The Southern Lord

Behind us, a white lab rat was standing in his two legs looking at us. It was about my size as I saw food it took me a couple of seconds to calm down and not pounce on it. In the meantime, the rat was making a slight bow to Cai-Cai.

'Our goddess may I know the reason for scaring away my subjects? I can take the disciplinary actions if needed.'

I looked at Cai-Cai that was as surprised as I was looking at the white rat.

'Do you know this guy~?'


'Should we eat him~?'

'Our goddess! Please don't listen to the Demon Lord!'

Now I'm the Demon lord?... What novel has this guy been reading?

We should totally eat him. Actually, it would be difficult for me to eat this one. Why did everyone grow up after the meteor shower? It would be nice to be bigger like a wildcat or a panther… yeah, a panther would be cool.

'Can we not eat him for now?'

Cai-Cai was looking at me with pleading eyes. Looking into her mind, I noticed that she likes being called a goddess. Nicely played stupid rat, you are going to live for the sake of Cai-Cai's self-esteem a little longer.

I tried to explore rat's mind, but it was even more chaotic than when Rose was thinking hard on something. Like if I was hearing hundreds or thousands of voices talking at the same time.

The white rat was relieved that the decision to no eat him was made.

'Thank you for your mercy towards us snake goddess.'

I could almost see Cai-Cai blushing…

I'm pretty sure that we are getting sidetracked here and I forgot something…

'Goddess? May I know why the Demon Lord and you are chasing away my subjects?'

When did we do that?

'Right!!! Can you help us? That human got hurt in a battle, and we don't want him to die.' Cai-Cai said right away.

Oh right! Stan was there.

The white rat turned around and saw Stan's body…

He was still bleeding.

'Yes, goddess we are at your service…'

The next second, we were surrounded by dozens of rats, normal brown ugly rats…

So stinky… I should go back and make Dana feed me tuna~. Rats are fun to hunt and all, but they taste horrible.

About two rats got near Stan and started to lick his wounds… that can't be good right? That's going to earn him a considerable infection…

I was about to stop them when I noticed that stan has stopped bleeding, and from Stan's mind, I knew that he wasn't in pain anymore… did this rats get powers? I tried to get into their minds, but it happened the same as when I tried to read the white rat mind.

'Cai-Cai if someday I got badly hurt… I prefer to die than being licked by the rats…'

Cai-Cai was looking surprised, she couldn't see on Stan's mind like me, but she could see that his face was relaxed and that the bleeding stopped.

'We should take him back to Green Shelter now.' I said to Cai-Cai.

She was in normal mode so she could carry him.

We decided to go back as fast as possible, but the white rat stopped Cai-Cai.

'Our goddess you shouldn't low yourself to carry a simple mortal, let us do the work.'

Well… I'm not going to reject some free… manpower?… or is it ratpower? Let's call them minions, for now. I'm a Demon Lord in their eyes anyway, so it fits.

The minions started to slide under Stan, and his whole body was lifted a couple cm off the floor, the minions carried him following us.

Cai-Cai looked at me.

'What are we going to do about the others?'

I thought about it for a minute. Now that we have someone to deliver Stan at Green Shelter there is no need for us to go back.

'Can you carry him to somewhere near the entrance of Green Shelter?'

I asked the white rat.

'We don't take order from you Demon Lord!!'

I hate this guy… so annoying…

'Can you please?'

Cai-Cai blinked at him cutely while asking… the cute act wasn't necessary. She was their goddess, but I think that she didn't do it on purpose.

'Of course, our goddess.'

Rats are really stupid. Well, at least I can put my full attention into this now. I have to rescue more humans, and discover the secret behind a blood pool or something like that…

I miss my bed~ I should be sleeping at this time~.

Oh! Spencer is awakened… he seems ok, but I can't let him come… better if I don't mention the failure of the scout group.

I will sleep for the next three days once this is over…

With renewed energies, I started to plan what will be our following steps. For some reason, the white rat kept following Cai-Cai… I really don't care if I get some extra help… even if it's from a rat, I will take it.

We moved a little more to the south… towards the place that was on Spencer and Johanna's minds.

Since there was some time before we get to the place we wanted I tried to understand a little what the stupid rat was thinking.

'Why you call her Snake goddess~?'

He looked at me with a fiery gaze that made my blood boil. I thought about pouncing on him again, and when I was about to do it, he talked.

'You may have tried to destroy us! But the appearance of the snake goddess changed the fate you've prepared for us and became our savior!!'

I forgot what I was about to do. Did he hit his head or something right? Cai-Cai looked at me worried.

You really believe him? I was curious what was all this about.

'What are you talking about~?'

'You are not going to trick us! After pushing away everyone from your dominion on the east a few days ago, you arrived at the northern lands with a clear plan to take over the whole Green Continent! You found, tortured and killed the Northern Lord, in front of his son!! His subjects, after obtaining the news started to escape from the Northern Lands, some of them tried to fight against you, but because of your evil ways you kill them without even the son of the previous lord was murdered in cold blood when he tried to avenge his dead father!

The remaining subjects ran away in fear and invaded our dominion looking for a place to stay, causing chaos. They wanted to create a new country and don't follow our rules, we could let them do that, so just like you wanted a war about to break out!!! Luckily before the war began the Snake goddess appeared and took care of those that didn't want to stick to our rules and killed them, saving us from a big war bringing peace to the Southern Lands once again!!'

This guy has read to many web novels. I looked at Cai-Cai now that the misunderstanding was taken care of but…

She was looking at me with fear as if I was a monster. You are kidding, right?

'So… this is because I eat some rats on Green Shelter?'

'Not just a random rat!! You eat the Northern Lord… Brain!' at this point he made a dramatic pause and pretended to cry and continued his explanation 'Brain was a guinea pig, and also my sworn-brother, we grew up together for a whole week on the lab!!'

I hold my gaze on him for whole five seconds of complete silence before turning around and leaving him there.

I'm out of here. This guy should write a novel.

At least Cai-Cai finally noticed that most of the story came from this guy mind, and picked up the pace and followed me to complete our mission.

'Don't run coward!!' the white rat followed us from behind.

I just let him follow us, even if he is a little delusional he is kinda funny and with all those rats under his command, we will have a lot of food… I mean help to complete the mission.

Most of the rats moved to hide or moved through the sewers, so just the white rat was following us. Now that Cai-Cai also notice that the guy was crazy she didn't see me with fear anymore,

'I'm Cai-Cai by the way, do you have a name?'

'In the lab this lowly being baptized as Pinky, The Southern Lord.'

What a horrible name, poor guy. No wonder he added the Southern Lord part to it… but it made it worse. Be honest who would respect a name like Pinky, the Southern Lord?

'That's a nice name!'

Of course, she liked… I let them talk and looked for minds around trying to find the remaining of the scout team.

Without Scott's cover, I find them quickly. They were being delivered to a person, I was sure that he was the one spying before.

When I got into his head to understand what was happening, I confirmed that he was indeed the guy that was spying on them. He gave the orders to the mindless guys.

"Take the dead one to Hamilton for him to bleed it out. Prepare the others for Ramsey, we have to see the potential first."