
Kresha is restless, her heart is beating so fast.

She called her grandpa to check if everything is alright in the Tang residence but her grandpa said that everything is fine.

Kresha end up the call and she put down her phone. She sigh and get up from her seat.

She walked back and forth but then she stopped and thought for a moment.

I can't take it any longer! I should follow him!

With that thought, Kresha walk towards the elevator and waited for a minute. But she lost her patience and decided to use the stairs to catch up with Lindon!

Kresha went down stairs as fast as she could!

Fortunately, Elder Mo's private room is at the third floor, so it did not took her a long time to reach the first floor.

She quickly look for Lindon's sillhouete when she reach the first floor.

And there! She found Lindon heading to the exit of the hospital.

Kresha quickly run and called Lindon.

But Lindon did not hear her.

Lindon walk straight to the car park. It's almost nine in the evening, so the parking lot is not crowded anymore. Lindon is the only one in there. His bodyguards wasn't with him, one of his bodyguard is sick and the other one is celebrating his child's birthday, so Lindon let him take a vacation leave.

Meanwhile, there are three people hiding somewhere at the car park. They looked like a lions waiting for the right time to attack to their prey!

Lindon shoved his hand on his pocket and took his carkey. He was about to open his car but suddenly..


"Ugh!" Lindon graoned. He seemed like he feel a sharp pain on his back!

Someone hit me with a hard object! He thought.

Lindon's knees fell on the ground! His body curved due to the pain that he feel!

"Aaghhheerr" he cried.

"Hahaha!! I thought that it's hard to catch him!" A sarcastic voice came from behind. They look like they are enjoying the seeing Lindon suffered in pain.

Lindon tried turned but the other person hit his back again!

"Aagghhheeerrrr!" Lindon cried again!

It was so painful to the point that he feel like he would vomit a blood!

His whole body trembled due to the pain!

The pain run to his neck up to his head! His vission become blured and he can feel his body lost strength.

"Ugh!" Lindon groaned in a weak voice.

His body crash into the ground! He is in so much pain but he still tried to crawl.

"Tsk,tsk, tsk.. the other man chuckled. "Where are you going huh?" And then he stepped into Lindon's back!

"Ugh!" Lindon cried again!

He tried look up and tried to see the person's face but his vission started to went dark, darker and darker until everything went black!

Kresha looked for Lindon at the carpark!

But she was shocked of what she saw!7

Lindon is lying on the ground! And he seemes lifeless!

There are two person standing near him with their back against her. Each of them are holding an steel bar!

Kresha gasp!

But it only made the two person notice her!

They slowly turned to her direction, unfortunately it's too late for Kresha to hide!

Kresha didn't know what to do! She wanted to move and run as fast as she could, but she feel like her feet was glued to the ground!

She just stood rooted on the ground.

Kresha's body trembled and her face turned pale!

Her face turned paler when she saw the two persons' face!

It was Rion Li and Jackson Li!

"Oh! The little secretary!" Jack exclaimed!

He looked at her maniacally!

Kresha can't help but shivered!

"Hahaha! I never expected that we would catch the two of them tonight!" Rion laughed!

The both of them slowly approach her. "S-stay away from me!" Kresha said as she took a step backward.

"Bro, I'm sure boss would be glad if we bring her along with that man!" Rion said while looking at his brother.

Then he looked at Kresha with his sharp gaze.

"No! " Kresha turned and she was about to run to escape from them! But as soon as she turned to run, she bumped into someone!

Kresha bounced back and almost caught off guard!

She froze for a moment before she look up at the man in front of her.

The man looked like a bodybuilder! He is tall and looked physically strong with big muscles!

And....he looked like a thug!

He seemed like he will never retreat in any fight!

Kresha gulped her saliva!

Oh no! Not now! My bodyguards is not with me!

Oh God! I should have not dismissed them early!

Kresha thought.

The man look at her with a blank expression!

And then without saying a word, the man suddenly grabbed her!

He took a small piece of clothe and covered Kresha's nose!

Kresha tried to fight back! But she feel dizzy as soon as she smell the chemical that the big man put on the clothe.

Kresha slowly stopped to fight back and she slowly lost her consciousness!

The three persons moved quickly.

They put Kresha and Lindon inside Lindon's car. And then they drive away.