Escape Plan

( At the same night of the attack )

Inside one big room filled whith books a 14 year boy whith blonde hair and a small body and deep blue eyes was sitting in a corner eating a red apple and reading a book named "Family,Duty,Honor".

He has read that book more that 100 times since the day of his 10 birthday when his father had gifted it whith a note saying it was his grandfather gift to him before his natural death.

He closed the book and started walking but his steps stop and a noise was heard outside and one of his servants runned fast while grabbing his hand and spoke fast : " My prince we need to go now i will explain evrything later."

His mind froze and he had no choise but to follow that old man.After all he was one of his must trusted servant .His name was Antony and he was the head of the royal servants and was one the most loyal and trusted man of his father.

At that moment while they where still fast walking the young price stoped and said:" Wait !!Stop! Tell me whats going on ?This is an order!"

Antony looked at him and whithout stoping gave the anser: " My prince Arthur i dont know much but the casle is under attack and this is one of your grandfathera, his majesty protocol of safety even your father ,the king has aprove ,i will lead you out of the casle but before we will meet the Red Eagle mercenarys".

Red Eagle mercenarys where one of the best troops of the kingdom they never took orders and had a special place in the king guard .They had a special place inside royal palace and never dressed whith the kingdom colors ,untill now Arthur dint know why or what was they use .He even asked his father but his father had told him that you will one day.They where now in a garden in the west of the palace where he spend most of his days when he was young playing whith his younger sister.

Ten man where standing in the middle of the garden and when the look at the Prince and they bowed towars him: "My name is Red 1 and this is my team This is Red 2,Red 3, Red 4 , Red 5,Red 6 ,Red 7 , Red 8 ,Red 9 and Red 10. We are here to take you at a save place by the contract that was made by our mercenary band and you grandfather".

"Wait , what about father my sister and my mom ? "

" Sir ,our team orders are only for you , we only know how to take you at a same place and the way out that was given for the emergency escape .Please sir do as we say for your own safety or we will use other means .My prince ,we are sorry again but we have our orders."

They took him and Antony in the corner at the garden and Red 1 gave the order : " 2 and 4 you start opening these piece of land there must be a lever somewhere .You other start gathering around the prince and if enyone get near him kill him or kill him.We gave our word and got paid for this mision now its time to work."

It took more then 1 min to find the lever and one of the man open it .It was dark and it smelled like shit.

"What the hell is this smell? "

"Its not perfume ill tell you that,we need to go in so we can take a safe road at the Forest of White deer" Red one said."You 2 ,get in there ,you will be scouts other 6 take care of prince one will take care of old man and me will navigate and he took a old map whith some red lines."

" After you Prince" one of the man said.He jumped in and a horrrible smell was in the air. It was dark but you still can see alittle.As soon as he made the first step a puchi sound was made but he dint dare to look down and moved ahead.After all the man where down they sealed again the entrance and moved forward as they moved 10 steps they found some torches and some wooden boxes in top of one of the other.One of the man tried to lid one of the torches and started to open the boxes .There was evrything that was used for evryday use .There where leather armor swords knifes bows and arrows even some pouches whith silver and gold .

" How did they get here ? "Arthur asked first and he looked at Antony.

"This where placed the same day you where born and all the boxes where sealed and all of this was made if the palace was taken down from inside or outside enemys ."

Antony open his mouth again : " Same thing goes for evry royal member of kingdom there are only 5 people of royal palace and 50 red eagle mercenarys that know of this.Evry one has his escape way but they dont know of each others escape plan if something bad happen and the escape plan was leaked .Evrything is done for you safety sire.Even me dont know the full plan my orders are to guide you thro the forest White Deer and take you a city 300 km from here there will be other people that will take care of you .

Arthur was now thinking he was an idiot .His whole life he lived inside his palace and never has eny doubt that one day his life would turn upside down like this