
Lindon and Kresha went to the hospital where Elder Mo was admitted.

He instantly saw the old butler who brought his grandpa at the hospital. He was standing outside the Intensive Care Unit.

Lindon approached the butler.

"Butler Han what happened to him?" He asked anxiously.

Butler Han looke at him, he bowed his head and speak.

"Youngmaster, Elder Mo suddenly collapsed this morning." The butler replied.

Lindon look around as if he is looking for someone. "Where is Nurse Rion?!" He asked in a strong voice.

"Nurse Rion has gone missing since yesterday. We do not know where did he go." The butler said.

"Ggrrr!!" Lindon balled his fist and hit the wall due to his anger!

"Lindon!" Kresha took a big strides towards his direction to stopped him!

She embraced him from behind. "Stop it!" She cried.

Lindon was about to hit the wall again with his fist but he suddenly feel someone embraced him from behind.

His fist stopped mid air. And then he felt his whole body trembled and he feel like he would lost all his strength.

He slumped on the floor and rubbed his face with his hands.

"I was not able to protect him in this lifetime!" He murmured.

Kresha feel like someone clutched her heart upon seeing Lindon in this state.

She can do nothing about it. She felt so helpless.

But she knew that he needs her symphaty. So she embrace him tightly and tried to comfort him.

"Ssshhh.. I am here for you." Kresha said.

After a few minutes the doctor got out from the Intensive Care Unit.

Lindon quickly get up from being crouched on the floor. He approached the doctor and ask. "Doctor how was my Grandpa?"

Tthe doctor take off his mask and then he take a deep breath.

"Unfortunately your grandpa's condition worsened. It become more complicated this time. It's not only his heart disease worsened his liver and kidneys has been damaged too."

Lindon secretly balled his hand.

Thid might be the side effects of the drug that nurse Rion gave him!

Lindon gritted his teeth.

He swear! He will capture those who wanted to harm his family!

He's going to find them even in hell!


Eastwood apartment.

Jack and Rion are sitting on the couch while Arriene standing in front of them with her arms across her chest.

"You guys have failed to do your missions!" Arriene yelled to the both of them.

"I'm sorry boss I never expected that Kresha Tang would suspect me." Rion said.

"Ha! Perhaps you are not so cautious enough! You are just the same as your brother!"

"Hey Boss! I will finish my mission and I will eliminate that woman. This time I will make sure I won't fail." Jack said.

Arriene glanced at Jack with her sharp gaze. "Really?!" She coldly asked.

"Yes boss! But How about the person who is protecting her?" Jack asked.

"I don't care about him! Just kill that woman! I don't care if he would cut his ties with me. He doesn't care about me anyway! All he care about is that bi*ch!" Arriene's anger towards Kresha got even more deeper!

Arriene did not know that Jiron overheard their conversation.

Jiron purposely came to talk to her about an important thing. He thought about what Arriene said, about helping her eliminate the Mo's.

He thought about it for a long time. He would do everything to protect Kresha.

Jiron get inside Arriene's apartment, he did not bother to knock on the door.

"Don't harm her! I will do what you wanted me to do! Just make sure that you will not harm her!" Jiron said as soon as he reach the living room.

The three of them was obviously startled by his sudden arrival!

Arriene is the first one to react! "Hahaha! Big brother! You're here!" She said while looking at him.

"I thought about what you said! I have made up my mind!" Jiron replied.

Arriene stared at her brother as if seizing him up.

"Ha! Why a sudden change brother?" Arriene asked sarcastically. She don't believe her brother ro agree just like that.

"Just promise me that you won't harm Kresha, and you will get my help." Jiron replied.

"Help? Really? And what kind of help can you offer?" Arriene raised her brows.

"I can hire men to work for you. I will provide everything you need to help you eliminate the Mo family." Jiron said. "Guns, people, and even money I will provide eveything." He added.

Arriene's eyes lit up!

"Hahahaha!!" She laughed.

"Oh big brother! You're so generous! Alright! Since you wanted to help me, then why would I not accept it?" Arriene said. "It's a deal! You will help me eliminate the Mo's , and then your Kresha will be safe forever!"

Jiron took a deep breath, ' Kresha, I will do everything just to protect you. I am doing this for you. Even if it's against my will!' Jiron thought.