I Read a Book

Rose finally let me go and we got to the apartment.

I sat on the couch and Dante jumped into my lap and snuggled there, it was his way of showing that he was worried too. Hayley added a couple of layers of clothes and was using the full suit we got at the store, the only difference in her from before was that she wasn't wearing goggles anymore.

I told them all about the trip, how when we were on our way back an alligator attacked us, I told about the appearance of Ian's group, and how I had to take care of the alligator anyway. I also mentioned Ian's invitation and the powers I was able to identify from his partners.

I gave the revolver to G.

"Do you think you can fix it?" I had to ask just in case.

He took the revolver and saw the barrel.

"It's not worth, if I made any mistake it can blow up on your hands".

I already knew that, but the confirmation hurt me anyway… at least I don't have to spend points on bullets anymore.

"If it makes you feel yesterday with Hope and Rose, we were able to find almost everything we need to make the crossbows".

"What are you lacking?"

"I haven't found something to make the limbs for the medium crossbows".

"Focus on the light crossbows meanwhile, now let's go to train".

They all looked at me for a second before Hope asked.

"It's a mission?"

"No, but it helps me to stay fit, that saved me when I fought the alligator".

This time Hayley talked.

"You should rest your leg for today".

"You got hurt?" Hope looked at me with the same face that mom made when she thought I was hiding something.

"Nothing bad just got a bruise on my leg during a clash". I showed them that it was just a bruise, but it had the opposite effect.

"""You are resting!""".

I'm not sure why but apparently the bruise is a lot worse than I think. I don't know since when they are the ones with medical knowledge or the ones that actually have the bruise, but even G took the girls side this time so apparently I'm resting for today.

Since I wasn't going to exercise today I was planning on going to the other apartments and take out a couple of bathtubs. I told them about the rain clouds I saw earlier and my idea to collect water, to clean ourselves and our clothes, but in the end, they didn't let me do anything that requires physical effort.

Apparently, they don't trust me either, so ask Dante to follow me around to be sure that I don't do anything.

Since Dante wasn't available Rose couldn't practice with her power, so she was going with G and Hope to do what I said with the bathtubs.

The idea was simple we were going to pick about 3 bathtubs and seal them. Then using a tent from a camping equipment we found in an apartment on the third floor we are going to create a water collector that will lead the water to the bathtubs to fill them.

We don't know how much is going to rain, but I hope is enough to at least fill one of the tubes.

Since all of them were wandering out of the apartment, Hayley could move freely around the house and be reading one of his father books in the living room.

I was restless, I'm not sure why but it felt weird being there doing nothing. I moved around thinking about what to do.

"If you are bored you can read a book".

"Shouldn't Hope be reading them?".

"She said she already did and remembers everything".

I really don't know what else to do.

"Ok give the other one".

The books were both about basic mechanisms, mechanics, how to build, and stuff like that. There were a couple of differences between them. The one Hayley was looking was a little more advanced and had an introduction to electronics too.

I took the book in my hands, I felt like it wasn't really productive for all of us to learn the same stuff, but right now I don't have another choice.

Looking at the index I noticed the that I already knew a good part of it. I was thinking of jumping directly to the middle of the book when a notification surprised me.

[Book absorption triggered, checking contents…]

[Requirements Int > 15, Science Knowledge > Lv. 1, Checking requirements…]

[Requirements fulfilled. Does the user want to absorb mechanics book? (Y/N)]

[System note: The book is lost during the process]

This was unexpected, from what Hayley said it Hope already memorized all his contents so the book was no longer necessary, but it was also memento from Hayley's father.

"Is the index that interesting?".

I have been looking at the index of the book for about a minute, so Hayley thought it was weird.

"I had a notification from the system, I can absorb the book, but it's loss if I do".

"Really? what are you waiting?".

"The book is not mine, is your father's, also it was intended for Hope and you"

"Hope already knows the contents and can recreate all the pages to the last detail, just do it".

"Are you sure?".

"I want to see if you get anything from it".


[User obtained Mechanics Lv.0]

[Achievement Unlocked]

[I read your book

You finally showed some reading culture

Read one book

Reward: Int+1]

My mind was filled with the knowledge from the book, after a second (and a headache) I understood the basics of how some of the objects I used daily before the Meteor Shower worked.

Lv. 0?

From what had happened before, if it's level 0 means that I had to practice or do something else before I'm able to use the skill in an effective way. I checked my own stats, and as I was thinking mechanics was not under the knowledge category, but under the production. If I want to get better just raw knowledge is not enough to get the Lv. 1, so I need to build a couple of things to get Lv. 1.

The book in my hands became dust. Hayley was looking at the whole process and was shocked by what happened to the book.

"Wow it's really lost, I wish I had this ability for the history of art, the most boring class you can imagine, wasn't expecting the book becomes like that though".

I was also surprised that the book became dust, I thought it would just disappear, became specks of light or that it was going to be blank after I absorbed it.


Dante who was resting at my side moved his ears and looked at me.

"Where is G working on the crossbows?".

'He made a workshop on the apartment in front of yours~'.

"I'll go have a look".

"You don't want to try with this book?".

The other book was in front of me to absorb. When I took it, the same message appeared again.

[Book absorption triggered, checking contents…]

[Knowledge is not enough to generate a skill do you wish to absorb anyway? (Y/N)]

"This one is not going to give me a skill".


"It says that the knowledge is not enough since most of the contents of this books are similar to the one I already absorbed".

"Too bad, you think we should look for more books?".

"It would be good if we found one, but I don't think is something we should focus on. Controlling our powers are the key to survival so there should be our focus".

"Any advice regarding how to use my powers?".

"Sorry my abilities don't require practice, so I don't know". I tried to think about something.

Compared to Dante, Rose or Hope, her abilities are developing slower, but I don't know why. She looked at Dante for a second.

"Dante how you do to be so good at using telepathy?".

'I don't knyow~ I just use it and it gets better~'. He was looking back at Hayley while tilting her head.

Hayley seemed discouraged by his answer but I thought about his words.

"That's it!!" Hayley jumped at my sudden yell.


"That's why Dante is so good at it!! He is not "practicing" he uses his power always, he needs it to talk with us, he kept the connections in case we need them. He is always using his power".

"But I'm always using mine too".

"Think of your power as two parts, one passive like my reflexes or my sight, and an active part like Hope's. You are not using your powers you are just trying to inhibit the passive part".

Her eyes light up when she understood what I was saying.

"We need, you to use them for real!".