Rose Wakes Up

After my conversation with Hayley, I went back to the kitchen and throw the cans away, thank god we eat directly from the cans, because we have no way to do the dishes.

Hayley's father stayed with us for the day, he together with G was able to create a heating plate with some panels they found that worked perfectly, it took a lot of time for it to heat the water but at least I was able to drink a coffee in the afternoon.

Mr. Ryan worked as a designer for a company in the innovation department, so he knew a lot of the inner structure of the now useless devices, G knew a lot about maintenance and repairing things, but it was difficult for him to create stuff like that, but between the 2 of them were able to do it.

I send Hope to hear and see everything Mr. Ryan said and did to remember for later.

"If you are interested I have a couple of books in paper"

"Paper? I thought they didn't do books on paper anymore"

"They are old, at least 20 years, they are more like relic right now from when I was in college, even if some stuff is outdated they have the basics to create this".

"We will go take a look one of these days then"

While they were talking about electronic stuff that I didn't understand at all, I gave the rifle and asked them to unplug the barrel.

Mr. Ryan was astonished when I said that, but during these days from time to time you could hear the shootings, I wasn't that surprised about that, after all the Railgun technology wasn't developed enough to create handguns. He also knew that I already had a wound because I was in a gunfight yesterday, he knew these weapons could save a Hayley's life one day.

While I was seeing them working I thought came to me

'System do you have vehicles for sale'

[That part of the shop is not available until user upgrades to the standard edition]

'What about blueprints?'

[Yes, but the user doesn't have the required abilities to understand them]

'Can you show them to me?'

I started to browse I could see a photo of the vehicle and the price, they were cheaper than what I expected, but when I thought that it was just a blueprint it made sense.

There were a lot of blueprints, the simplest one was for a customized motorized bicycle you can even modify it a little for 10 system points, the last of the available stuff was a minivan for 100 system points.

My mind started to work, if I'm able to make a vehicle moving around would be easier and safer and maybe we can move around with Hayley. There was a car in the garage, but since the computer and the battery were useless we can do anything with it, but with the blueprint maybe we can repair it.

Just because of curiosity, I started checking the blueprints, a detail of the characteristic was displayed, and a bunch of add-ons could be included, the add-ons had a different cost and also changed the characteristics of the vehicle.

I continued looking at the blueprint and there were a lot of good stuff, home appliances, weapons, tools, and even parts.

This could be good, but they cost at least 10 each and I need to see what is the most important and with Hayley's father here maybe we can do some of this stuff without the blueprints.

While pondering about the possibilities I hear G's call

"Spence think fast".

I looked up and the rifle was coming straight to me.

I catch it before it falls in my face.

"Hey!!! Be careful, don't go around throwing weapons"

"I knew you were going to catch it".

"Yeah, sure… you probably were waiting for it to hit me… I know you"

"You have to stay alert all the time"

I checked the rifle, it was a simple old hunting rifle, you must put the bullets manually 1 by 1 since it didn't have a magazine like the pistol, it was cleaned and ready to fight Mr. Ryan knew what he was doing, I asked him to teach me how to maintain the weapons, after 1 hours in which he made me arm and disarm both weapons.


[Handgun skill lv 0 obtained]

'lv 0?'

[All the skills have certain conditions to activate, once you get the basic skill you can train on it, in this case is having fired a weapon and acquiring knowledge about them]

'So even if I kept shooting and practicing, I would never acquire the skill If I don't learn about the stuff I'm handling it?... That makes a lot of sense actually, does all the skills, work like this?'

[There are some exceptions, and different condition depending on the ability]

'Since I learned a little about rifles if a practice a little with it a would acquire the Lv.0 too?'


Each day a kept learning more about the system and it was becoming more and more useful, but at the same time its complexity was astonishing too, it didn't give stuff away easily.

"Thanks Mr. Ryan"

"You don't have to thank me, in the end, you are going to take care of my daughter"

It felt weird hearing him said that, but he was right.

When the night came G went to sleep right away, I stayed up talking with Mr. Ryan a little more, he will stay with us, there have been a lot of shootings during the afternoon, so we decided it was safer for him to stay with us, tomorrow he was going to leave in the morning, he decided to go with some of his friends in the clinic so he stayed up late talking to Hayley through the door.

I stayed with Hope again.


I waked up early just in time to see Mr. Ryan trying to leave unnoticed. This time was the best for moving around so after a short goodbye and a new promise of making sure Hayley was safe he left.

Everyone was sleeping, since there was no sun I couldn't drink coffee, I changed the bandage, it wasn't necessary anymore, but since I was going to train with G later I preferred to protect it… also he takes things less seriously and doesn't hit as hard if I had it on… the main reason I don't want him in serious mode was that he doesn't control his power and I don't want a broken rib or my head flying off my shoulders.

At the sunrise I went to check Rose, this time there was nothing wrong so I thought that she was going to wake up soon.

I stayed by her side for a little while and I left when I heard movement in the living room.

G has woken up, and saw me coming out of the room where Rose was sleeping

"How is my sister?" He was clearly concerned.

"I think her current state is the same as my sister's the night before she woke up, she doesn't have anything wrong right now. I think she will wake up during the day or tomorrow at the last".

"I just want her to wake up".

"We all want that".

"Are you ready to work out?"

"Sure, let's go".

I changed my clothes and went outside with G

Because of yesterday's training, my body hurts a lot when we started, but after the warm-up, it faded away.

The routine was like yesterday's, now G just needed to correct my posture from time to time. The number of exercises were more than yesterday.

My movements were a little stiff and I'm sure that G was moving faster than yesterday sparring, I got hit a lot, so I tried to dodge even faster… it didn't work in the end I was beaten up and I'm sure I had some bruises.

I cleaned myself like yesterday and ate with G and Hope, then I kept company to Hayley while she ate and told her that her father left earlier, she already knew that.

Afterward, I started with some ideas to see if she was able to control her power, trying to freeze a bottle in one hand while keeping one in the other hand, at the normal temperature, thinking about warm things to stop releasing the cold aura and stuff like that.

In the end, everything was very taxing on her, so to not have another case like Rose's I stopped when just 15 minutes have passed without doing too much, also I made her promise to not practice by herself, and if she wanted to, she had to call me to keep an eye on her.

I trade places with Dante and went to keep an eye on Rose.

I got a chair next to her and sat on it. I looked at her face and unconsciously started to caress her hair. I watched her silently for a few minutes.

"You have to wake up Rose we all miss you…".

I'm sure that a little smile appeared.

After some time, I was going to stand and leave, but a sweet voice finally responded.

"I missed you too".