
Kresha was alarmed! She glared at the killer who is approaching them.

"Who really are you!? Did I provoked you before? Why do you want to kill me?!"

The killer chuckled. "Alright since you're going to die soon. I will tell you who I am!" The killer said while aiming his gun to Kresha!

"I'm... Ugh!"

Suddenly someone came out of nowhere and hit the killer's arm which is holding the gun!

The gun flew into a distance!

The killer hold his pained arms!

Kresha was stunned! She did not expect that someone will come to save them!

She look at the person who hit the killer but she can't see the person's face!

The person is wearing a ninja-like mask too! She can't even figure out if that person is a he or she.

The ninja-like savior moved so fast!

It did not give the killer a chance to fight back!

He twisted both arms of the killer!

"Aaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!! The killer writhes in pain. He gritted his teeth due to the pain that he feel.

He can hear his bone's sound! He got so mad! He almost killed that woman! He almost accomplish his mission but this ninja-like savior just come out of nowhere!

In just a blink of an eye, the ninja-like savior was able to defeat the killer!

The killer is lying prone on the ground with his arms twisted to his back. The ninja-like savior kneeled on the killers back and whispered." Go! And never ever dare to harm her again!"

Kresha did not hear the ninja-like savior's voice. She stay crouched on the ground while holding Lindon. Her mind is in confusion! Who is this person?!

The coming police's siren could be heared from a distance.

The nija-like savior lifted his head and look at the coming police car.

He looked down at the killer again and speak.

"I'll let you live for now! But if you try to harm her again, I can't assure you anymore!" The ninja-like savior said and then he release the killer.

The killer quickly get up, took his gun and run as fast as he could! He did not mind the pain in his arms anymore!

The ninja-like savior approached Kresha. He looked at Lindon which is unconscious now. And then he kneeled in front of Kresha and touched her face!

Kresha is frigthened, though this person helped us I'm not sure what is his real intention! Kresha close her eyes." Please don't hurt me!" Kresha beg.

The ninja-like savior quickly withdraw his hand, he get up and run away!

But he did not notice that he dropped one thing!

Both of the killer and the ninja-like person run in a deffirent direction!

Kresha was left stunned!

She looked down and saw the thing that the ninja-like savior accidentally dropped.

She pick it up and took a closer look. The thing is a black metal that is shaped like an angel.


At the hospital...

Kresha is restless. She keep on walking back and forth outside the operating room. She doesn't mind her tored dress which is soaked in blood. She don't want to leave outside the operating room.

After a while Elder Mo has arrived with his nurse Rion and her Grandpa.

Kresha can't stop her self from crying when she saw Elder Mo.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Elder Mo. This...this is all my fault!" Kresha started crying. She is blaming her self for what happened to Lindon.

The old man approached her and try to console her." Ssshhh! It's not your fault little girl... I know my grandson, he is brave. I know he can survive this." Elder old Mo said. But he can't hide his worried expression.

Kresha straightened her body and look at his grandfather.

Her grandpa embrace her." It's alright Little Princess... Everything will be alright..."

Kresha closed her eyes. "Grandpa, I can't forgive my self If...if..." Kresha never dare to say the word 'he die'.

"Sssshhhh... He will be safe, he will be..." Her grandpa said.

They have waited for a few hours before the doctor came out from the operating room.

The three of them quickly get up from their seat.

"Doctor, how is my Grandson?" Elder Mo is the one who asked.

The Doctor take off his mask. "The patient is safe. Fortunately, the bullet did not reach the patient's vital organ, so his life is not at risk. He have just lost a lot of blood but we have already transfused a blood to him. Just wait for a few hours and we will transfer him to his private room."

The three of them have a sigh of relief.

"Thank you doctor."Elder Mo sincerely said.


In the private room.

Kresha is sitting beside the bed. The two old man have gone home.

Elder Mo can't exhaust his self due to his heart condition, so he decided to go home to take some rest.

Kresha choose to stay in the hospital to watch for Lindon.

She had already change her clothes. Maybe due to her exhaustion she had fallen asleep.


Lindon slowly opened his eyes. He stared at the white ceiling trying to figure out where he is.

He slowly tilted his head. He saw Kresha sleeping with her head resting on her arms.


Kresha heard a faint noise. She opened her eyes and find Lindon looking at her.

"Lindon! You're awake!" Kresha straigthened her body. "How do you feel? Wait I'll just call the doctor!" And then Kresha press the botton on the side of the head board.

In just a minute the doctor came and check Lindon's vital signs.

"How is he doctor?" Kresha asked the doctor.

"Well, he is still weak but his vital signs are normal. He just need a rest until his wound get better.

Kresha have a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much doctor."

The doctor nodded his head and then left the room.

Kresha looked at Lindon. "Just take a rest so you can recover quickly." She said.

Lindon stared at kresha." Are you alright?" He asked in a weak voice.

Kresha look back at Lindon and nodded her head." Hmmm...thanks...thanks to you." She said.

She lowered her head and bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry...If it wasn't for me..."

"Ssshhh!" Lindon interrupted her. "There's nothing to be sorry." Lindon replied.

Kresha look up. Tears started to form in her eyes but she blink few times to suppress it. "Why did you do that?" She asked.

Lindon reveal a faint smile." To protect you."

Kresha's heart skipped a beat when she heard those words.

To protect me?

He is willing to risk his life just to protect me?

"But almost got killed." Kresha said with worried expression.

Lindon's smile widened. "You are worried about me?" He feel happy knowing that she still care for him.

"Kresha, from now on I will be the one to protect you from any danger. Let's start over again. Give me a chance to correct my mistakes from the past." Lindon said gently.

Kresha was stunned! He want us to start over again? Kresha feel like she's going to choke.

She stared at Lindon, she want to make sure if he is at the right state of his mind.