Can't move my arms

The next day at the hospital.

Lindon have just finish eating his breakfast.

He did not eat much because he don't have the appetite.

Assistant Chen looked at the left over." CEO Mo, is the foods don't taste good?" Assistant Chen asked.

"No, it taste alright."

"But why you did not eat much?" Assistant Chen asked again.

"I don't the appetite to eat." Lindon replied.

Assistant Chen nodded his head and did not asked anymore.

He instructed the servant from the Mo Residence to tidy up everything and leave.

The servant nodded she clean the room and pick up the left over foods then left.

Assistant Chen and Lindon are currently talking about bussiness when Kresha arrived.

She is holding a small bag in her hand.

Lindon's eyes lit up! He smiled," You're here!"

Kresha smiled and nodded." Hmmm, have you eaten your breakfast?" Kresha asked while putting the small bag at the top of the table.

"Ms. Tang CEO Mo al-----" Assistant Chen did not finish his word when he saw Lindon's sharp gaze as if telling him to shut up. He quickly closed his mouth and did not dare to speak again.

"I have not eaten my breakfast yet." Lindon secretly glared at his assistant.


Assistant was speechless.

"I brought a bowl of soup for you." Kresha took the bowl inside the bag and open it.

"Wow! Smells good!" Lindon exclaimed.

Kresha handed him the spoon but Lindon did not move, he just stared at the spoon in his hand.

"Go on, you better start eating before it become cold." Kresha said.

"Ugh! Lindon pretend to be hurt and put his hand on his wounded chest

"Why? What happened?" Kresha asked with her knitted brows.

" I can't move my arm due to my wound." Lindon act as though he is in so much pain.

Kresha raised her brow. "Your wound is at your left side and you are a right handed. So you can still move your right hand."

"Ugh! I think my right arm has been affected too." Lindon still act like he is hurt.


Assistant Chen is speechless. His boss become so childish in front of Ms.Tang! He can't imagine how his bussiness partners would react if they see him act like this!

Sometimes he have an urge to took his phone and take a photo of his boss acting like a child in front of the woman he like!

But of course he never dare to. He can't lose is job! So he just stay there and observe his boss!

Kresha notice that Lindon is just putting an act. So she sitted in front of him and acted sweet.

"You can't really move your arms?" Kresha asked with her gentle voice.

Lindon revealed a pitiful look and nodded his head like a pitiful child.

"Alright!" Kresha took the spoon from Lindon's hand.

Lindon's eyes lit up! He thought that Kresha will going to feed him. But he was dissapointed when Kresha get up from her seat and walked towards Assistant Chen.

She gave the spoon to his Assistant.

Assistant Chen was stunned!

"If you can't move your arms, then I will let Assistant Chen feed you." Kresha revealed a sweet smile. She look at Lindon and asked. "Is it alright with you?"


Lindon is speechless. Wife! You're so cruel! How do you come up with that idea!?

Just thinking the scene of Assistant Chen feeding him made Lindon feels like to vomit a mouthful of blood!

Assistant Chen is also speechless. Ms. Tang! Please don't make me do this! I don't want to lose my job! Assistant Chen secretly cried.

"So, can't you still move your arms?" Kresha asked Lindon.

Lindon's mind quickly changed!

"Well, I think the pain has subsided now." Lindon replied while moving his right arms. "I can eat on my own now." He added.

Kresha pursed her lips. She took the spoon from Assistant Chen and gave it to Lindon. "Good!" She said.

Lindon took the spoon and started eating.

In just a few minutes he already finished the one bowl of soup that Kresha brought for him.


Assistant Chen was speechless again. I thought that he don't have the appetite? How come he finished the one bowl of soup that Miss Tang brought to him?

When Lindon finished eating. Kresha tidied up everything.

Lindon is watching Kresha while cleaning the mess.

Kresha is almost done cleaning when Lindon was riminded of something!

"Anyway, did you come here alone?" Lindon asked Kresha.

"Yeah, I came alone." Kresha replied.

"You should not go out alone, what if that bad guy will come back and do something bad to you again?" Lindon said with concern.

Kresha did not response. Yes, she is afraid. But how can she go back to her normal life if she feel afraid everyday?

She is afraid but she has to fight her fears!

"Assistant Chen!" Lindon called his assistant.

"Yes CEO Mo?" Assistant Chen quickly get up from his seat.

"Find me the best ten bodyguards in our security agency!"

Assistant Chen almost choked!

Ten best bodyguard? Are they going to escort the Prime Minister? Assistant Chen thought.

"Alright sir! Where am I going to assign them sir?"

"Assign the two of them for me and eight to Miss Tang!" Lindon replied.

Assistant Chen's jaw dropped. He can't believe it! Eight bodyguards for one person? He secretly chuckled.

Kresha was stunned too!

"Lindon, You don't have to hire a bodyguard for me." Kresha refused Lindon's idea.

"You need a body guard. You're almost molested by Randy and you almost got killed by someone we don't know."Lindon explained.

Kresha thought for a moment. He has a point. She has been in danger for a few times. But there is still something that bothered her.

"But Lindon, eight bodyguards is too much! It's not like I don't want to be safe. But it's just too much!" Kresha still refused his idea.

"It's better to have many of them so that no one will dare to harm you again." Lindon replied.

"But----" Kresha wanted to refuse but Lindon stopped her.

"Ssshhh! If you will speak again I will kiss you!" Lindon said with his hoarse voice.


Kresha is speechless. Alright! I'd better choose not to talk.

"You want to say something sweetheart?" Lindon grinned.

Kresha pursed her lips and shook her head.