
Kresha felt something odd. Why?

Because all of her co-workers is looking at her since she enter the building. They smile sweetly to her.

Kresha knitted her brows. Why are they looking at me like that?

"Hey! You never told me that you have such a romantic admirers!" Gracy suddenly clutch her dress.

"What admirers?" She asked with kintted brows.

Gracy chuckled and pointed her desk.

There... She found a two bouquet of flowers!

A tulips and a red roses!

Kresha's heart skipped a beat! Who would send me flowers?!

She walk closer to her desk and pick up the first bouquet of roses. There is a note attached on the bouquet. She pick it up and read it silently. "Missing you, hope to see you tonight. Love, Jiron." Kresha can't help stop herself from smiling. And then she looked at the second bouquet .

She put down the first bouquet and pick up the second bouquet. It also has a note that is attached in it. She pick up the note and read it silently. "A beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady like you, have a good day ahead! Nameless."

Krisha frowned. Nameless? But the hand-writing was so familiar! It's like Lindon's, she is quite familiar of his handwriting.

Kresha's heart skipped a beat! But she suppress her emotion. She remember the last word that Arriene told her earlier." No matter what you do, you will never have his heart."

Kresha stared at the flowers, She don't want to give her self a false hope. She's done with it and don't want to expect anymore!

"Hey Kresha! Are you thinking where to put those flowers?" Gracy interrupted her deep thoughts.

"Huh?!" Kresha looked at Gracy.

"You know what? You can give me th another bouquet, I can put it on my desk!" Gracy said while blinking her eyes repeatedly like a child asking for a candy.

Kresha looked at the bouquet of tulips in her hands.

Her actiion gave an wrong interpretation to Gracy.

Gracy assumed that Kresha is going to give her the tulips, so she quickly reach her hand and took away the flowers. "Owh! Thank you!" And then Gracy quickly get back to her cubicle and put the tulips on the vase at the top of her desk!.


Kresha was speechless as she look at her empty hands.

CEO's office

"Did she like it?!" Lindon excitedly asked.

Assistant Chen almost choke. He pretend to clear his throat before he speak!

"Ehem! Uhm, Mr.Mo. The flowers that you ... she...uhm..." he doesn't know how to say it!

"What!?! She did'nt like it?" Lindon asked again.

"Uhm, This... she..."

"She didn't like it, right?" Lindon seemed dissapointed.

"Uhm, there is someone who sent her flower as well." Assistant Chen replied.

"Who?" Lindon coldly asked.

"Mr. Jiron Yan."

Lindon's face darkened. That bastard!

"And...I think... she... she liked the roses than tulips." Assistant Chen finally said.

Lindon pinched the space between his brows." You can leave now."

Assistant Chen have a sigh of relief and quickly leave.

That Jiron Yan! Is he courting my wife? Lindon thought.

No! It can't be... It is already difficult for me to coax Kresha. And that Jiron Yan make everything harder for me!


7:00pm at the car park.

"Your here!" Kresha smiled and approached Jiron.

"Hey! I haven't seen you for almost one week." Jiron said with his gaze never left her face.

"Yeah, I've been out of town, sorry I haven't told you."

"No, it's okay. Uhm, can we have dinner toge---" Jiron have not finished talking when somebody interrupted him.

"I'm sorry, but no!" Lindon said while walking towards them.

He stand beside Kresha.

Kresha was stunned! " Hey! What are you saying?!"

Lindon look at Kresha. "Didn't we have a dinner date tonight?" He said and put his arms around Kresha's shoulder.

Kresha frowned. "What date are you talking about?!"

"..." Lindon was speechless. Wife! Could you please cooperate with me?! I just don't want you to go with this guy! He secretly cried.

"Ha! So , I guess your the only one who knew that you have a dinner date with her tonight!" Jiro said and then he pulled Kresha into him.

But Lindon won't allow it, so he pulled back Kresha into him.

Jiron is holding her left arms and Lindon is holding her right arms.

Kresha was annoyed by their behavior.

"Hey! Could you guys stop!? I'm not a toy for you to fight!" She yelled to the both of them.


Jiron and Lindon are speechless.

Kresha take a deep breath before she speak.

"Alright, since you both want to have dinner with me. Why don't we eat together?" Kresha suggested.

"No!" Jiron and Lindon said in chorus.

Kresha's shoulder dropped. "Alright! Then I'll just go home!" Kresha said and then she walk away and hailed for a taxi.

Both Jiron and Lindon are speechless again.

They are not aware there are three pairs if eyes watching them nearby.

"Is that Ms. Kresha Tang?" Andrea an employee of Mo Corporation whisphered to her companion named, Trish.

"Wait,wait,wait!.isn't that CEO Mo?And who's that good looking guy with them? Looks like the three of them are quarreling!" Trish said.

" Hey!" Trish nudged Andrea.

"What?" Andrea asked without looking at Trish. She is busy watching the three person ahead of them.

"Do you think that CEO Mo is the one who sent those flowers to Ms. Tang this morning?" Trish asked.

"What?! How do you say so?" Andrea asked back to Trish.

"Instinct!" Trish quickly answered.

"No way!" Andrea refused to believe. "It can't be! How can a newbie would be able to capture the attention of Mr.Mo.?"

"Yeah! She might be just a newbie, but...she is a beauty too! So there's no doubt if CEO Mo will fall for her." Trish said.

"No! This can't be!" Andrea stumped her feet.

"Yes it is!" A woman in her red dress suddenly speak behind them.

Andrea and Trish turned and look at the woman in red. The light was a bit dim, so they did not see the woman's face.

"You know how did she capture the CEO's attention?" The woman in red asked them.

Andrea and Trish look at each other. "How?" Andrea was the one who asked.

" By seducing him!" The lady in red said.

"What?!" Andrea and Trish almost said it in chorus.

"That slut!" Andrea was angry!

Trish look at the woman again. "Who are you?!" She asked and throw her a doubtful look.

The woman in red froze and thought for a moment.

"I..." the woman in red seemed to cry. "She seduced my man too." The woman replied," She snatched my fiancè and dumped him when he become nothing! She is an evil who disguised her self to be an Angel!" The lady in red started crying.

Andrea and Trish was moved by the lady's story. They symphatized with her.

"Oh! I should have not said that. I'm sorry but I have to go." And then the lady walked away.

"That slut! Pretending to be innocent!" Andrea said and she narrowed her eyes. She looked at Kresha walking away from Jiron and Lindon. " We should get rid of her! " She might seduce all the man employees of the Mo Corporation!"


Arriene get back inside her car and smirked. 'Let's see what will happen next!

She act excellent earlier and was able to convince the two ladies that Kresha is seducing their boss!