Peaceful Evening Accident

"Mmm," Alex yawned and stretched out his sore arms up high over his head. Feeling stiff from all the hours spent studying. Alex rolled his neck, trying to release all knots. Then glanced at the clock, taking a quick time check.

7:09 The digital clock glows. Laying back into his black cushioned arm chair, Alex looks outside the window.

The moon tucking the sun into its bed. The world sadly watched the sun leave. Telling it good night with its beautiful shade of blue and purple. Wishing it sweet dreams with the billions of twinkling stars.

Alex thought of taking a short stroll around the neighbourhood, get a breather. The evening is cool and refreshing, unlike a usual summer day. Watching all the little kids playing soccer outside. Some of their parents, mostly dads, playing with them. The rest casually chatting, drinking what seems to be lemonade as there is a tint of yellow in their drinks.

Alex stood up and finish his stretches. Then walks down the stairs that leads to the front door.

"Mom, I'm going for a walk," Alex hollered, across the hall that leads to the kitchen.

"Okay, do stay out too late. Be like the other boys in summer," Alex's mom, Mei, said. Then quickly added, "Oh wait can you buy me some things?" Briskly walking down the hall from the kitchen. Wearing her red and white checker, frills around the waist and out lining the apron. She usually wears that when she working with meat or frying food

Frying pork or beef? Maybe fish, Alex randomly guessed what she was cooking as she rush over.

"Here's the list," she place the paper on the wall then scribble some words on the paper. Soon after handing me the shopping list. "Do you have money?"

"I have some. I'll be back soon then." Alex glanced at the paper then waved his mom goodbye. Shutting the door behind him, Alex quietly took a stroll to a nearby store.

It was a peaceful, relaxing evening today, as it is most of the time. One thing Alex cherish about this neighbourhood. Alex's mom would always made a fuss about how Alex stayed shut in too much and should hang out with friends more. "Create chaos" was her motto for Alex. She most likely wouldn't even care if Alex commited a crime.

'You're finally living life and having fun,' Alex could hear her say.

Not sure why but some reason the thought of having friends sends chills down Alex's spine. Like something awful happened with his last friend.

"I just haven't found the right person to be friends with," Alex would always tell his mom. Which isn't a lie at all. In this small, developing city, there isn't a single person who enjoys peace as much as Alex do. At least he has yet to meet one. For Alex, he likes to be alone. Being friends with someone would mean Alex would give up precious reading time to hang out with random people. Alex rather perfect his French then go out with even a single person.

Beep! Beep!!! BEEP! "Kid get out of the way!!" Someone yells, honking like there no tomorrow.

Alex snaps out of his daze and jerk his head towards the noise. Just in time to see a black car speeding towards him. When The situation finally settle into Alex's mind. He tried to react, he wanted jump out the way but it was already too late.

"Hey! Hey kid!" Someone gently slap Alex's right cheek. Once, twice, then so quickly Alex couldn't count. Some reason Alex felt like screaming and panic but. . . what happened? Still in shock, Alex couldn't process what just happen to him. He couldn't feel his body or move even the tips of his finger. Just felt he was floating around, like a ghost. Is this what death feels like? Alex thought.

Poor Alex. Looks like he can't secretly buy himself a popsicle at the store.


Author's Note:

Alex: First chapter and Author Lunar is already trying to kill me! QAQ