Alligator Battle

We took our chance and went to the first floor and left through the main entrance. Once outside we moved to get as far as possible from the battle.

It didn't go too well. Since we were in the line of fire we had to take cover to prevent a bullet from hitting us.

The alligator was focused on that group so besides being forced to take cover there weren't any other problems. We are not going to get rushed by the alligator while getting shot, also we will get a chance to escape eventually.

The battle was escalating fast, but the group was well organized. They have someone fighting in close quarters with the alligator, one of the others had telekinetic powers and was throwing rubbles every time he had a chance.

What surprised me the most was that they had a working railfle, but the guy shooting it was horrible at it, and the reload speed was slow.

The other two had a shotgun and a normal rifle.

Their teamwork was amazing.

"Are we staying here until the battle ends?".

I denied with my head.

"No, it's better if we try to leave while it's still going… just in case the alligator wins"

When we arrived at the corner I heard a shot from the railfle but this time it hit the alligator and managed to hurt him a little.

Unfortunately, it didn't kill it.

The alligator kept fighting and managed to hit with his tail the guy fighting in melee, he fell and the alligator got close to him.

Before it could use his jaws the telekinetic guy threw a big boulder on him and prevented it from giving the last hit on the fighter.

I took her hand again and started running to the intersection. I felt a little guilty for throwing this problem on them, It was like if set up a trap for them, but our safety is more important.

After shaking his head the alligator started his assault again, but this time his objective was on his feet again.

I heard another shot from the railfle before I turned on the corner and continued to run with Hayley

When we arrived at the next corner the alligator was again behind us, apparently, after a second shot from the railfle hit him he was scared and run away.

Toward us.

"Come in here"

We went inside another building and closed the door.

The team that was hunting the alligator was following close, I didn't get why they were so focused on hunting it down. If it was me, after I made it run away, I would go hide and not take that big of a risk. The battle started once again. The alligator was in despair trying to wound them.

The guy with telekinetic power was using rubble from a collapsed building next to us. What was left of it started shaking and collapsed again. And that building overthrew ours.

I should have checked the place before there wasn't enough time, our building was shaking too and was about to break down.

"We need to leave"

I made Hayley leave the building and I followed behind her. when we were a couple of meters away from the place where we were a few seconds ago collapsed, we both fell because of the shockwave that followed.

We were in a bad situation, on the line of fire, the alligator was close to us, and our sudden appearance just enraged it more, and was charged toward us.

The guy with the shotgun made the others stop shooting when he noticed us, and the melee fighter ran behind the alligator, but just for a second, he suddenly stopped running and froze on place. The alligator was coming straight to us, while we were standing again. My rifle fell when the build collapsed.

I pulled out the knife I got earlier and pushed Hayley away just when the alligator was about to arrive.

I moved to the side. His scale grazed me but I was able to avoid the worst part of attack while making a rapid turn I tried to stab it.

It didn't work, the scales were too hard, the knife was made of a special alloy so it didn't break either.

The alligator tried to hit me with the tail but again I was able to dodge successfully.

From the five guys that were there before the one with the normal rifle and the melee fighter were nowhere to be seen. And both the telekinetic and the one with the railfle looked scared. It must be because of Hayley's aura.

I wasn't going to interact the too much with them so I don't care, but the guy with the shotgun had a familiar face, I have no idea where I have seen him before.

The boost in agi felt amazing and I wondered how would it be if I used the free points in agi.

The alligator charged at me again and this time I was able to stab it in his eye, I was too close to it when I managed to do it so it hit me harder than I expected. At least it worked, about half of that was pure luck, the other half was the enhancement reflexes and my high agi. The alligator shierk and started rolling in pain. The tail was dangerous so it wasn't easy to get near.

My knife was stuck on the alligator's eye.

I went and helped Hayley stand up again. And made her take cover.

The alligator was moving around with the knife buried in his eye. Using his other eye he charged once again when noticed me. The rage was boiling inside him, it started charging at me again. I moved away from Hayley to no put her in danger and dodged all the attacks I could.

Even if it was resistance his speed was nothing unusual and I was able to react and dodge almost all of the attacks. A couple of the grazed me but thanks to my high endurance and damage resistance I wasn't

From time to time the shotgun and the railfle would shot at the alligator between charges, but their help was almost useless. The railfle didn't manage to get a hit, and the other weapons can't damage the alligator.

After his sixth charge, I was able to recover my knife.

After I got my knife back he became even more enraged, the attacks were more dangerous, but also more predictable.

I kept moving around but I couldn't find a moment to stab it again.

The battle went on for a while but once the sun went down it going to be difficult to see the alligator. At the same time, the alligator was getting tired from the blood loss, but I felt a little pain in the place were the alligator hit me when I stabbed him.

In a slow charge I was able to stab my knife again in the same eye but this time I took a firm grip and got on top of the alligator.

I used my revolver and stabbed it in the second eye before pulling the trigger twice. The pain was more than what the alligator could handle and rolled around in pain again. I jumped from it but couldn't take back my revolver.

The alligator was rolling slower each time and after a minute it was motionless. I went to Hayley's side and saw the revolver with the barrel bent.


[You killed an F-Rank Beast 5 system point awarded]

Really just F-Rank? There were at least two D-Ranks fighting it!

Even if I'm also an F-Rank and was the one who managed to kill it, wasn't that a little overpowered for an F-Rank?

I was annoyed, I lost a revolver wasted bullets and was hurt. In the battles before I was able to at least recover the points I used in battle, but this time I didn't.

I cleaned and put away the knife before picking the rifle and revolver from the floor, I hope G can fix it somehow.

After the battle, the other guys were seeing us with weird eyes. The guy with the shotgun was looking just at Hayley.

"Thanks for the help, we have to go back to our refuge". I said

Hayley was clearly trying to remember something too.

"Wait! why don't you come with us?". The guy with the shotgun got closer to us.

"No thanks".

We turn around to leave, but the guy insisted.

"Hayley, come with us please, you will be safer with us than with him!". The guy pleaded.

I remember now…

I hate this guy.