Trial Version

When the countdown hit 0, the pain stopped, and a welcome message appeared on my mind.

[Welcome to ESPER System Trial version]

[Would you like to start the tutorial (Y/N)?]


[In the current version the access is limited, the user has access to:

Status: it gives a numerical measure to different attributes of human beings, it also contains perks, skills, mental powers; in each case, it has an explanation about the uses and the level of mastery.

Roulette: from time to time the user may receive or buy tickets to get random rewards

Item Shop: Using System points is possible to purchase certain items and abilities; the current shop is quite limited due to this being only the trial version.

Missions: the system can give missions to the user the rewards and punishments are fixed according to the difficulty.

Achievements: the user has access to the unlocked achievements]

[The user doesn't need to talk out loud just thinking is enough to answer the system or use its functions]


[Name: Spencer Davies

Age:20 yrs.


Str:9 End:11 Agi: 10 Dex:9 Int:15 Wis:12 Cha:13


Cooking Lv.1

Driving Lv.1

Basic Sciences Lv. 5

Math Lv. 2

Physics Lv. 2

Swimming Lv. 2

Perk: Cold Mind (+)

Esper abilities: N/A

System Points: 5

Does the user wish for an explanation of each attribute, skills, and perks? (Y/N)]

'No, what is the average number for a stat? And what means the Lv. In each skill? ´

[The average of an adult human was 10, all the skills are capped at lv. 5, an lv 1 means there some training in the area but only at a beginner level]

'What do you mean "was" 10.'

[After the event a part of humanity became able to use the brain and body more efficiently, acquiring perks and abilities that were impossible to get before. This "evolution" meant that there was an improvement in some areas thanks to these special abilities. In your case, thanks to cold mind your Int and Wis were boosted a little]

'What is that Cold mind perk and what is the plus sign?'

[Cold mind helps the user keep calm and reach logical conclusions without the problem of external influences. The system can detect that the user's perk is the result of an external influence and wasn't there before. It became part of the user at the same time as the system. The (+) means that the perk has positive effects on the user].

Then some people got bad perks...


[Currently, the User doesn't have enough system points or tickets to use the roulette]

'How many points do I need to use the roulette? And how do I get tickets?'

[The basic spin cost 100 points, the tickets and the points are obtained by doing missions, killing, and unlocking achievements]

I hope I don't have to kill someone, everything is going back to normal eventually right?...

'What can I buy at the shop right now?'

[Low-quality food, water, low-quality items, and bullets, with more points, is possible to buy weapons, better types of foods, normal items, and some low-Rank ESPER Abilities]

'Show me the Achievements'

This was like a trophy room.

[Currently unlocked achievements

("I'm not Crazy") ("My first point") does the user want the details (Y/N)?].

'No thanks show me the Missions'

[Missions activated

(Mission: Get supplies

Type: Normal

Reward: 15 points

Time left: 7h 34m 13s)

(Mission: Figure out the changes in your group 2/6

Type: Main

Reward: 25 points; INT/WIS stat+2

Time Left: 3d 15h 32m 56s)

(Mission: kiss someone for whom you have romantic feelings.

Type: Normal

Reward: CHA Stat +3

Time left: unlimited)

(Mission: Kill another human being

Type: normal

Reward: 25 system points, (????)

Time left: unlimited)]

Some of the missions were entirely random, the other 2 were related to this situation, when the others wake up I'll go to the market near to get supplies. I was planning to do it anyway, so there was no problem with that quest.

The most important of all was the information the system gave me in status and the 2nd quest.

The external influence that gave me the system and cold mind was the comet. It's always possible that something else happened while we were unconscious, but it wasn't that probable.

The number next to the mission was unusual, this means that I already figured out something related to our group, this was my information, and the other was Dante's telepathy.

But why the group is 6, there was someone already in the group that we didn't know about?

There was no helping with this, in any case, I must figure out what changed with my sister, G and Rose and while I do that the 6th member of the group will appear.

At that time, I heard a scratch in the backdoor.

'Open the door~ I heard in my head.

I went to open the door, and a cute Siamese cat was there looking at me.

'The window of your room was close~!'.

'G must have closed it, did you see something.'

'It's really chaotic some people looked desperate~, in some places they were sleeping without moving~. I tried to wake up those that were alone, but they didn't wake up~. I listened to some people talking about headaches~ and saw a group bullying the passersby~'.

'Where were the bullies?

'Down the street near the highway~.'

That's not in the direction of the market.

'Can you call the others here?'


A minute later Rose arrived in.

"Listening to a cat in your head is really weird."

"I know what you mean." Hope came in behind her.

"How do you feel girls?"

"I feel better now, thanks," said Rose with a smile on her face.

"Me too, I'm fine."

At that time Gerhard came, he looked awful.

"Wow, you look like shit G."

"I couldn't sleep or rest."

"Mmm, that's a problem, you think you can go to your house?"

"I have to, I need to get the tools that are working, if that's the case I'll be able to repair some stuff, are you coming too?"

"Change of plans, we need supplies, so we are making two teams. One will go to your house to see if there is anything useful there, the other team will be in the market to get food, water".

Rose stood up.

"Ok, I'll go with Spence."

"We are going to need bags to bring the food."

"Dante you go with Hope and G if anything happens, look for me right away."

After preparing to go out, I decided to look for my father's handgun. I couldn't find the bullets, but the system shop was selling a 9mm magazine that the gun needed. I heard that this gun belonged to my grandfather, so it's more like a relic.

My father also had an MRGR (Magnetic RailGun Rifle) he used to complete when younger, but it was useless after the meteor shower.

I hid the gun in my jacket and left the house with the group, G and Rose's house was on the way to the market.

On the way to the market, G got better. Maybe he just needed fresh air and sunlight.

Since G was better Dante's mission change to look around if there was anyone troublesome. We left G and Hope in the house, and with Rose, we continued to the market.