Audition (Part 2)

Turning back to look, it was the girl with the amber eyes. She stared straight into Nicole's eyes as if searching for something. Soon her eyes brightened up as if they had found what they were looking for. She then began, "Your eyes were closed before so you probably didn't see the announcement right?"

"Announcement?" Nicole asked in confusion.

"I figured as much. A message came up on the screen at the end of the last audition. It was a notice that starting from the second half the audition format will change somewhat," the stated with a smile.

"I see" Nicole responded before noticing the many gazes of dissatisfaction directed at the girl in front of her.

Some of the other contestants were probably peeved at the fact that she had warned Nicole. Seeing how they were acting the probably had so little confidence in themselves that they were looking to Nicole to make a blunder so that their chances of landing the role would increase.

Nicole felt the urge to sneer again but she kept it in. She lightly swept her gaze across the room registering all those faces in the room in her memory. In future, she wouldn't come in contact with these people. Someone who is willing to just stand aside and watch another person fall to push themselves up is not worth her befriending. Though they were of no obligation to help her, the mere fact that they were all looking forward to her falling ticked Nicole off.

She turned her gaze back to the girl in front of her and asked, "What changed?"

"The lead male schedule cleared up so he will be joining. They said he can enter anytime during the audition so you have to be prepared. Don't be surprised and act out of character or you've pretty much lost the gig." The amber eyed girl shrugged as she let go of Nicole.

"Though I do appreciate what you did but why are you tell me this? Isn't better for you if there is less competition?" Nicole questioned with an amused smile.

"I like the challenge. It would be a shame to win because of an unfair advantage" The girl shrugged again in response.

"Heh, quite the frank one aren't you, still, I like you. My name is Nicole." Nicole chuckled as she extended her hand.

"Amber " She replied smilingly as she grabbed Nicole's outstretched hand.

"Suits you. Well thanks for the info, I owe you one." Nicole said before letting go.

"Don't worry about it. But you should get going, your audition is about to start."

"Yeah you're right," Nicole said as she walked to the door but just before she went out she paused and turned back "Amber was it, I have a feeling well be seeing each other again soon." With that, she closed the door and headed to the audition room.

As Nicole was walking down the hall her eyes were slowly darkening.

In the last life, she and her sister finished their auditions in the first half so they left early and didn't know about this change to the audition. Nicole guessed that because she chooses to try out for the black swan this time things turned out slightly different but there shouldn't be too much of a deviation.

This kind of audition change normally wouldn't have had an effect on Nicole but, not for this audition.

This audition was different, because as the male lead was...
