First Hunt

When I wake up the warm feeling in my hand was still there, Phantom Rose was sleeping next to me, I didn't know that she could sleep outside her body, it can be an effect of our link. I got near her I whispered in her ear.

"Rose, Wake up". Since I don't know the effect of leaving her alone I preferred to wake her up so at least she can go continue to sleep in her body.

Outside the rain stopped again and the sky was clear. At my side, Rose slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning cutie" she was looking back at me.

'Why did you come to my room!'

"This is my room. You fell asleep next to me in your astral form"

She looked around and her hands surprised.

'How is this possible I tried sleeping next to you the other day, but I couldn't!'. To be honest, I think I felt something the other day, and the revelation didn't surprise me either way.

"It's probably the link, we were holding hands all night while you were sleeping. Waking up with you it's amazing but you can't do it, we don't know if leaving your body for that long could have a side effect".

'I know I thought of seeing you for a while and then go back, but I didn't expect to fall asleep here'.

"Go back to your body, I'll see how Is G doing and see you for morning exercise".

'Ok'. She went back using astral portal and left me alone in my room.

I went to G's room and told him that I was going up to train. Since the sun was rising he was in better condition than yesterday.

When I arrived at the roof Rose was already there. I gave her a quick kiss before G's arrival and started to train. G came a little later, he talked with Rose about something and hugged her. While I was doing my training in my mind was the selection of the agility perk.

My leg was already fine, and the ear was stable but with Rose there, I had no permission to spar as hard as before.

G and I had to hold back a lot during our spar, I focused mainly on dodging to get used to my speed. But it wasn't as helpful as before the crow attack, and it also lacked the adrenaline and the fear of a real battle.

After that, we sealed all the receptacles filled with water and put them on the free room in our apartment. Rose cleaned herself while we were doing this and after that, it was my turn.

We ate together. Hayley still had to use the suit but the idea of focusing her ability was working well and now she could eat with us without problems.

Hayley and Hope wanted to train their powers, I don't know what happened, but both were unusually motivated. G was going to make a screen to have more privacy in the roof.

"What should we do?". Rose was looking at me since her power training was better with me at her side she would be floating around me while I do something else.

I already had an idea, but I knew that no one will like it.

"I want to go hunting". They were gazing at me

"What?! Why?!" it was Hope who asked.

"I want to scout around this area, also in the process, I can advance a little in one of my current missions, and I'm sick of this packed and canned food".

"I can go with you". G offered himself to accompany.

"I prefer for you to stay here, if something happens here I want someone who can fight"

"Then you are going out alone?" Hope made a worried face, she knew that besides G anyone else would just hold me back instead of helping

"No, Rose will come with me".

"You are taking Rose on a dangerous mission? I understand if you want to go out on a date, but I don't think is a good idea to do it like this".

I looked back at Hope.

"it's not going to be dangerous for her, she will be in Astral form and if for any reason there is something that can hurt her in any way she can use astral portal to escape". I used that moment to explain astral link to Hope and Hayley.

When we finished eating I went with G to the workshop. I took 12 bolts with me, 5 from each of the standard types and 2 of the hollowed point ones. Using the system I bought 5 acid capsules for 10 points to put on the bolts. I also had to buy special gloves for 10 more points to use while manipulating the acid, this will be useful to wear in case I made a mistake in the process.

There were no problems when I finished the bolts, the idea of them was for the tip to break on impact, and when that happens the acid will get on the beast. I think it can be used if I found a tough beast like the alligator from the other day.

I didn't take the rifle for obvious reasons, but I took the handgun just in case. I checked everything once again, I had an improvised bolt quiver that G made next to the diving knife hanging on my belt. I put on a leather jacket that I found in one of the apartments and the diving suit under my clothes it's not much but maybe they have some value as an armor.

Last, I choose the acrobat perk, it was a difficult decision, the utility value of light steps was bigger but is not as suited for combat as acrobat, and what I'm lacking the most is battle prowess.

The crossbow wasn't big, when I was practicing yesterday I was able to shoot even with just one hand, of course, that was at the cost of precision. I cocked the crossbow but didn't put any bolt yet

"I'm leaving" G was now working in the folding screens, he took all the materials to the roof to work under the sun. Rose was floating around me faster than yesterday, I should say that she was flying around me instead of floating.

I moved silently, this time I went out without Hayley her aura wouldn't scare away most of the beast like last time and this was a double-edged sword. Since most of the beast won't escape I will be able to find them easier but if a battle becomes too noisy it will attract other beasts near.

Rose started her job as a scout and moved ahead of me to take a peek. I moved in direction of our old neighborhood.

I prefer to fight farm animals than another forest or swamp beast, probably they taste better too.

"I found a heard mix of sheep and goats"

"How many?"

"About ten, seven sheep and three goats they are moving towards you"

I moved to a nearby building. This time I moved slowly and checked all the building around me to be sure that it was not going to collapse in midbattle like last time. I arrived at a window on the second floor and hide, Rose moved in her range to be sure that there was no other beast near.

The flock was passing right in front of me since they were all together it was easy to hit at least one. I could easily throw a grenade from here but it wasn't going to help my future development. I took one of the normal bolts and loaded it on the crossbow. One of the sheep appeared to notice something. And stopped to look around.

I aimed at a goat, with all that wool I'm not sure if the bold would penetrate enough to hurt them so they can't escape, this was the first time I was the hunter and not the prey.

I pulled the trigger and the bolt flew and hit the goat I was aiming, but just in a thigh, since I don't have the crossbows skill I don't have any corrections like with firearms. I reloaded the second bolt and shot again.

After the first bolt, there was a little chaos in the flock 3 sheep run from where they were coming, a goat and a sheep run in the other direction. To my surprise, the third goat moved and used its horns to deflect the bolt and was unscathed.

The sheep that stopped at the beginning was looking at me. And the other two goats started to baa in a soft tone.

I got a bad premonition, but it was late since I started to feel drowsy.

I loaded the crossbow again and this time I charged an acid bolt and aim at one of the sheep. It was a miracle that I was able to aim near them. The goat once again blocked the shot, but this time the bolt point fragmented and caused some damage on the goat, and then the acid capsule broke.

This brought me back, in his pain, the goat got acid on his eyes and started to move in an erratic way and bump into one of the sheep.

I think that one I decided to call reconnaissance sheep gave an order cause the remaining sheep run away. The wounded goat tried to escape but couldn't move his leg, I loaded another bolt to kill it, but it was a normal goat.

The other goat knocked out himself went crash against a building. Rose went to check that the sheep weren't coming back. And with the knife, I killed the other goat. I noticed that something rare on the horns, and to be able to deflect bolts It must have some kind of ability.

[Congrats user killed an F-Rank beast 5 System Point received]

I decided to take both goats back, with the help of Dante we called G and brought both goats.

Since it didn't take much time I went out again right away.