Cats Can’t Eat Candies

Rose focused her gaze on the last thing I wrote.

"Do you think that there are beasts with these powers?"

"I hope not… but we can't be sure. If you think carefully we have already seen a pet from a legend, why wouldn't there be other legendary or mythic animals more dangerous around?"

Rose turned her gaze to the little moon rabbit at her side.

"What will we do if that happens?" she sed while caressing Lucy's long ears.

"I think that with my sixth sense, I should be able to notice something dangerous getting near us, so if something happens, we will just run away. Anyway, we have yet to see the highest tiered beasts or even our own limits, even if Dante's power is amazing. I don't think that he is at the top of all the beasts, but a death gaze should be rare enough for us to not worry about it for now."

Rose nodded and kept looking at our notes. Since digital tablets don't work anymore, we got a couple of notebooks to write. She started to look for myths and legends related to snakes. I kept studying the information of the snake and other reptile's physiology, she began to read about myths and legends. Since she could handle it, I transmitted my thoughts while I learned about it. Unfortunately, my mind wasn't as fast as Rose's, so I lost my focus when she tried to do the same.

Hope appeared with a couple of books on her arms.

"Hey, guys we are about to…"

She looked a bunch of books, newspapers, and notes around us and looked at Rose.

"Rose… are you going to leave a mess every time you come?"

"What? Why you said that?!?"

"In the morning I had to clean up all the ghost and weird books you left on the table!"

"Oh!… sorry, I forgot because..."

"I know, I know, pink glasses you even forget your poor BFF that had to clean everything because of a guy, my Rose is growing up." She faked some tears.

Rose blushed, but we both knew that Hope was just teasing her.

"Ghost and weird stuff?"

Rose blushed a little at my question.

"Research to understand my power…"

"Did you get anything from it?"

"Not much, most of it was weird stuff as she said, but I would like to look a little more into it. I think that even if most of it is fake, there are some stuff in there that could be useful…"

"Less talk and more helping, both of you. None of you are leaving until you clean this up. Why are you reading about reptiles?"

She took the books and passed the pages to memorize it.

"We want to understand the evolution of the beasts after the meteor shower since I noticed a lot of snakes around we decided to start with them and then branch out the other species."

She stopped a second to look at us for a second.


She continued memorizing books and newspapers before putting them back on their place like a machine.

We helped her, but even with the time, it took her to memorize everything we were slower.

When we finished putting back the books on their places Hope kicked us out and told us to wait for her.

Without option we wait outside with Dante talking, when Hope appeared with the other clerk.

"Bye Joel."

She waved her hand to the other guy and joined us to go home.

"Let's go home. I'm starving."

"We have training first."

"Oh right… did I really need to do melee training? I would prefer to practice with my power or my aim."

"I would like for you to learn at least the basics, later we can focus on your other training… try to read physics books tomorrow it makes it easier to understand your power and some things for aiming. I'll explain anything you don't understand later."

"Ok, but I don't want to pair with Rose in the spars, she is used too much strength, and it hurts."

When we were near the house, we found G carrying a mountain what seemed like a bunch of mats, and other exercise machines.

I went ahead and took a couple of them to help him. I took about a fifth part of the weight he had, and I felt overburdened, but he was carrying it like if it was nothing and from god know were. How much strength does he have?

We went upstairs and went to the roof. I was panting and breathing heavily. I need to rise my str…

We changed into training clothes, Dante was called by Dana to play as usual.

With my level up in Krav Maga the training was going better than before, I had more knowledge about the techniques and could guide them better, and correct mistakes that I couldn't notice before. A notification from the system took me by surprise.

[Skill Obtained Mentor Lv.0]

'System what does Mentor do?'

[Mentor can accelerate the learning process of someone the user is teaching his knowledge or techniques. The skill of the "student" can't go over the skill level of the user. This means that if the user is teaching ant Lv. 3 skill, he can't teach it further that Lv.2.]

That explains why I didn't get the skill before. Since I was Lv.1 Krav Maga, I couldn't teach it pass level 0. Now that I have it at Level 2 they can learn it to Level 1, and the skill was activated… I hope it levels up soon so I can explain them even better.

We kept practicing as usual since Hope didn't want to practice with Rose I was the target of the holds, chokes, and throws for a while.

[User's Endurance went up by 1]

I might even level up damage resistance if I continue like this.

It was weird, but G could control his force way better than Rose… Hope was right it hurt, so after being beaten up by my girlfriend and her brother for a while, we finished all the routine.

We had a peaceful dinner where everyone talked about their days.

Hayley had the most boring by far, but somehow, she likes it… in the last few days, she grew accustomed to training by herself, so she didn't care that much, and even if it was boring she used her time to stroll around a few times.

Hope told us that she has read a lot of books. Since she found most of them boring, she focused on those with totally useless weird facts…

"Did you know that cats can't taste sweet stuff??"

I did know that... but Dana was taken aback with what she considered the worst thing she had ever heard.

She got up of the table and hugged Dante. He didn't really care about candies and tried to console Dana by telling her that tuna is that cat version of candy. It seemed to work, and I noticed Dana give him a tuna can while petting him.

We all focused on them for a while, before continuing.

Beside Mr. Ryan no one was surprised that I went to the ambush place, I didn't mention the reunion with Dr. Harting, I wanted more information about the third party before I tell them more about it.

G was the one making the spear I requested and told us about the different divisions in the armory. I was curious about them, and I thought that it would be fun to work there, but unfortunately, I don't have enough time for it. He also explained the different ways to use beast he learned today. He still is not working in my spear since he wants to practice before going into a real project.

We finished the meal in high spirits, it's been a while since they all could interact with people outside our group and doing this gave at least a sense of safety to them, it helped to lift some weight from Dante's shoulders.

After the meal G asked me a bunch of questions about the Spear I wanted, so I gave him more details. I also showed him the tomahawk I was using. After finishing my conversation with G, I went to bed.

Rose wasn't in our room yet, so I got on the bed and looked at the roof. I didn't have any bruises from the training, but I felt tired so fell asleep right away.