
Kresha wake up at six in the morning.

She take a bath first before she go downstairs and headed to the dining room.

She saw her grandfather sitted in front of the dining table and eating.

"Good morning grandpa!" Kresha greeted her grandpa.

His grandpa look at her, " You're awake!"

Kresha curved her lips. "Hmmm..." she pulled a chair and and sitted opposite to her grandpa.

"Grandpa, do you have something to tell me?" Kresha asked her grandpa. She knew for sure, her grandpa did not forget that today is her birthday!

Her grandpa looked at her.

Kresha revealed a sweet smile.

"Like what?" His grandpa knitted his brows.

"Uhm, today is the 23rd day of August!" Kresha said.

His grandpa's knitted brows deepened. "So?"

Kresha's jaw and shoulders dropped. And her sweet smile instantly faded.

So, Grandpa did not remember that today is also my 23rd birthday? Kresha thought.

"You... you don't remember anything grandpa?" Kresha asked.

"Remember what?" His grandpa asked. "You're thinking too much kid! Go on and eat your breakfast before you get late to work." Her grandpa said.

So, no one remember my special day? Kresha felt dissapointed.

Oh! C'mon Kresha! It's just a birthday! And besides, you're not a kid anymore! So don't act like a kid!


Kresha snapped back to her senses when she heard her phone ringing.

She pick up her phone and saw the caller's name.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Sweetheart, I called to tell you that, I can't pick you up this morning. I am going out of town to attend a business convention. I'll be gone for two days. I have already instructed your bodyguards to pick you up today." Lindon said from the other line.

Kresha's heart sank. He is going out of town? Am I going to celebrate my birthday alone?

"Sweetheart? Are you there?" Lindon asked when he did not get a response from Kresha.

"Hhmmm..." Kresha replied.

"Sweetheart I'm sorry but this is really urgent! Let's just have dinner together when I get back. All right?!" Lindon said.

"Hhmmm...Take care." Kresha replied.

"Of course I will!" Lindon smiled. "I love you!" He added.

"Hhmm..." Kresha just nodded her head.

Lindon ended up the call and curved his lips. He knew that Kresha is upset right now.


Kresha focused all her attention to her work for the whole day. She do all her paper works. She did not even rest after her lunch. As soon as she finish to eat, she quickly get back to work. She did not even notice that it's already 7 pm.

Gracy approached Kresha.

"Hey Kresha! Do you want to come with us?" Gracy asked.

Kresha stopped what she's doing and look at her friend. "Where are you guys going?" She asked.

"Lance is treating us for dinner!" Gracy replied and looked at their male co-worker.

"Why?" Kresha asked again.

"Because today is his birthday!" Gracy replied .

"You should come with us Kresha!" Meme, their another female worker said.

Kresha thought for a moment.

I really need a companion tonight!

Kresha took a deep breath before she responsed.

"All right! I'll come with you!" Kresha agreed. At least, she won't be alone in her birthday!

Kresha fix the things at the top of her desk before she get up from her seat. She pick up her bag and speak, "Let's go!" And then she walk towards the elevator

Gracy and Meme looked at each other.

"Wait!" They cried.

Krehsa stopped in her track and turned. "Why?" She asked with her knitted brows.

Gracy and Meme looked at each other again.

"Uhm, I think it would be better if you change your dress." Gracy suggested.

Kresha looked down to her dress. Is there something wrong with my office attire dress?

"Uhm, Don't get offended okay?" Gracy said. "You just looked so formal!"

"But it's just a dinner right?" Kresha replied.

"Hhmmm... But I think it's better if you change it." Gracy insisted.

"But I did not bring any extra dress." Kresha said.

"Don't worry! I have bought a new dress this noon, you can use it and just pay me back later!" Meme took the paper bag from her desk and gave it to Kresha.

Kresha rolled her eyes. "All right!" She said and she took the paper bag from Meme.

"Go get change, we will wait for you here!" Gracy said.

Kresha nodded her head and then she went to the ladies toilet to change her clothes.

After a few minutes, she get out from one of the cubicles. And stand in front of the mirror.

Meme has a good taste in dresses! Kresha thought.

The dress has just fitted to her, "I didn't know that we have the same body figure!" Kresha mumbled.

Kresha looked at the dress. It's so beautiful! It is a pink dress , it has a illusion beaded cap sleeve, sheer neck and knee lenght short dress.

And the color of the dress had match to her white high heeled shoes.

Hhmm... I looked like I'm going to a banquet with this dress!

She put on a light make up before she got out from the ladies toilet.

The four of them headed to the Royal Cafe and Restaurant.

But to their surprise! There are no vacant seats in the first floor!

"Hey! What are we going to do? All seats are occupied already! " Kresha whispered to Gracy.

"Don't worry! They still have the second floor." Gracy replied.

"But the second floor is for a big events only and we have to rent the entire second floor if we want to have a seat there!

Kresha is busy talking to Gracy and did not notice the coming waiter.

"Excuse me ma'am? Are you Miss Kresha Tang?" The waiter asked Kresha.

Kresha was stunned! How did this waiter know my name?

"Y-yes!" Kresha replied.

"This way please ma'am." The waiter gestured his hand to the stairs.

Kresha looked at Gracy, Lance and Meme.

"Go! You should go first! We will just follow you." Gracy said.

"Hhhmmm... we will just going to the toilet! " Meme said.

"How about you Lance? " Kresha looked at Lance.

"Uh! Uhm, I'm going to the toilet too!" He said.


Kresha was speechless, "Really!?" She thought. "The three of you?"

Kresha followed the waiter to the second floor of the restaurant.

"We're here ma'am just get inside of the room." The waiter said to Kresha before he left.

Kresha knitted her brows. Did they really rent the entire second floor?

Kresha opened the door and get inside. But she did not find anyone there.

The lights are off and there are only candle lights on the table ahead of her!