Moving Out

I could hear Rose soft breathing at my side, outside was still dark, but the purple tones in the sky announced the sunrise.



'Did you notice anything weird last night?'

'No~ they just stayed in two apartments and slept, they didn't try to block me either~.'

'And outside~?'

'Nothing weird, the number of beasts is growing though~.'

It should be because of Jamie's dead, even if it was dangerous, his presence prevented the beast from coming to the city in significant numbers. Now that he died the beasts are going to pass that place without problems, so it's not surprising that their numbers are going up.

'Ok, thanks when we move later try to look for people around and try to see if there is anything weird with their memories.'

'Should I look for something specific~?'

'Lack of memories from before the meteor shower and recent time lapses.'


I stayed in bed for a while until I saw the first glimpses of the sun. I kissed Rose to wake her up, and she slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

I wanted to stay with her on the bed, but we had to move to arrive at Dr. Harting's school on the other side of the city.

I left the room and went to the kitchen and prepared coffee, Isabella appeared just at that time and made breakfast with the thing we couldn't take with us.

Rose appeared next with everything ready to travel. I went to change clothes and get my stuff.

Since I had a heavy backpack, it was annoying to fight with it. After a while, everyone came to the kitchen to eat, and the living room was filled with bags.

G alone was carrying more than the rest of us together, but I said nothing about it. I handed the weapons to everyone. G was going to just take his hammer, so he is not carrying a long-range weapon.

The Railfle was inside a bag since we didn't have either bullets or a way to fire it. The two crossbows were taken by Rose and Hayley, and the regular Rifle was in Hope's hands, the reason for this is that she will eventually use the Railfle, so she must get used to this type of weapon.

I used the same as last time, a simple dive knife, my suppressed handgun, and the shotgun.

'Dante, has Dr. Harting woken up?'

'Yeah, they are eating their supplies~.'

'Ok tell Dr. Harting that we are ready.'

'He said 5 minutes~.'

We end our breakfast and gave things for everyone to carry. We went downstairs to find Dr. Harting and his group.

Dana hid behind her mother, she had Dante in her arms… he hated it but she didn't need to know that, and his presence kept her calm.

Dr. Harting and the other people were waiting for us. When they saw the amount of thing that G was carrying they offered help, but he rejected it.

"Are you ready sure you don't leave nothing important behind?"

"Yeah, we always have more or less everything we need on hand in case we need to move away fast."

"Good decision, I think it' a little late but we haven't introduced ourselves properly, you already know Ian and Leon, and this is Scott" he pointed at Ian, the guy with telekinesis was Leon, and Scott was the guy with the dark aura that could hide them from Dante.

I introduced ourselves and pointed every time I mentioned a name.

"You probably already noticed, this is my sister Hope, my girlfriend Rose, and friends Gerhard, Hayley, Isabella and Dana and the cat in Dana's arms is Dante."

I noticed that when I mentioned Rose as my girlfriend, Ian made an interested face, but I decided to ignore it, if everything happens, Dante will know.

"Since we have already made the proper introductions we can leave this place."

"How are we going to go there?"

Last time I took the route through the north part of the city with Hayley, but that was to avoid the major groups, so we have no need to do that this time.

"We are going through the center, we will pass near the clinic since they have that place more or less controlled."

"Ok let's go then."

The moment I stepped outside I could feel something looking at me, and I followed that direction in the sky.

'Dante, do you feel someone near us?'

'No, why?'

'Someone is looking at us.'

He probably it's outside Dante's reach. Everyone was looking at me and trying to figure out what I was looking at.

"Hey Scott, can you hide us from that?"

"No, I have tried, but I can't make us invisible, and we believe that his power is purely visual."

It's like Rose's old power? I wonder if he can listen to us.

I took a deep breath and looked directly to the point from where I feel he was looking at us

"Don't try me," I said it the most threatening way I could and took a quick glance at the south of the city.

I don't know if it worked, but a second later I noticed that the presence disappeared.

"Apparently it' not purely visual, he can listen to us too."

All of them were looking at me dumbfounded.

"Shall we continue?"

Dr. Harting didn't seem surprised but was looking at me with curiosity.

We finally started to move,

Dante, as usual, kept the beasts away from us, and we were able to move without problems. From time to time we let a beast slip so we could hunt it, they found weird that I was teaching Hope how to shoot at this time, but no one said anything about it.

I didn't kill any of the beasts, so I didn't get points from them, but Hope managed to get more used to the rifle's recoil, it's probably going to hurt later, but I'm not going to tell her about it now.

When we passed near the clinic there was a patrol of about three people, they were visibly scared when they saw a large group but calmed down when they recognized Dr. Harting.

We continued our way without problems.

'Spence~? there are five people near that had no memories of what happened before the meteor storm~.'

'Where exactly?'

'Three are with a lot more people in that direction~.' He used his tail to point in the direction of the clinic. 'The other two are about two blocks away in front of us~.'

An ambush? I stopped there. It was still weak, but I could feel danger in that direction, everyone was watching me.

"Is something wrong?" The first one to ask was Dr. Harting.

"There is an ambush in that place." I pointed at the place that I thought was dangerous.

Everyone looked in that direction.

Usually, I would try to kill all of them, but with so many people here if they have a powerful ability, it will be difficult to help everyone if a battle breaks out. Also, I can't move that well with the stuff I'm carrying, and it's not right to get rid of supplies.

'Dante do you have a way to track them down?'

'Mmm~, as long as they don't leave my area~, I can maintain a connection~.'

"We should avoid them." I said

Scott looked at me.

"We should kill them, aren't you supposed to be powerful? Why you want to avoid them?"

"Will you block a giant fireball if they can throw one to us? Do you have a way to block a mind assault? We saw a guy that can jump through space what will you do if this one can stop time? They have the advantage and have been waiting there for a while, we don't know the traps that could be there. If you want you can go there and kill yourself do it but don't involve us on it, we are taking a detour."

Dr. Harting nodded in agreement

"Spencer is right, they have prepared for us for a while, even if we by chance have a numbers advantage, a messy fight could end in our lost even if we manage to kill them."

With that, it was decided to avoid that place. Apparently, this was the same route that they used when they came to our area before, probably the third party predicted that they were going to use the same path to go back.

Dante told me that those guys memories were almost inexistent, they received the order to kill everyone that passed through yesterday afternoon and have been there since. Who gave the order? No idea. Before that apparently, they were sent to kill someone and done it, but the memory about what happened wasn't there.

They didn't move from there. Of course, I was planning to kill those two but doing it with everyone there was more difficult, so if they stay there, I will come back with a plan.

We finally arrived at a blockade like the one I saw the day we were attacked by an alligator. The guards looked at us, and after recognizing Dr. Harting group, they let us pass.