
The time travel from Beijing to Shanghai through plane is about one hour and fifty five minutes.

It's already 11:00 am when they arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

They went straight to the construction site of the Mo Corporation Shanghai branch.

Kresha didn't know why but she felt something odd. She felt uneasy since they boarded on the plane. Her uneasiness turned into anxiousness when they arrived at the site.

They are currently on the part where the construction is still on going.

Kresha could feel her heart beat faster. She thought for a moment. Didn't Lindon got seriously injured in his past life because of the sudden accident in the construction site? She doesn't know how did it happen because unlike now. Assistant Chen was the one who accompanied him before.

Kresha look around. There is something strange! She thought.

She look up on the second floor where the laborers are busy moving a bricks on the other side of the place.

But someone suddenly pushed the one pile of bricks! Oh no! It's going to drop on the spot where Lindon is currently standing!

Kresha didn't think twice! "Lindon!" She cried and pushed him away. Lindon slumped on the ground! Unfortunately she is the one who got injured! One of the bricks hit her right shoulder!

"Ah!" Kresha cried and fell on the top of Lindon.

Lindon is currently talking to Engineer Zhou when Kresha suddenly cried his name and push him away. He was startled and didn't have time to react! He lost his balance and fell on the ground! His first reaction is to get mad but his body stiffened when he heard the loud sound "baaanngg!" behind Kresha! And then Kresha's body fell on top of him.

Kresha bit her lower lip to suppress the pain that she felt on her right shoulder.

She hold her injured shoulder and roll down on the ground. Beads of cold sweat started to popped on her forehead. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes. She can feel the sharp pain on her shoulder and her body trembled.

Lindon's face turned pale when he see the blood oozing from Kresha's shoulder! His body trembled and the tips of his fingers turned cold! He quickly crawled beside Kresha. "Kresha! Kresha!" Lindon lightly patted her cheek.

Kresha is still conscious and she can hear Lindon calling out her name.

"Someone call the ambulance!" Lindon cried in a trembling voice. She look down on Kresha again.

"Kresha wake up! I'll take you to the hospital!" Lindon can't wait for the ambulance any longer. He lifted Kresha in his arms and headed to the car which Engineer Zhou brought.

He placed her gently at the back seat and he sitted beside her. He put his arms around her shoulder and let Engineer Zhou drive the car.

The blood continued to oozed from her wound. He tore his sleeves and put it in Kresha's wound to minimize the oozing blood.

Hospital in Shanghai

"Doctor, how is the patient?" Lindon anxiously asked at the doctor who approach them.

"We have already stitched the wound on her shoulder and aside from the deep wound,there are no other serious injuries. The X-ray result is good we have not seen a broken or crack bones on her shoulder. However, her wound was swollen due to the force of the bricks that hit her shoulder. To avoid it from being infected you should apply an antiseptic ointment." And then the Doctor gave him the prescription of the medicines that Kresha has to take for her wound.

Kresha keep silent while listening to the Doctor and Lindon. She sitted in the bed and rested her head on the headboard.

After a while, Lindon walk closer to her. "Why did you do that?" He said with flush of concern in his eyes.

Kresha speak without looking at him, " Anyone in my place would do the same thing." She coldly said.

Lindon balled his hand. "You almost got killed."

Kresha did not answer.

Lindon sigh when he heard nothing from her.

"We can't go back to Beijing this afternoon." Lindon informed her.

Kresha finally look at him, "what?!"

"It would be hard for you to travel due to your wound." He explained.

"But it's just one hour and fifty five minutes to travel through plane." Kresha argued.

"No! We should stay here in Shanghai until your wound get better." Lindon insisted.

"Where are we going to stay?" Kresha asked.

"I have my own villa here, so you should not worry about it." Lindon still pursued her.

"But grandpa will get worried if I won't go home." Kresha tried to find a reason.

"I will call him and inform him that we can't come home for a few days."

Kresha felt tired so she did not argued with him anymore.

"Lindon..." Kresha called Lindon when he was about to make the call.

Lindon turned and looked at her," Hmmm?"

"Please, don't tell him that I am injured."

Lindon seem to understand her, he nodded his head and didn't ask a question anymore.