod retorted helplessly. "Send my understrength fleet to face the Protectorate and sacrifice everyone just for a few turns of the sandglass?"

"Iron Lord Hasta must have received word from the Second Prince beforehand..." Prince Herod pointed out. "I think my Second Brother is planning to use the lands of Hasta to slow the Protectorate down..."

"I never knew the Second Prince to be tactical of mind," The general frowned. "He has must someone strategically strong supporting him..."

Prince Herod nodded, "I guess so... Still the best option for us and the Kingdom is to join up with his forces..."

"My Prince," The general bowed and said. "I still advise your Highness to remain here and... organize another force..."

"This lowly one will lead your Highness' forces to join up with the Second Prince..." The loyal general said. "Your life is too important to be on the front lines!"

Prince Herod felt apprehensive as he recalled the words from Lady Sharon. He looked into the eyes of his loyal troops, each willing to risk their lives so that he could live on and keep the Kingdom and their families safe. He was suddenly uncertain about what to do now as he realised his next orders would send thousands to their deaths.

All the while he had been on the forefront of his battles, fighting monsters and dragons but now, the weight of command rested on his shoulders with thousands of lives in his hands. He whispered softly to himself, "Lady Sharon... is this what you meant by the weight of leadership?"