Baseball Bat Guy

I was about three blocks away when I got another notification.

[Congratulations for killing an E-Ranked beast, 15 system points rewarded]

[Mission Complete: Kill at least 10 beasts (they had to be at least F-Rank)

Reward: 50 System points]

The fact that the poison was able to kill an E-Ranked beast took me by surprise. I didn't expect that an E-Ranked beast would be under Jamie's orders, neither I expected that the poison would work on one.

With this, one of the main missions I set for tonight had advanced, I have no way to know how many dogs are still there, but I hope that the other traps are enough to take them out. I couldn't find the baseball bat guy, but taking out 2 beasts and completing the mission was enough for now.

With the commotion probably most of the people run back to the mansion. I could use this chance to rest a little, but I want Rose to come back before resting.

I must stay close enough to keep my harassing tactics, and going too far I would find more beast, outside Jamie's influence zone the amount of roaming beast is at least ten times more than in the city.

I chose a house similar to the ones I already used before, I didn't put an alarm this time, I directly went to the second floor and tried to see the situation on the mansion from there.

This house was on a corner so I have enough visibility to see at least the guard post 3 blocks away. It's not like I can see too many details so I can't identify if the guards are the same as last night or yesterday, but at least I can know the movements they make. After an hour I saw two guards go back to their post.

Just like them, I could notice 2 patrols roaming, and 3 groups left the place to look around. One of them was coming this way, I'm pretty sure that I noticed the baseball bat in the hands of a loner but he went in another direction.

I left the house before the guys coming this way were able to notice me, so I moved towards the guy with the baseball bat.

I already made my decision so I should stick with it even if it weights on my mind later.

I took a deep breath before leaving the house in the direction of the baseball bat guy. After moving around yesterday, and because this place was near the place I grow up, I was already used to layout and could move around easily.

Last night they didn't understand that and had a lot of errors in their decision making. I killed one of them, and they didn't notice… so they know that sending people one by one was useless. They also left their base unprotected and I was able to sneak around and cause a ruckus on the mansion.

[Congratulations for killing and F-Ranked beast, 5 system points rewarded]

I also lay traps all around their base. After thinking about it laying traps around had a nice revenue, the cost was 15 system points and even if I was able to kill just 3 F-Rank beasts I already recovered my investment.

If I do this in the city I might be able to get a continuous stream of system points, and if I use the meat we got from the beast I would need just the poison.

I definitely will try this later.

I arrived at the place around where the baseball bat guy should be… at least where I think he should be.

I moved trying to find any clue about that guy's presence, but unlike the others he wasn't destroying stuff. Since the sun was already out I couldn't be as careless as in the night since I don't have the shadows to boost my stealth.

I stayed for a little while waiting for the guy to appear.

'Where did he go?'. I was wondering what happened. It's not like my planning and prediction capabilities were perfect, but if he got simple orders, it should be obvious that he will use the most direct method.

Then it had to do with the orders he got?

There were two orders that he could be told… well three. The first was to just patrol the area. The second is to look for me, the one that killed the fat guy and threw the smoke bombs. The third is something else unrelated to me like hunting another beast, but for that, he would be in a larger group.

If he hasn't come here yet, it means that he wasn't ordered to patrol, but to look for me, then he should be taking his time checking every place one by one. At least that's what I think he was told to do, he should have received specific order about this, otherwise, he would just be like the fat guy.

If my deduction is correct, I have a few options. I can wait for him here, but I don't know how much time it would take for him to come here. I can keep looking for him, but there is the possibility that we miss each other. Or I can attract him here, but I can call the attention of someone else.

Some kind of trap would be the best, but a landmine or an explosive device would attract too many people. Maybe I can just use the handgun to kill him. Unlike yesterday there is not enough noise to cover the shotgun's sound.

But this leaves the main problem, how can I attract him without bringing more people here.

If I try to use a smoke bomb a flash or some kind of visual signal the guards would be able to see it, and if he is inside somewhere he will not see it anyway. The only way I have to attract him is making some noise, but not as loud as to reach the guards or someone else ears.

Maybe I should break a glass or something? It's worth the shot, the guards shouldn't be close enough to hear it, and the other groups went in different directions. If this doesn't work I can always go a little farther and throw a couple of smoke bombs so I have enough time to kill the guy and run before the others arrive.

In the backyard, I took a chair and broke the window, after that, I hid a part of the roof to have a good view. The sound wasn't as great as the mess the fat guy made last night, but it should be enough to call the attention of someone near.

I waited for about 15 minutes… and no one came so I carefully went to the backyard again and broke a second window, I repeated this a couple of times. When I was about to break the last window a sound surprised me and a shadow jumped the backyard wall…

That' was why I couldn't find him in the streets, he was moving around the same way as me.

The guy looked at me with rage while falling from the wall he just jumped.

A thump sounded when he landed. I didn't have the opportunity to take him by surprise so all I could do was fight head-on.

While he was landing I took my pistol and shot him before he could move. He saw my movement and instead of standing, he went forward, and the bullet passed over him. I didn't lose my focus, but he surprised me with the way he dodged. While he was rolling I shot three more times.

The bullets were in a formation that made difficult to dodge to the side, but to my surprise, he managed to get out of it unscathed the left bullet wasn't even close to cause he chose the right to dodge.

The bullet that was intended to fall on his chest barely grazed his clothes and the bullet that was supposed to be the one sealing his path to the right was deflected by the baseball bat.

'What kind of insane reaction is that!'

The way he moved… the reaction time…

If I'm not wrong this guy had a reflex or agility enhancement, maybe both. He charged towards me and I shot him three more times, I wanted to at least injure him before he got to Close quarters. The last three bullets I shot didn't manage to do anything.

I didn't have enough time, so I let the handgun go and took the knife out while jumping back to evade the incoming hit.

Once again the guy surprised me. To avoid the momentum of the bat, he just let it go and moved forward throwing a punch, using my forearm I blocked and move again trying to put more distance between us. The bat hit the floor, but it bounced back into the guy's hand.

This guy's ability should be better than mine.