info about the system

info about the system

[ Mission ranking]

D Acedemy students level 1 - half 15.

C Genin level complete 15 - half 30.

B Chunin level complete 30 - half 45.

A Jonin. level complete 45 - half 60.

S Kage. level complete 60 - half 75

SS Sage of Six path level complete 75 - half 100

SSS ??? [ I have a suggestion, but Tell me if you guys have any suggestions on the name ]

[ Skills ]

Gamers mind and body (non level skill) - mind disables all genjutsu, body makes all jutsu you learn turn to skill, which can be levelled up by just being used and with skill points

appraisal (non level skill) - lets you see name- age- level - status of anybody you want to see.

Chakra controlling skill ( lvl 1 - half lvl 15 D rank) - At this level he well have better control of 0.6 amount of his chakra per month.

(complete lvl 15 C - Half lvl 30 C) - At this level he well have better control of 6 amount of his chakra per month.

(complete lvl 30 B - Half lvl 45 B) - At this level he well have better control of 60 amount of his chakra per month.

(complete lvl 45 A - Half lvl 60 A) - At this level he well have better control of 600 amount of his chakra per month.

(complete lvl 60 S - Half lvl 75 S) - At this level he well have better control of 6000 amount of his chakra per month.

(complete lvl 75 SS - Half lvl 100 SS) - At this level he well have better control of 60,000 amount of his chakra per month.

Chakra increasing skill - ( lvl 1 - half lvl 15 D rank) - At this level he can increase his chakra by 0.6 per month.

(complete lvl 15 C - Half lvl 30 C) - At this level he can increase his chakra by 6 per month.

(complete lvl 30 B - Half lvl 45 B) - At this level he can increase his chakra by 60 per month.

(complete lvl 45 A - Half lvl 60 A) - At this level he can increase his chakra by 600 per month.

(complete lvl 60 S - Half lvl 75 S) - At this level he can increase his chakra by 6000 per month.

(complete lvl 75 SS - Half lvl 100 SS) - At this level he can increase his chakra by 60,000 per month

[ bloodlines ]

uchiha bloodline - lets you unlock sharingan, has a bloodline limit of S class.

crystal realise kekkei genkai - lets you turn matter to crystal except for energy and chakra, has a bloodline limit of A class.

[ roulette ]

skill roulette

bloodline roulette

ability roulette

weapon roulette