Mind Damage

Ethan was already pale and sweating profusely, he looked at the two members of the board that just arrived with questioning gazes.

"Let's start with the beginning, I'm Luca D'Aurora, from what Sigrid said you are the leader of Green Shelter Commission right?"

"Yes, my name is Spencer Davies, I assume that you are this city representative from Aurora Group?"

"Indeed, the current head of the Aurora Group is my Granduncle, why are you rejecting Dr. Sullivan from Green Shelter?"

It didn't take me by surprise that the kid and Ethan were somehow related, because of the age it should be his grandson.

"Simple, is the kid on the bed Conrad Sullivan?"

Luca turned towards the bed to see the kid that was on it, even if he tried to hide it, I noticed a little twitch on his pupils.

He turned to Ethan.

"Who is the kid on that bed, Dr. Sullivan?"

At that moment Ethan Sullivan understood that he couldn't count with the support of the rest of the board to force me.

"I can answer that, he is Terry Barker, an orphan with food poisoning, after receiving the news about our decision from Sigrid, with the help of a nurse he was taken here and Conrad was taken to the first floor. Terry was given sedative for him to be sleeping when we came here. As for a reason is simple, a kid sleeping to recover from a food poisoning is not weird, and he wanted to be sure that we took Conrad back to Green Shelter, Terry is an orphan no one would have noticed if he didn't come to Green Shelter."

Everything was clear, some people were looking at Ethan with despise because of what he tried to do, but Mr. D'Aurora was looking at me with curiosity.

"Is the decision of not letting him go to Green Shelter definitive?"

"If a business partner cheated to take advantage of you, would you continue your deals with them?"

He nodded.

"What will happen with Conrad?"

"We didn't decide, we just arrived at pediatrics when I noticed that someone tried to cheat, so I solve that first."

"Good please continue, Dr. Santana will accompany you from now on."

We greeted the woman that came with him, I took the chart from Conrad and left Terry's on its place.

I went to the pediatrics area on the first floor to continue the evaluation.

I decided to leave Conrad at the end since his case was more complicated than the rest on this floor.

The only difference was that this time we were with Dr. Santana, instead of Dr. Sullivan. Now it made sense that he didn't tell me about his name, he thought that if I noticed Conrad's name I might bring Conrad as a favor to him, the problem was that if Terry awakened, I would have discovered that he cheated.

I had to call a nurse to change a bandage that was infected.

The room continued without any major setback, I was more careful and continuously checked with psychometry and my vital point view that the person was, in fact, the one mentioned on the chart.

After a while we were almost finished with the room, the only remaining kid was Conrad. Mikaela couldn't resist the curiosity anymore.

"How did you discover that someone changed the kids?"

The answer was simple, most people I met already knew about my enhanced senses abilities.

"Enhanced Senses, Aura View, Psychometry."


"My ability is Enhanced Senses, but it had some additional perks. When I read the chart, I noticed that the serum that was mentioned on the chart as treatment was not the same as the one given to the patient. I thought it was odd, so I used my psychometry ability and discovered that this kid arrived no too long ago and there was a different kid on the bed before that. After that, I just traced the location of the other kid."

"Is that ability how you noticed the heart condition of the guy in the waiting room?"

"That is was aura view."

The group was looking at me with a mix of surprise and admiration, Dr. Santana and Sigrid included.

"We should continue, Conrad is the next."

I got next to his bed and looked at him. I noticed that Dr. Sullivan was looking at us from far away together with Mr. D'Aurora.

I reread the chart and gave it to Mikaela.

"He has been in this situation since the beginning?"

I asked Dr. Santana.

"Yes, there has been no change since the day one, all his body functions are working perfectly, we have to tube feed him, Dr. Sullivan must have taken it when he brought him down here."

I nodded and kept looking at Conrad. There was nothing wrong with him, his aura was healthy, no powers, and his vital points and vitality flow without problems.


'It's not his soul either.'

I thought about it for a second… if it's not the body or his soul, then it must be his mind.

"Robbert, dive into his mind as deep as you can and tell me if you can find something, take the time you need."

He nodded and went next to the kid and touched his forehead.

15 minutes went by when Robbert finally opened his eyes again.


"No, it's like someone wiped out everything."

"Conrad open your eyes."

I tried to order him like we do to with the goons, but it didn't work.

"Ian, tell him to open his eyes."

I tried to see if he reacted to the implantation of an idea but the result was the same as before.

"He is not going to recover."

Mikaela looked at us.

"But he is healthy, he might recover suddenly right?"

I thought a couple of seconds.



"Sorry, but we need to see if he has any hope, try to see what would happen if we give Conrad Mental therapy, where is he in 6 months."

Cecily also touched his forehead, and we waited a little, it didn't take to much time, but unlike the situation on the waiting room she seemed down.

"Lying in bed, someone is sponge bathing him…"

Mrs. Santana looked at her surprised and said in a barely audible voice

"A seer…"

I ignored the comment. I don't know if it was because it was a kid or there was another reason, but Cecily was clearly affected by it.

"We knew what the chances were. His mind was destroyed on the meteor shower… Conrad died that day … his body it's just an empty shell."

Mikaela was also affected and patted Cecily's back to encourage her a little. This was the real beginning of a difficult night.

I turned my head towards Dr. Sullivan and Mr. D'Aurora that were still looking at us. I shake my head for them to understand that Conrad wasn't coming with us and Dr. Sullivan fell to his knees crying.

Until the last minute, he had some hopes that we might take him with us.

"We must continue to the second floor."

I turned around toward the stairs followed by the rest of the group, the mood was down because of what just happened. Conrad was a difficult call, it was harsh on them that the first patient that we had to reject was a kid, but there was nothing we could do, most of the people on the third floor was going to be like that.

On the second floor there more severe cases, there were 7 people on this floor, 4 traumas, 2 that were recovering from surgery, and 1 infection.

A woman about thirty was on the bed, she was thin and pale. I greeted her and took the chart.

Lina Torp (31 Yrs.)

Admission: September 2, 2050

Diagnosis: Infection, Unknown.

Treatment: Antibiotics, Fluids.

Recovery time: ----.

I looked at the chart.

"How do you feel Lina?"

She looked at me like if I was an idiot.

"I feel like Sh*t, none of this F****ng medicines are working, I fell worse than when I came here."

Well at least she has some attitude there, that was unexpected, I explored a little more, I looked at the symptoms, fever, rapid pulse, nausea, and some more. I'm not a doctor, but I know a little.

I looked at the chart, and at the beginning, they thought that it was a food poisoning, but then she started to get worse. I remembered something from when I was in high school and pressed her abdomen.

"AHH!! The f**k are you doing.?"

This pain wasn't on the chart, and Dr. Santana frowned.

"When did your abdomen start to hurt?"

"I don't know… yesterday?"

Probably she had a food poisoning when she arrived, but it wasn't that she was getting worst, a new problem appeared. Without a way to make a scan and since Lina didn't tell them about her new symptom, they couldn't think about it, luckily I noticed that there was something weird going on.

"Appendicitis?" I told Dr. Santana.

She nodded.

"Probably, we can't confirm it we lack the medical equipment for it, but it's a simple surgery. What worries me it's the timing, I don't know if we have enough time for surgery, and if we do it, we have to wait for her to recover a little before we move her to Green Shelter."