Finding evidence

Kresha knocked on the door of CEO's office before she entered.

She found Lindon standing near the floor to ceiling window. His back is against the door. He is looking outside the window and he seemed like he is in his deep thoughts.

He did not even notice when Kresha arrived.

Kresha tiptoed, she walk slowly towards Lindon and embrace him from behind. " Hey Mr. CEO!"

Lindon snapped back to his senses when someone suddenly embrace him from behind.

He smiled as he turned to face Kresha.

"Hey..." He embrace her tightly.

Kresha curved her lips. "You're in deep thought." Kresha said. " What are you thinking?" She asked.

Lindon release Kresha from his embrace. He touched her chin and lifted it. He look at her straight to her eyes and speak.

"I was wondering, when will we get married again?" Lindon curved his lips.

Kresha knitted her brows. "Hey! I think let's not think about it this time." Kresha said.

Lindon felt dissapointed. " Why not?" He ask.

"First, there are people who wanted to harm us. Second, those people should go to jail first so that we can live a life without fear. And third, you don't even have a ring with you!" Kresha pouted her lips.

Lindon scratched his head. "Uh..." it's the only word that came from his mouth.

"Hey, Lindon! I have a plan of how to find evidence against Rion Li." Kresha suddenly said.

Lindon looked at Kresha." How?!"


Inside the car...

"Are you sure you gonna do this?" Lindon asked Kresha.

They are sitting at the backseat of the car.

They are on their way to the Mo Residence now.

Kresha nodded her head. "Hhmmm...don't worry too much about me. All you need to do is to let Rion stay with Elder Mo. " Kresha said.

Lindon take a deep breath. " Just be careful." He said.

Lindon hold Kresha's hand. "Thank you..." he said.

Kresha did not response. She just smiled at Lindon.


Mo Residence...

Kresha and Lindon get inside the mansion.

They found the old man at the balcony with his nurse. He is sitting in his wheel chair.

Kresha furrowed her brows. It's only been two weeks since the last time she came here but the old man seemed so weak now! His face is pale and he looked so tired.

Unlike the last time she was here, he can still walk with the help of his nurse. But now he seemed weaker.

The old man was surprised when he see Kresha and Lindon. His eyes lit up.

"Good morning Elder Mo, good morning Nurse Rion." Kresha bowed her head.

Nurse Rion bowed his head as a response.

"Good morning grandpa" Lindon greeted his grandfather.

"What a surprise to see you both!" The old man said.

"Uh, we have not chatted the last time I came here, so I told Lindon to visit you." Kresha said.

The old man smiled. "Where is you grandpa? That bastard! He did not visit me here for two months now! The old man's face seemed upset.

Kresha smiled."Uh, I will tell him to visit you sometime." Kresha replied.

The three of them chatted for a while.

Nurse Rion kept silent he just listened to there conversation.

"Uhm, excuse me for a while? I think I have to go to the toilet." Kresha excused her self.

Lindon and Elder Mo nodded there head. And then they continued on chatting.

Kresha get up and headed to the door. She took her phone and sent a text message to Lindon.

Lindon heared his phone's text message ringtone.

He took his phone from his pocket and look at the text saying "Keep an eye on Nurse Rion."

Lindon replied to Kresha's text.

Kresha read Lindon's reply. "Alright! Be careful! I love you!" Kresha curved her lips and headed to Rion's room.

Nurse Rion stayed at the Mo residence and he has his own bed room which is located next to Elder Mo's bed room.

Kresha is standing outside Rion's room. She looked left and right to make sure that nobody see her before she entered the room.

She closed the door and then she started to search on Rion's things.

He search on the drawers, his closet, she also search on his cabinet but she didn't find anything useful.

She tried to flip the bed hoping she could find evidence but she found nothing. She almost turned the whole room upside down but she can't still find any evidence.

Kresha search the closet once again. She search at the bottom of the folded clothes and there!

She found a bottle of drug!

Kresha lifted the bottle, she knitted her brows. This bottle of medicine looked like Elder Mo's maintenance medicine!

Why would Rion hide this at the bottom of his folded dresses?

Does he also have a heart desease and share the same maintinance medicine of Elder Mo? Kresha thought.

But then she shook her head. No,no,no! It doesn't make sense. He looked so healthy, so I doubt it!

Maybe he has another reason?

Kresha opened the bottle and sniff it.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" The smell of the drug is too strong! And it made her cough violently!

Her face turned red due to coughing.

Kresha calmed her self . "Oh my God!"

She stroked her chest. "Is this a medicine?! Why does it smells weird?" She mumbled.

Wait! I think there is something wrong with this drug! I should bring this!

Kresha quickly shoved the bottle of drug inside her bag. She try to search again but Lindon sent her a text message again asking," Where are you?"

Kresha did not response. She shoved her phone inside her bag and she tidied up the mess that she made before she got out of the room.

"Ms.Tang! Why are you here?!"

"Aahh!!" Kresha almost jump out of fright!

She clasp her chest as she look at the person who suddenly speak!

It was the youngest servant in Mo residence.

"Uhm....I was looking for the toilet but I... I think I'm lost." Kresha lied.

The servant look at her." Uh, the toilet is at the first floor, come I'll show you." The youngest servant offered.

"Oh! Thank you..." Kresha have a sigh of relief.