The New Boss

(Jamie Walters POV)

I woke up and knew I was in troubles, the alarm didn't wake me up, so I ran to the living room before it gets worse.

"Where is my coffee boy?" A calm voice from a middle-aged man who was sitting on the couch and reeked of alcohol asked me, I think I awaken him when I run.

"Sorry, sir!! The alarm clock didn't ring, and I kept sleeping. I'll prepare some and bring it right away."

I fled to the kitchen before that man could say anything.

When I was starting to do my chores, I discovered that none of the devices were working. The kettle, the coffee maker and everything single object in the kitchen was useless.

Even if it wasn't my fault my stepfather could not care less, I was probably going to get beaten again. He always was a jackass, my mother was a magnet of idiots, when she got pregnant my biological father left her, she carried the pregnancy alone while in college.

A few years later she met this asshole and married him.

When I was in middle school, she died in a car accident, and left me alone with this guy, he became worse, started drinking and just lived from my mother's life insurance.

I went back to the living room where my stepfather was caressing his temples, when he heard me enter, without even looking at me said.

"The HolTV it's not working. Fix it, and look for painkillers, my head is killing me."

'I hope it manages to do it' I thought.

"Where is my coffee?" His voice was cold and devoid of any affection, it was like he knew what I was thinking.

"None of the devices in the kitchen are working either."

At that moment he threw a little figure, I used my hand to block it and got a small wound that started bleeding.

"I don't care, fix them, do what I told, or you leave my house."

'My house?' my blood was boiling like never before, I looked back at the man with hatred and without even knowing how I threw the first thing I found, a figure made of glass.

This was entirely unexpected for him and was hit on the face, the figure shattered, and some of the shards got stuck to his skin.

It felt Amazing…

"You idiot son of a B***H!!!, What do you think you are doing!!!"? He got up to give me a beating, but I felt different.

"I'm not taking this shit anymore, this house was my mother's, and you have no rights here, so you are leaving this place… and will never come back."

My voice was filled with rage and coldness, something awoke inside me, something powerful.

Like an emperor, no one can defy my words. When you are superior to others, that's how it should be.

Something from me went inside my stepfather, he stopped moving, turned around and left the house.

A crooked smile appeared on my face

The power, the control. This was I have wanted all my life…

It's payback time.

I left the house with a definite place in mind, a place that gave me a lot of bad memories.

I was in the front of an old house that could fall apart any minute, this was the reunion place for a group that made my life impossible.

Inside were 4 guys and a girl who was the leader's girlfriend, they were surprised when they saw me there.

"Hey look who we have here, came for your daily beating?" The leader asked with a smile.

"Learn your place, piece of s**t…"

The leader frowned, and with a superhuman speed he was about to kick me away, but my voice was faster.

"Sit!" Again that feeling of power and control boiled through my veins.

Around me everyone stopped moving and sat down, It was tiring but seeing all of them follow my orders, made me smile at the surprised gaze of the little gang.

"What are you doing."

"Showing you who is the new boss "

"You think we are going to listen to the orders of a wimp just like that?" The girl said. Ignoring her, I went to a couch and sat there.

"You don't have a choice… come to sit in my lap" the girl just moved and sat on my lap, she was disgusted and scared.

They all discovered at that moment that I could do with them whatever I wanted.

I kept giving orders, I make the leader kept watch outside, make them fight each other, and had some fun with the leader's now ex-girlfriend, then I send the ex-leader to get beers.

The fighting sound and screams became music to my ears while I played with the girl and those idiots hit each other, just because I told them to do it.

The leader came back with a shopping cart full of beers, and I made him tell me if he saw something unusual.

He told me about two situations. That made my blood boil again.

"Let me see if I understand, you know that there were people in the warehouse, then you saw a weird and scary girl, and you didn't try to investigate any further?".

"You told me to go get the booze and come back there was nothing I could do."

Even if it was true, I strike down the guy who could not defend himself. I got excited about giving him a beating. I only stopped kicking him when I got tired with a happy smile on my face.

"You two, that girl sounds interesting, go look around and if you find her bring her. You take out the trash."

The guys following instructions left the house.


(Spencer's POV)


[Mission: Help and Hide with Hayley

Type: Emergency

Reward: do you really need a reward to help a girl?

Time Left: 14m 15s]


I jumped out of the couch and got ready to leave the house

Dante, who was sleeping looked around confused because of my sudden movement

"What's wrong~?"

"If someone asks about me, tell them I needed to leave for a minute."

I ran through the streets in the direction of Hayley's house, I didn't know where else to start so I got there as fast as I could.

I was lucky, and after running for 10 minutes, I found her lying unconscious in front of her house.


[An intimidation attempt has been blocked by cold mind]

I looked around but couldn't find the source of the intimidation, I put that on the back of my mind for now and got close to her.

"Thank god I found you" I saw a wound on her head, but she was breathing fine, she just fainted.

The mission wasn't completed, so I had to move with her from there. I took her in a princess carry and move her away to the next house's garden.

Since it was already dark nobody should be able to see us behind this bush. I checked on her.

She was cold, really cold. I touched the wound, and a groan escapes from her lips. I heard footsteps on the street.

"Sorry, I will take you to somewhere better in a minute."

I told her in a whisper. I could hear them talking.


'Deactivate notifications, except emergency missions.'

I decided that the notifications were a distraction, so I turned them off for now.

The footsteps came closer, and voices could be heard.

"I told you it was your imagination, nobody is here."

"I can swear I heard something and we have to look around here anyway."

"That bastard, making us look for some girl at this time, she is probably in her house sleeping."

"Yeah, I don't even know what he wants with her, from what Freddie said she was weird and scary."

"I don't know, but we should keep moving, you know we can't defy his orders" the voices were getting more distant till they couldn't hear them anymore.

I waited a few minutes after that I put her on my back and carry her. It was clear that there was a conflict with her family.

For the moment I'll just bring her to my house.

'I wish my str was at least average…'

I came back to my house. When Dante saw us, he got up and came to us.

'Is she alright? ~'. He was sniffing her trying to recognize her.

'Yes, she is just sleeping' I said in my mind.

I put her down on the couch. Afterward, I search for the first aids kit, even with just the moonlight I could see that her face was covered in dry tears.

I cleaned her face and the wound that was at the side of her forehead, it's not too deep, probably will not leave a scar, and should heal soon.

I cover her with the blanket I was using before, and she snuggled into it.

I watched her rest for a few minutes and told her while caressing her hair.

"You are safe now."

I sat on a chair and tried to sleep, I noticed a couple of notifications, but since they were not emergency missions I ignored them, I can see them in the morning.