Inside the room sat two people; the female judge from the audition and Amber.
Nicole's eyes swept around the room but saw no one else, so she returned her gaze to Amber and nodded lightly before greeting the female judge with her sister and manager.
"Nicole, Veronica, and Ms. Sofia it's a pleasure, my name is Catherine," the judge said a graceful smile on her face.
"Likewise, my clients will be in your care," Ms. Sofia replied lightly before gesturing to the girls.
"A pleasure," they said in unison. Seeing them like that anyone would believe they were two peas in a pod and couldn't be any closer. Unfortunately, both peas felt there was only space for one in their pod.
Watching this scene Catherine's expression seemed even warmer than before, "Please have a seat, it will take some time for the alterations to the set and costumes to be completed."
"Thank you" they replied before taking a seat in Ms. Catherine's office.
Nicole sat beside Amber and flashed her a smile as she whispered, "See, I told you we would meet again soon."
Amber was taken aback before she returned a grin of her own, "Oh, seems like you can predict the future, huh."
Nicole gave a light chuckle, "Yeah and I can tell you that there are great things ahead of you" before turning her attention back to Ms. Catherine.
"Allow me to re-introduce myself; I'm the head of the marketing department, Catherine Reed," she said with a light chuckle.
"Though this is the first time we will be working with you all we have high expectations for the final product. Still, we will need to brief you on the script before we start the production. Ideally, the scripts were supposed to be ready by now, but due to the last minute alterations, a general outline will have to do for now. "
Seeing them nod in understanding she smiled before she continued, "The story is as such a love story between a pair of swan sisters. Taking from the classical swan lake, the two swans have the ability to turn into humans but only during the evenings when everyone is asleep. Because of this the two swans longed to experience the human world, the bustling and lively atmosphere and there is only one way to do this; through love's kiss. One day a boy appears before the two girls, and soon they fall in love with him, but only one of them can go to the surface with the boy so you can imagine the rest. In the end, the white swan and the boy go off and find happiness, and that's the basic idea."
Hearing this the three girls nod in response.
Veronica eyes sparkle at the thought of being a great heroine and having fame and fortune open to her and Amber was excited for the challenge of her first role, but Nicole seemed the odd one out of the batch.
After a while Nicole spoke up, "Ms. Catherine, if I may, though I understand the flow of the story I do have one point I'm not clear about."
Ms. Catherine smiled, "Of course, what's the problem."
"What's my role in all of this?"