Gerhard’s conversation

I found G leaving my room with a horrible face and gave me a wry smile

"The cloth melted… and I need to move I didn't feel well".

"Wait for me in the backyard, I'll get Hayley to take care of Rose"

I got Hayley and left her with Rose. I felt that this was a good moment to drink something, so I took 2 glasses and a bottle of a weird liquor to share with G.

I gave him a glass and serve one for myself.

We both took a sip and spit it right away

"What the hell Spence!!!, This sh*t taste horrible!!! What the f*** is this"

I took the bottle and after seeing it a started laughing, I pass him the bottle.

"Watermelon liquor (Light)"

"Who had the horrible idea of making this!!! And how you make a liquor light?"

"I have no idea, but we know why it's still here"

This helps us relax a little and G went to his pile of devices and started working on them. And started talking.

"How was Hope?"

"She is just sleeping, I think she is going to wake up tomorrow, how are you?"

"Me?" He looked surprised by my question.

"I know Rose's condition, and we haven't a talk since all this happened"

"Horrible… I don't get how this happened and I don't know what is going to happen. I'm terrified by your ex-girlfriend, my sister is unconscious, I can't even be by her side without starting to feel horrible. When I tried to help you and Hope, you were shot and I was completely useless, and all this has happened in less than 2 days".

"Remember my sister had to protect me, I was useless to" we both fell silent while smiling sadly

"But at least you have that power, and thanks to you we are not lost about everything that is happening".


[Mission Change: Train for at least 1 hour daily with Gerhard 5 days in a row

Type: Normal

Reward: Healthy body

Gerhard Reward: ????

Time left: 6d 4h 31m 10s]

The change in the mission didn't surprise me that much, but the fact that the mission had rewards for my friends too was shocking, this made the system more awesome than what I thought.

"We should train". I said


"My Power doesn't have any impact in a real battle, you have some kind of physical power probably, if we train we can find more about your power, and in the process, I can learn how to fight."

"Do you want me to teach you how to fight?"

"You have been practicing Box for 5 years"

"But just to stay in shape as a hobby, I have never been in an official fight, the most I have done is sparring. Even if we do that, what's the use of it against someone who can push us with their minds, control us and stuff like that, also aren't the guns much more effective?".

"The weapons have limited bullets, and are too noisy, so there is no way to practice with them today it was a lucky shot and that is not something we can depend on. And even if the others have powers, if you think about it, Rose, Dante and I don't have extra firepower thanks to our powers. As far as we know Hope's is defensive, and we still don't know what Hayley is capable of, come on G next time I don't want our sisters to be the ones protecting us. We can hit them before they know how they ended on the floor".

My last words seemed to work on him.

"Ok, but we have to bring a couple of things from my house".

"Yeah, tomorrow morning we go early so no one sees us, Cheers?" I raised my glass with some doubts and G after a second followed my lead.

"Cheers" we drank it again and spit it again.

"We need something better to drink".

"Sorry this was the only thing I found to relax a little"

"No beers?".

"The only thing we have is this s**t, water, juice… and scotch"

"I've never tried scotch"

"Me either, but I can't bring it, it could be useful in the future, so it's in the first aid kit".

"You have to be kidding me"

"I wish, Hope saw it and told me to put it there".

"Do you think she will notice if we drink a little?"

"… Eidetic memory… she will notice"

"F***, I hope we found something better soon".

We laugh and keep talking for a while trying to relax. When the sun started to fade down G became weaker.

He went and laid on the couch, I "prepared" (opened a can) food and gave it to G.

Dante came back a while ago and was with Hope.

I also gave something to eat with Hayley, she seemed a little troubled about something but didn't tell me what it was. If I had to bet it has to do with her family, afterward we talked a little to catch up and she went to sleep in Hope's room.

Rose's fever had subsided completely and after a new checkup, I thought she was going to be ok, of course I couldn't be 100% sure.

I made Dante keep watch on her and went around the house verifying that everything was closed. We should reinforce this place or look for a bigger one.

I went to my parent's room and slept next to Hope.


Just like yesterday I didn't get much sleep. I wake up and checked Hope's condition.

Hope awakened while I was examining her.

"Hi, sis"

"You are ok!!" She tried to hug me, but pressed my wound, she noticed the bandages.

"Sorry!... Is it bad?"

"The bullet just grazed me… thanks to you". I smiled her and returned a hug to her, but she didn't understand my meaning.

"What do you mean, thanks to me?"

"You awakened your power"

Hope was staring at me for a second and her mouth opened making a surprised expression

"I deflected the bullet." She obviously remembers all that happened.

"Congrats, you also have a power, how do you feel?"


"I mean physically".

"I feel rested nothing hurts… I need to see the others, they must be worried". She was full of energy and when she was about to leave the bed I stopped.

"Wait, I have to tell you something first, Rose fainted too. I think she is going to be ok, but she overused her power".

"Where is she?" She asked right away

"In my room". Hope went straight to see Rose. She sat next to her while I explained what happened after the fight and what Hayley told me about Rose.

She was just like last night, I checked her, and the situation seems the same, she was still unconscious, no fever, and a could feel that the vital points were recovering, I wished I could understand the meaning of this point and the feeling I get from them but this was all I could do.

"What are you doing?"

When Hope saw me examining Rose she felt weird as why I was doing it.

"I'm just checking if everything is ok, yesterday, thanks to my eyes, I noticed she had fever but is all right now".

"Oh, your eyes are becoming more useful every day, is she going to be ok?"

"I think is going to take a little more time for her to wake up, but she is probably going to be ok, she overused her power way too much".

"I feel guilty, she had to be on the lookout all that day and probably when everything happened, she was already tired, and she was too worried about us to stop looking"

"I should have made Dante scout around, it was a bad call to use Rose, we need to be sure of the limits of everyone powers. When Rose awakens we are going to make a schedule for everyone to train their powers, that way we can keep an eye on each other, control them better and know our limits".

Hope agreed with me and we went to the kitchen after checking Rose.

"If you are tired you can go back to bed"

"I'm ok, I feel like if I slept for days"

"I'm going out in soon if you need to talk to Hayley use Dante"

"You are going out?"

"Yes, yesterday with G we decided to start training together"

"You are going to train with Gerhard?"

"Yeah, he is going to teach me some boxing"

"Can I see him beating you?"

"He is not going to beat me… I think"

"He is totally going to beat you… you haven't seen him training, right?"

"What do you mean?" I had an ominous feeling being born inside me.

Hope smiled and just said.

"You are going to see it for yourself, I think it's about sunrise and you guys should go soon"

I noticed the orange tones of the sunrise, and went to wake up G.