My princess and my queen

The time has gone fast. One week later Lindon was discharged from the hospital.

With the help of the doctors and the people around him. He recovered so fast, after a few days he already go back to work.

At night, Jiron is waiting for Kresha outside the Mo Corporation building.

They have not seen each other since Lindon was shot.

When he saw Kresha going out from the Mo Corporation building. He quickly appraoch her however, he was blocked by the two men in black.

Jiron knitted his brow. What's going on? Who are they? He thought.

Kresha notice that two of her bodyguards blocked Jiron's way. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't hurt him! He is my friend!" Kresha cried.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we are just doing our duty." One of her bodyguard replied.

Jiron looked at the bodyguards. "I'm her friend. So let me pass."

"I'm sorry but we can't." The bodyguard said.

Jiron knitted his brows, there is something wrong here. Kresha already told them that I am her friend and yet they still not allow me to go closer to her?

"You can't go near to our Miss." One of the bodyguards added.

"Say's who?" Jiron asked in a strong voice.

"Me!" Lindon suddenly speak from behind of the bodyguards. He have just got out from the building and saw Jiron and the bodyguards.

Jiron scoffed." Tsss... Why? Do you own her?!" Jiron almost yelled.

"I'm just protecting her from harm. " Lindon replied coldly. He don't like this guy to go near to Kresha!

"Ha! Mr. Mo, you're treating her like a prisoner!" Jiron glared at Lindon.

Lindon chuckled.." No! I'm not treating her like a prisoner. She's my princess and my Queen! Why would I treat her like a prisoner?"

"Could you guys stop?!" Kresha rebuked them. " Can't you see? You have catched the attention of the people around here! Are you guys not ashame? You're like a child fighting for a candy!" Kresha was annoyed by Lindon and Jiron's attitude.

This guys are being childish! They are fighting in front of me again!

Kresha take a deep breath.

She looked at Jiron. "Jiron, I think it's better for you to go now."

To prevent the situition from getting worst. It's better to let the one of them go now. Kresha thought.

Jiron lowered his head. "Alright, if that is what you want. I will leave now."

Jiron glared at Lindon again before he left.

When Jiron left, Kresha face Lindon with her sharp gaze.

"What?" Lindon asked as if he doesn't know what happened just now.

"You're being childish!" Kresha scolded him.

"I become childish when it comes to you." Lindon said and grin.


Kresha was speechless. Tsss.. this guy!

He have really changed a lot!

He is far way from the Lindon that she used to know for fifteen years.

The cold and insensitive Lindon becomes sweet and childish?

Could it be that he is really serious of what he said to me at the hospital?

And...Where did he learn those words saying,

She's my princess and my queen! Kresha mimicked Lindon.

Tssss...I should not think too much. His attitude might changed after a few days!


Redwood Mansions

The man with a black angel tatoo on his back is sitting in front of his piano while playing a song. His eyes is full of loneliness. It's like he have suffered from heart ache and vent all the his pain on the piano.

The man closed his eyes and feel the melody of the song.

After a while, he stopped playing the piano. He get up from his seat and walk closer to the table where the photo of a woman is placed.

"Baby, I will fight my love for you." The man mumbled while his gentle gaze never left on the photo.


Tang old residence

"Acchhuuu!" Kresha sneeze. "Oh! Who might have cursed me?" She mumbled.

She is currently sitting in front of the mirror applying her night cream.

"Rrriiinnggg!" Kresha almost jump out of fright when her phone suddenly ring. She pick it up and answered it." Hey! Do you want to die?!" Kresha yelled at the person on the other line.

Lindon almost choked. "Hey! What's the matter?" He asked gently.

"You startled me again!" Kresha replied.

This time the wind blow and the curtain swayed mid air. Kresha notice the opened window.

She get up from her seat and went to the window to close it. But she catch a glimpse of a familiar figure of a man outside the hause.

Kresha knitted her brows. "Lindon?"

"Yes?" Lindon replied.

"Why are you still outside my house?" Kresha asked.

"Uh, I...I just want to see you before I go to sleep." Lindon looked up at the second floor of Tang Residence. He smiled when he saw Kresha.

"Tsss..." Kresha scoffed. " As if you haven't seen me earlier!"

"Hmmm... I just missed you ..." Lindon said in a gentle voice.

Kresha pursed her lips. " You better go home, or else I will release my dogs to chase you away!" Kresha threatened him.

"Aaiissshh! Hey! Why are you so cruel to me huh?!"

"Mr.CEO, I'm not cruel, actually I am generous. At least, I told you before I release my dogs!" Kresha said and curved her lips.

"C'mon, you choose..will you go home or will I release my dogs now?" She added.

Lindon's shoulder dropped. " Alright!, alright! You win! I'm going home!" He said while he put his hands up mid air.

Lindon ended up the phone call and baorded to his car with his two bodyguards. "Aaiisshh!! I didn't know that it's hard to coax a girl!"


His bodyguards are speechless.

Kresha can't stop her self from smiling when she saw Lindon boarded to his car.

"Fool! As if I have a dogs in my hause! I didn't know that it's easy to fool the mighty CEO Mo!" Kresha mumbled while grinning.

Kresha saw the car drive away.

Her gaze followed Lindon's car until it is out of her sight. And then she close the window and climb up to bed.