You did Nothing Wrong

Under Rose directions, I arrived at the house without troubles. I was too far for the guards to notice me.

I found the first aid kit in a bathroom. I disinfected the wound, I tried to hold my tears to not cry in front of my worried girlfriend. I don't know why, but this has always been my weakness I almost prefer to be shot again than put more of that thing on my wounds! The wound wasn't bleeding anymore since the bullet didn't hit any critical vessel, I can say I was lucky.

Using a needle and thread, I give it a couple of ugly stitches to seal the wound, this is going to definitely leave a scar… afterward, I covered it with a tight piece of cloth. I searched the kit and found a couple of painkillers that may come handy later.

I tried to move my arm around to see how bad it was. I noticed Rose's worried gaze.

"I'm going to be fine, you don't need to worry." She was looking at the blood on the jacket. I know that she felt guilty.

'Shouldn't we go back? You are hurt, at least get some backup, we can bring my brother or something'.

I understand her point but if I go back now I wouldn't have time to recover anyway, and every extra person here is a potential enemy in the case that Jamie controls him. I was deep in thought, but after everything that happened last night I needed some sleep, and now with Rose here I can ask her to guard while I take a quick nap, before coming to a decision.

"Let me think about it… I will rest a little first and then see what I will do. Can you help get away from here?, Eventually they will find that guy's body and I don't want to be close when that happens."

She looked my eyes and probably noticed the dark circles around my eyes and my tired face

'Spence, did you sleep last night?'

"Let's move first I'll tell you everything when we leave this place."

I bought another magazine for the handgun and reloaded before leaving. I described the routes that the other two groups took to Rose, she flew high to get a good view of the area. She created a simple path to move 2 blocks away from our current position.

I trusted her and followed her instructions and managed to safely arrive at the new place.

She looked at me and told.

'What happened last night?'

I gave her a weak smile and told her the full story

I told her how I heard the "alarm" sound, and that one of the dogs picked up my trace. How I had to leave that place, and the people from the mansion started to search for me. My plan of taking out the dogs and the guys with the weird snake-chains, how I killed the fat guy from behind with the shotgun, the traps I placed to kill the dogs, my idea of harassing them so they would be tired and it would be easier to go inside later… and how this morning I went out to hunt the guy I was fighting before.

"I overestimated myself and almost died there…"

'I shouldn't have left you alone… I was terrified when he was choking you, I tried to hit him, but I couldn't do anything… in the end, I managed to somehow move the knife… I was so scared Spence, for a moment I thought that I was going to lose you.'

"I was scared too." Just thinking about that moment made me feel shivers again. Just remembering all the things I did last night was enough to make me feel awful, but all that was nothing compared to the fact that I almost died.

Being next to Rose comforted me, even if I couldn't touch her just her presence had an invigorating effect on my soul. I was tired, but I also wanted to enjoy her company for a while, so we just sit next to each other.



"Do you think what I did last night was wrong?"

She didn't answer me right away. Instead, she seemed deep in thought.

'It depends what do you mean with "wrong."'

Her answer surprised me, but she continued talking before I could answer her.

'If you go by the morals of how the world used to work, killing, poisoning, and all that may be wrong.'

It was the same as I thought, but what about this new world? How much the rules changed because of this? Are there limits or anything goes as long as you have the strength to back it up?

'Talking about right and wrong is meaningless. We don't know how people will act, among the people under Jamie's control there might even be people who were willing to be controlled… you know why?'

The question surprised me, I remembered those dudes destroying houses that even seem to be having fun with this.

'It's not anything complex Spence… it's Because that is their only way to survive. If you are not strong enough, you will die, it's that simple, so following someone strong is their best way to keep their lives. Most people out there will do anything to survive, and we are no different… that the new right thing to do.

When I saw you fighting earlier, I understood that if I had a way to kill that guy I would have done it. And I know that if I'm in a situation like that you will do it without hesitation... You are already doing it.

By our world's old standard the thing you did last night may be seen as wrong or even evil… but I don't care what you have done or what are you planning to do for all of us to survive, in my eyes working toward our survival is the right thing to do. If you feel like the thing you did last night will improve your survival chances, then you did nothing wrong because right now the only important for me is our survival.'

All that she said was the same I have been thinking all this time, but I couldn't help but stick a little to the morals of how everything used to work. Maybe it's because I'm in fact the only one that had done those things. But knowing that at least Rose thinks like me can give me some peace of mind.

"Thank you Rose" I gave her I kiss on the forehead. Of course, it wasn't a real kiss, but in our hearts it was.

'You don't need to thank me for anything, now go to take a nap, I'm going to watch over you.'

I nodded my head and lay down on the couch. I could feel Rose warm hand "playing" with my hair.

I was too tired, so I fell sleep right away.


(Jamie POV)

I was pretty annoyed…

Who the f**k dares to come in the middle of the night to mess up with me.

It has to be Pyro trying to rescue his friends. I wonder what face will he do when he finds that most of them are dead. If they were alive, I would hang them out there for him to understand the consequences of going against me… I could do that with the girl though.

At that moment a guy I always called butler… because he was kind of a butler, or I think that's how butlers are…

"Sir, we found another body."

F**k I can't keep losing people like that, I have no idea how but he had blown fatty's head and killed 2 dogs and a goat already.

"Who was this time?".


"Who is that."

"The old leader of that gang."

He was alive?...

"Didn't I kill him about a week ago?"

"No, you got annoyed because Pyro and the bomber escaped, so you decide to torture him to vent, you didn't kill him because, and I quote "he was useful, and fun to torture"."

"Oh… I remember now… too bad he died, go get Pyro's girl, we will hang her somewhere for him to see."

"Sir, I'm not sure if this guy was Pyro, it doesn't seem his style…"

"What do you mean?"

"Fatty head was blown by something like a shotgun, Freddie wasn't burned either he was stabbed."

"… Ok don't hang the girl, I can have more fun with her in front of him… that would be fun, send more people out to look for him."

"Sir the main patrols are all out already."

"Did I ask how many people are out?". Butler went pale.

"No Sir, I'll go right away."

"I accept your advice, but don't forget who has the power here." You have to control the people that think has some kind of freedom

"Yes Sir, forgive me, I'll go to tell the others to leave right now."

"Good, I'll be resting, and pass this order, capture him alive, I want to control him if he could kill fatty and the other guy he should be strong, and I want to punish him properly for not letting me sleep last night."

"Yes, sir." Butler made a bow before leaving me.

I headed to the bed and prepared to sleep for a while.

When I was about to fall asleep, I heard a cat.


I looked around but couldn't find anything, so I tried to sleep again.


Nothing again, I have no idea where is the hidden cat.


WHAT THE F**K is happening?.