Piano's emotion

"Did you complete the assignment I gave you" he commented blandly as he gazed upon his son.

"Of course I did Father! So I'll just..." Austin stated with a smile but they could all see he was constantly inching backward.

Nicole sighed; her brother was still the same, in every aspect. He even still ignores father's warnings, he's just asking for a beating.

"Oh, is that so?" their father raised an eyebrow whilst his gaze narrowed menacingly putting even more pressure on the already sweating Austin.

"Then please, by all means, show us" their fathers gaze returned to normal as he looked on coolly.

Austin lightly gulped, still, there was nothing he could do but reluctantly walk back to the piano and start playing. As a Reyna one needs to have a talent where they shine but that is not to say they can neglect other skills.

Austin and this rule didn't exactly see eye to eye so he often skips his other lessons only to be caught by their father again and again. Still, he never seems to learn his lesson and tragedies always occur when their father test them and another tragedy was about to take place.

Austin sat down at the piano and took a deep breath before his hands once again begun to dance upon the keys. A slow and sad melody that could touch the heart played out.

The song was extremely well played. For someone who had only learnt piano for a few months, it was truly astonishing still, when Nicole looked at her father she saw just like in the last life he was frowning.

'Hah, looks like brother's in for it again' Nicole thought.

Soon the melody came to an end and Austin looked up nervously at his father. When he saw the frown on his father's face Austin already felt his hands hurting, he knew he's not gonna leave this piano for quite a while.

"The emotion in your song is lacking, 12 hours. Stay there and continue playing maybe this will teach you to not run off to party with your friends when I give you an assignment" their father stated with a cold face.


"Don't even try it, Emilia, it's because your always so soft on him that he's acting like this," their father interrupted Emilia before she could even get another word out.

"I'm only like this because you're so unreasonable!" Emilia humped lightly before shrugging off her husband's hold and walking off.

"Fine, Austin you can stop after 10 hours," their father said exasperatedly.

Their mother was still walking away.

"Okay 8 and a half hours," their father said his tone weakening.

Their mother had walked a good distance now.

"4 hours!" their father said sounding very depressed now.

Their mother was almost out of sight when their father finally gave up, "For goodness sake! I give! I give! You can decide!"

The minute he said this, their mother turned and raised 2 elegant fingers as a smile bloomed on her face.

"Okay, 2 hours it is" their father stated as he walked defeated towards their mother.

Nicole smiled as she saw this scene.

Nicole was always awed whenever she saw how easily her mother subdued her father and how their father though he acted like that would always willingly comply with all their mother's wishes.

Nicole wanted this kind of relationship, one where her partner would cherish her to this point. She didn't need him to answer to her every whim but he had to love and respect her.

Nicole didn't know but later she will know that a man who loved and respected her too much can also be very troublesome but that was much later.