Cultivaton Stages

"Joe, I have just reached, Qi accumulation stage 1, what does that mean?"

[Well, my friend I don't know if I should be applauding you for cheating like that, but I applaud you for reaching a stage not many of you humans would ever reach]

[You have started on the path to immortality, but there are of course different stages, you must first reach, to finally reach immortality]

[You are right now in the qi stage, the qi stage is divided into three groups, Qi accumulation, Qi refining, and finally Qi condensation, there are other stages, but you don't need to know about them until you get there]

[So those three stages are all divided into 3 sub-groups, 1-3, 3-6, 6-9, in the same order, it usually take a talented person month's to complete the qi stage, but with me, it should take at most a month.]

Jack started to think about the process the just occurred, when he was cultivating, when the SP(Spiritual Energy), first entered into his body, it felt impure but after going through his meridian, it came out purer.

[Yeah, that also has a lot to do with talent.]

Jack, was startled when he was broken from his train of thought quickly remembering that, Joe was in his head.

"Could you please explain, What does it have to do with talent."

[The SP, in the air is filled with a bunch of different element's, fire, water, air, earth, metal, darkness, light, and so on, if you just recklessly absorb the spiritual energy in the air, you would literally kill, your self, from overloading your dantian with random impure mixture's of SP from the air, the function of your meridian's is to filter away, any spiritual energy that is not in tune with your meridian attribute or element.]

[That when talent come's into the mix, some people are born with multiple attributed meridian, which allows them to not only, absorb spiritual energy at a faster rate it also allows them to cultivate a bunch of different techniques, that make them stronger than there opponent.]

[Also meridian's, are also separated into grades, from the weakest grade 1 to strongest grade 10, the difference between the grade's, is the rate in which your meridians are able to purify the SP in the air, and you are quite talented in that area too, you have a grade 6, element-less attributed meridian's, even though being element-less isn't bad it still, is not very useful.]

Jack was thinking about, how unfair of an advantage, it was to have good meridian's, but then he quickly realized he had the apocalypse system, that let him create techniques and buy them from the shop and even give him advice on how to survive the apocalypse, he was the one with the unfair advantage.

[And Jack that's not all, I can turn the immaterial into material, just focus on cultivation, and completing quest, and I may even give you a new set of meridian's even though you don't need it, you can still cultivate at a rate comparable to multiple attributed genius's]

[I suggest that what you do now is to find out, how you are going to survive the apocalypse, I may give you strength, but you are going to need a lot more than a measly, Qi accumulation stage 1 to survive the apocalypse.]

Jack quickly got up and started to pace around, He had to form a plan to survive, he did not really have any friend's, and if you did not have anyone to back you up in this so-called apocalypse you would die very quickly, thinking about it, he had to secure food and he wasn't sure if the water treatment plant was self-sufficient, he has to first go and get chlorine to purify the water, find a sure food source and try and stay out of all human-made conflict's, until he found a group to back him up.

"Joe is there any possible food source that will be ready during the apocalypse."

[There should be demonic beast's starting to spawn in, but let me warn you, they are very dangerous even your current self would be a snack for them, so what I can tell you now is that you should first aim to reach the peak of the qi accumulation, stage and buy some techniques from the store, that would help you kill the beast's, and use them as a food source, if you have any remaining food in your apartment, make due with them until you are strong enough, to hunt demonic beast's.]

"That's a good idea", Jack quickly went to the kitchen to check if there were any foods that did not need electricity or gas to cook, quickly checking the cupboard, he saw he had some canned soups and bean's, He was supposed to donate, to the orphanage but right now, he severely need them.

"This soup and beans should be able to last me a couple of weeks"

After Jack had finally got all the non-perishable food's in the house, he quickly locked himself in his bedroom, and sat in the lotus position, and started cultivating.

Quickly feeling for the SP, in the air, he again used the system energy to attract the SP into him.

He was again surprised at the effectiveness of the system's energy, it was like the SP was a child that just suddenly saw the biggest piece of candy, and was quickly lured in to try and grab it, he guided the SP, into his meridian's and felt that they were quickly purified by his grade 6 meridian's.

Quickly leading the SP, into his dantian, he kept on cultivating, but started to feel that his dantian was quickly being filled up by his SP core, quickly stopping he asked, Joe what was happening, he quickly replied that he was about to break through, to the second stage of qi accumulation.

Jack was thinking that it was a little too fast, but Joe assured him that due to his grade 6 meridian's, and the system's energy, being used it was quite acceptable at this speed.